By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 23, 2023



Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

My Master and I spent the next day in bed except for the times either one of us needed to use the restroom. Once we went together and my Master choose to shower me rather than having me drink his urine, I am happily pleased with the choice. Under the covers, my Master did what I had wondered if would ever happen and what the result of it would be. I wondered why he had pulled the sheets and covers over our head, I still was erect from having just been fucked by my Master. When his hand stroked my cock I knew that there was a change coming. Moments later he backed up to me and held my cock to his hairless slit.

I don't think he has been fucked very often. Yes he held me to his slit, but he wouldn't allow me to push my way in. He tried pushing back onto my cock only to stop every time the head of my cock inched in more than the slightest. Whether he was wanted to be fucked but was worried the same as I about what it would do to the Master slave relationship that was already in peril due to the kisses that we had been sharing more and more over that day. Finally he turned around and promised me that some day he would allow me to fuck him even if he had to have been tied down by palace slaves. I froze at that idea, if I ever fuck my Master I don't want anyone else in the palace to know about it, there would be no way that it wouldn't leak back to his father and the Agency.

The arrangement to avoid the hotel staff wondering about the counts on food coming to our floor was that every meal was to be delivered to serve family style for ten people whether we were in or not. All of the entourage had been marched through the lobby numerous times so that it was obvious watching us that there were more than just the three that had walked in originally. Mehmet was certain that the Agency had neutralized the Saudi's monitors although there was most likely more they had left behind to track him.

After forty hours in bed with my Master I knew exactly what a sex slave was expected to do. There wasn't that much new but my Master abused my asshole and mouth like I was a dozen boys he found in an alley outside the hotel. It was good that I had at least six hours before the Royal Prince was to have dinner downstairs. Unexpectedly two makeup artists and stylists were brought into the suites to make certain that when I walked into the restaurant that the Royal Prince had no doubt that he wanted to spend the night with me. He might have wanted to take the slave, Ali, to bed but he had a long standing desire for Prince Mehmet and for Ali to appear at his very best. Before he left on the mission Mehmet stood beside Ali.

"My slave looks much better than I think I have appeared to the Royal Prince. If he really has lusted for me, his night is taken.

"Ali, are you prepared for this?"

"Master, I will do exactly as you have asked to the best of my ability. I will try to remember that I am you and not embarrass you in front of the Saudis. Was there the same precaution made as at Camp (50)?"

"Yes, check for the location before you head downstairs. You will be dining with the Kuwaiti Ambassador. He knows that you are not me but will try to keep the conversation on a track that I would use with him. There is one thing I want from him, we need to have a diplomatic driver the last week we are here. You and I are going to get lost for a week before we return to Kuwait."

He had borrowed the enforcer's microphone which he knew only I was hearing. The stylist and Manicurist were waiting outside of the restroom, the makeup artist had been sent on his way once I was glowing from his oils. I wanted to respond to him about our week to come but I was already rigged with a microphone that hung on the inside of the robe I would be wearing, a new design by Mehmet's favorite designer, Khosla. I wouldn't have been able to wear the robe out of the hotel, but in there the restrictions on visitors was not as great and being sexualized did not scream for the police to get you arrested.

"Before they leave I want you to thank the men working on your body and get down on your knees, bow down and kiss their feet." It certainly wasn't the way a Kuwaiti Prince would act but he was reminding me of my place in the world. Plus, I think he wanted to remind me that I was to follow his orders and belonged to him even if for an evening I would be free to have any kind of sex another wanted.

Mehmet left the hotel an hour before I took the elevator down to the restaurant. The enforcer followed me to the lobby, wished me luck and found a position that allowed him to see the Ambassador. Ambassador Al Sari was an older man that was extremely pleasant, cognizant of the ways of Americans so our dinner was cordial and instructive. We had been served our main course a moment before the Prince arrived with a dozen diplomats. Being in the center of them I did not think that he would be able to see me sitting off to the side but I had caught his eye. He turned to me, a slight smile on his face, nodded and reacted with a jerk when I winked at him.

I had caught him but how to reel him in without those around him knowing what was happening. I couldn't send him a message or walk up to him. I was with the Kuwaiti Ambassador to get that personal introduction but I needed to do more than that. I needed to be certain that the Royal Prince and I made plans for immediately after his dinner. If I didn't he might go back to his office which was said to be his normal practice only to find my Master. I must protect him at all costs.

"Prince Mehmet has entered the Royal Prince's office. You are reminded that he needs at least four hours." Hearing this from the enforcer was not at all reassuring, I had a case of the nerves and needed to settle them before the introduction.

"Excuse me for a few minutes Ambassador Al Sari, I may have had too many cups of tea. Do you know the direction of the restroom?"

Apparently there were common restrooms and the more Royal restrooms. Although I was impersonating a Prince he didn't qualify for the Royals. I strode confidently across the restaurant floor towards the commons only to be interrupted and lead to the Royals. The guard that had interrupted me checked to see that there was no one else in there then told me that the Royal Prince wanted to have a word. I attended to my business. Washed my hands, dried off and then sat in a small enclave provided for rest or conversation.

It was perhaps ten minutes before the Prince arrived. I rose to greet him properly. There was no doubt what he wanted but first he needed to piss. I had been warned that his cock would be longer than mine and had practiced with a foot long dildo in case he wanted to fuck either my mouth or ass. Still seeing in person what seemed to be at least six inches longer than my cock startled me and made me afraid of continuing the mission.

"Prince Mehmet, I have been seeing you at events for the last three years but we have not had an opportunity to speak more than a greeting. Have you been avoiding me?"

"Your Royal Highness why would I avoid a man like you." I was sure to smile so that he knew I was most likely not speaking about his Royal position.

"Please have a seat. I only have a minute to talk before I need to return to the negotiations with the diplomats." He did not look as is he was enjoying his evening.

"Perhaps it would be better if we were to speak after your meeting is finished. Then you could relax." I had to emphasize the relax in such a way as to insinuate the physical. Language is different so I can't quite tell you what I said but it was not quite an invitation to sex but not quite not. When you are dealing with the Arabs I was told to be extremely careful, having waved my cock at him was excusable if it seemed accidental, but to directly come out and say I want you is not.

"My meeting may go on for an hour or more."

"As you know I have rented the 15th floor, you could join me there."

The look he gave me was pure lust. I couldn't tell if it was of a dominate or submissive nature but there was no question he wanted my body.

"Your Highness, you need to return to your meeting."

"Prince Mehmet, I will have a slave come to your suite and escort you to the penthouse, I plan on spending the night there." I wasn't positive but I thought he groped himself lightly as he stood.

"I will be waiting anxiously for you to send for me. Your Royal Highness, I gripped his hands tightly and pulled him closer to me. Not close enough to kiss but close enough that he must have felt me blow lightly on his ear. As we left the restroom he tapped me lightly on the butt and whispered that he would be anxiously waiting for the time he could send the slave for me. He pointed to the man that had directed me to the Royal restroom, I knew who would be coming.

"Thank you for waiting Ambassador."

"I was afraid that they Royals had kidnapped you. There have been rumored kidnappings from the restaurant over the years but I think those were always at the Prince's father orders. The Royal Prince does not seem to have that type of personality."

"No, he is very polite and nice. We spoke for a few minutes about speaking more tonight."

"Congratulations for doing as you wished. Is there anything I will need to relay to your people?" He had almost slipped and said Prince Mehmet but caught himself in time.

"No I will return to the suite to wait on him, that will allow me time to leave a message." Our departure was delayed by an assortment of desserts that had been sent by the Royal Prince. He nodded as he saw me pick up a rolled baklava and put it to my lips as if I was about to suck a cock. I thought I detected a slight blush but I wasn't certain. If so the night would be memorable. We picked at the platter before deciding to leave.

The ambassador and I walked up to the Prince's table. He gave a proper diplomatic response to the dessert and our farewell. I didn't say a word. I wanted to pull up from his seat and fuck him right there in front of his guests but it didn't seem like an activity he would happily approve of right then.

The next hour and a half waiting for the slave to come escort me to the Royal Penthouse seemed to stretch longer than a day alone. I carefully changed from the clothing I'd worn to the restaurant that evening to what I'd worn two days earlier. I wasn't going to leave anything to chance, when I walked in on the Royal Prince I wanted him to be so ready for me that he either took charge or fell to his knees to worship my cock. If he fell to his knees he was going to have to kiss my feet first, I would want him knowing that I was in charge. Since it was his place I had chosen not to bring the whips with me, if he wanted beaten and I needed to have mine collected I am sure he trusted his slave with the knowledge and me with enough discretion not to tell how I was going to spend the evening with.

I hadn't thought about it until I was only elevator, what would I do if he beat Prince Mehmet? It would cause an national uproar if it was ever known in Kuwait but a matter that would give the Kuwaitis a point of leverage with the Saudis. By the time I was walking to the Prince's door I was feeling shaken by the possibility that I could end up like Jamaal but in a Saudi hospital out of Mehmet's reach. I put my head back shook off the fear and followed the escort into an opulent living space that spoke of Royaly. The palace that is owned by Mehmet's father looked like so much second hand trash in comparison. I tried hard not to show how impressed I was feeling, after all the evening was not about interior decorating it was about establishing a sexual relationship between two men that were both somewhat stricken by the other.

That was what I hadn't told Mehmet the first night I met the Royal Prince. I was glad that I was going to be allowed to have sex with him, I was in lust. He had easily seen that from the way I had almost instantly produced an erection for him in the restaurant. If the idea hadn't been to seduce him I would have been embarrassed that he had seen everything he had, but now that I was in his penthouse any embarrassment I might feel about an erection had disappeared. I was glad that my cock was showing in front of me as he watched me walk toward him.

He had a petite slave boy (he couldn't have been older than 13) serve us beverages. As I settled beside the Royal Prince the boy returned ans washed our feet, dried them with the softest towels made and gently kissed us on both the tops and soles of the feet before disappearing through a brass door that locked behind him. Was it time for small talk or should I dispense with the idea of learning about the man and make a physical connection.

"Prince Mehmet, I apologize for having you escorted to the royal restrooms during your meal. But I felt I could no longer wait to meet you. Please let us both not be coy. I am sure you Agency knows that I am more attracted to men and boys than to the women of the kingdom. Likewise it is known that you and your father have had a separation due to the fact you too prefer men. There were two of our men at the auction earlier this year and were most surprised when you paid the out standing amount of over a million dinars for an unknown slave. But then he wasn't so unknown was he? Will he be competing in the Olympics for Kuwait?

"If the Olympic Rules Committee comes to the reasonable conclusion that the slave will never be returned to their motherland I do intend for him to participate as the first Kuwaiti entry in martial arts. I also purchased a gymnast and a long-jumper. I hope they can form the core of a team that will show that we are not all desert barbarians.

"In your first tithing of slaves have you had the same good fortune?"

"We did buy the last member of the previous year's Olympics team in swimming but he is not a person we feel we could create a team around.

"Was I mistaken when I heard that you also have a slave that could enter some of the longer track events?"

"The Tai Kwan Do member has a better time in most long distance events but his eligibility to run will depend on the calendar of events. His first priority will be to fight, if he can follow up with running I may have him do that too." The Royal Prince had moved closer to Prince Mehmet.

"Calling each other Prince seems to be standing in our way. You may call me Ari. What may I call you."

Ali, was certain that sex was in the cards. That was the only thing the honorifics was standing in the way of. "Ari, you may call me Meht. Wouldn't you like to get more comfortable?" The Royal Prince removed his kufiya first. He reached over and removed Meht's also. Standing he extended a hand to Meht. Once he was on his feet Ari took Meht's robe by the hem and lifted it from the ground over his head. Feeling the cool night air washing over his skin Meht took Ari's robe and removed it, also except the Royal Prince was not naked beneath.

"My father says not wearing these is to break with all tradition. I am always glad to leave the country so I can walk around as you do." He pushed the ugly under-garment down and threw in as far beyond the pillows as possible.

Finally Ali was faced with the truth. The slightly shorter prince was well endowed but not to the extent of the rumors. If he was to take that cock there would be no problem as it was thinner than his prince's although perhaps an inch longer. For a moment they were awkward. Ari took the next step, pushing his nose into Ali's armpit, spending three minutes washing it out with his tongue. As Ari pulled back Ali turned and raised his other arm so the prince could bury his face in his hairless armpit once more. Should he push the prince to his knees to see how well he sucked cock? Or was it time to let the prince know that he was expecting to fuck him.

Ali let the Saudi prince move from his armpit to his nipple and to the other one before he made a move that let Ari know his mouth was wanted lower. Ari worked his tongue over Ali/Meht licking his abs, finally reaching the ten inches that had him ready to be fucked.

"Meht, I have lubricant by my bed." There wa a hint of shyness in the comment, strange from the man that was known to enjoy harder sex.

"After a few minutes of being in your mouth we may move there." Ali/Meht pushed the Royal Prince's head lower so that his balls were brushing the man's lips. That slight taste overcame whatever resistance the Prince was battling. Unlike Ali he was able to suck both balls into his mouth and wash them with his tongue making the slave groan. That was so nice, Ali wondered if the Saudi licked ass as well as his master but didn't want to change the trajectory of the experience. He was going to fuck the tight young prince before he thought too much about any other activities. Whatever happened after that happened, hopefully it would include the Royal Prince licking our his asshole.

Ari spent time licking up and down on Ali/Meht's cock taking the time to make him feel good. When he finally took the cock in his mouth Ali knew why he had waited so long, the Prince had a narrow mouth that would have torn up this cock it he had tried to suck more than the first three inches into the warm wet opening. Still the lips and tongue felt good.

"Come, I want to fuck that fine butt." They walked to the bedroom hand in hand.

One step inside the bedroom Ali/Meht was grabbed by two monstous slaves that had been waiting for their master.

"You wanted to fuck my butt, did you? It is not happening, Meht. Tie him down, face down on the bed." The Royal Prince waited for his slave to finish and motioned them from the room. One wrist was loose enough that I could get it free if I thought I needed to escape from what Ari had planned but I thought it better to see if he was truly going to beat me or if he was just insecure enough that he needed me immobilized to fuck hard.

He walked around the bed a few times commenting on this part of my body and that, many of his comments seemed to be centered on my butt and my hairlessness. I tried to keep up with the banter commenting on his own slighter, hairy body. This didn't feel like the beginning of an abusive session of whipping but since I had never been there I wasn't sure. He moved in close enough to the bed that he could feel my body with either hand. He stroked me like he had a prized horse standing there for his appaisal. I was getting impatient for something to happen, my erection had nearly completely faded but he wouldn't know that since it was under my belly and still fairly long.

The second time around me while stroking my body he pumped up the courage to pull my cheeks apart and look at my tiny slit. If he was expecting me to be wide from usage he was certainly disappointed but he seemed to like what he saw. He had stopped circling me and had gotten on the bed between my spread legs. Well, it was obvious that my asshole was his focus, but what would he do? Finger me? Lick me? Slap my hole with a cane? Ram me with a dildo? Fuck me with no preparation? I could feel my asshole clenching tight in fear of an unknown abuse the prince might prefer to use. It would have take a horse to open me at that time.

Then I felt the prince kissing the soles of my feet. I tried not to react. He was diminishing himself before he moved to sex. That was okay, he started kissing his way up both my legs and finally started to smother my butt in kisses. I so wanted his tongue in my asshole, could I take control and force his head between my cheeks? For a few minutes I imagined that beautiful face buried in my crack until the need drove me to reach back with the hand I had wriggled loose and pushed his face into the crack. He didn't stop kissing until he had covered my tiny slit with wet lips and I spoke, telling him to lick it and stick his tongue into me.

It may have been the first time that a partner had told him what he wanted. It didn't take long for him to start licking at my asshole. He wasn't very experienced but he was doing okay until it became obvious he couldn't push his tongue more than a half inch in.

"Grease me up and fuck me, Ari." I had untied the other hand and pushed up onto my knees. He squeezed some liquid in the crack of my ass, I have no idea what it was but it felt like it would work so I tried relaxing for the cock that was coming.

I didn't see it coming. The prince smacked my butt with an old-fashioned school paddle. I was so surprised that I yelled. I think he like that because he gave me three more swats before pushing the slick head of his cock into my asshole. I was still expecting another swat so when he probed me I wasn't resisting and he was able to push at least three inches home. I hated telling my Master the next day but it felt great. He pulled back until only the head was still in me and then slammed most of his twelve inches into me. He wasn't all the way in but almost.

"Ready for the last two inches?" I almost slipped and called him sir but I caught myself.

"Do it Ari, fuck it all the way in." I could barely talk for all the moaning and groaning I was doing. He knew how to use all of his cock. He could hit my prostrate and the next time slide through me as slickly as he had taken my balls. I didn't need it, but every few strokes he would slap my ass on one side or the other. Only when he started to speed up did he give my butt cheeks a rest.

He had been thinking about fucking me for too long. It only took five minutes for him to start shooting, inside and then he was aiming the hugest load of cum over my butt and down to my balls. As I felt spurt after spurt covering me I thought he must have had a horse being masturbated beside him. He sprayed me with almost as much cum as Mehmet sprayed when he pissed. Before the cum had the chance to dry Ari was back between my legs licking up his own cum. Once he was pleased with the amount of cum he licked up he untied my legs.

"I liked that Meht, did you?"

"Yes, Ari. But that isn't the end of the night." No matter what he thought, I needed to keep him there at least another hour. It was time to return the favor to the prince.

"Where did you have the paddle stashed? Do you have any other toys?"

"There is a large drawer under the bed." He looked somewhat apprehensive but there was a bit of anticipation and lust there.

"I've never done this with a Royal Prince, do I need to tie you down to the bed or can you control yourself while I whip you?" I was standing by the bed, my cock standing straight out, fully hard with a short bull whip in my left hand and a cane in my right. His mouth was drooling at the thought of getting back at my cock.

Ari didn't answer me. Instead he climbed down from the bed and walked across the room to what I had thought was a blanket rack and leaned over it, after having stuck his feet in two loops and grabbed on to the metal legs to his sides. His position exposed as much of his body to me as he could, there was a bit of his stomach and upper chest I couldn't have reached but that was about all.

"My safe word is 'banana'" I had heard of safe words in the camp but was told not to worry that slaves were usually not permitted to have them. This was entirely different, here was the next in line to rule Saudi Arabia with his ass in the air waiting for me to beat him until he couldn't take any more. I started with the cane, I remembered how the two slaves had screamed when experiencing them, the tender inner thighs and sides were reachable. My cock didn't fade at all, I was enjoying what I was doing. I would stop beating Ari every once in a while to give myself time to slide my cock into his ass and enjoy thrusting all the way into him, from the moment my cock head touched him it was obvious he had never had a cock in his ass so large.

He moaned loudly with every stroke of my cock up his ass but I never heard a safe word out of him as I had increased the strength I had been using with the cane. The time had come for my to switch from the cane to the more precise bull whip. The Prince was already red from his ankles to the upper curve of his butt, in fact it was probably a good guess that his entire butt was close to purple. By the time I picked up the bull whip his ass was grinding on my cock, it was not going to take much more and he was going to cum again. I didn't know if he would do it under the whip or with my cock in his ass, but there was no doubt he was getting close.

The first two cracks of the whip struck his nipples. It was the first time he screamed, I worried that the slaves would rush in to protect him. I took a few minute leaving welts up and down his back. Then I entered him again. I was getting to the point where I really wanted to fuck him hard, it was hard to hold back from abusing his asshole and from cumming.

Using a bull whip under handed is a different skill than over the head but the pain can be just as extreme. I started back in on his nipples. On the second stroke he sprayed the floor with another load of cum that was just amazing in the amount, it seemed like he would never stop. I slammed into his asshole as he was cumming and with him squeezing my cock tight I only lasted another ten strokes. It was one of the best orgasms I had ever had. I may have the option to live as an enforcer after my Master tires of me.

I helped the prince to stand and half supported him as we walked to the bathroom where we spent the next half hour under a lukewarm shower. I was amazed at how many red welts were covering his body and that I had not drawn any blood. Although he was the one in pain I told him that I expected him to properly bathe me as would his best slave. He gave me a look like he was going to refuse but his mind took over and he used a soft towel and liquid soap to completely cleanse me.

"Get the cum out of my asshole." It was the one order that I had given before, both to Jamaal and Ahmed. They had sucked at my ass after licking it, better than Ari was doing but any tongue in your ass is better than none. I worked with him to squeeze the cum back into his body. He was going to feel more abused when I left him on his bed than anyone had left him.

"Prince Mehmet?"

"Ari?" I wanted him to remember that he was still under my control, I need not have worried.

"Will you piss on me, sir?" I couldn't have been happier to fulfill his need.

Next: Chapter 17

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