By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 20, 2023



Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jamaal had been in too bad of shape for my Master's men to take to the palace. He was taken to a hospital that cared for most of the Americans in Kuwait. Monsieur had badly cut his flesh, they operated on Jamaal for three plus hours. When he came out of the recovery room Mehmet took me to see him for ten minutes. Jamaal was still nodding in and out of sleep from the anesthetic but I did get to see that he was alive and would probably recover although the doctors said that he would most likely have scars from the beating. His asshole had been badly damaged but the doctors were sure that it would be like it had been before the attack. I gave his forehead a kiss and we returned to the palace.

"Master, would you please not send any of us back to the camp. Ahmed said that Monsieur had the same thing in mind for me.

"Having you show up like a knight in shining armor has made the possibility of being discreet impossible. Ahmed, Jamaal and I can finish our training at the palace if you are not pleased with our current abilities."

"Monsieur cost me thousands of dinars today. Not only in the hospital bills but in the loss of prestige my slaves would have had when I put them up for sale. Having you there when I show the others for sale would be an advantage but I see the trouble that Monsieur has caused. We will finish the training here, I want you to have the full three months, I would never want you or I to think we could have done more to make our lives full.

"Ahmed should not go back, either. Jamaal will not be out of the hospital and recovered in time to return." Mehmet was pondering all of the trouble of the day caused by Monsieur, looking for a way to recoup his losses.

"Was the beating the end of the punishment for Monsieur and the guard?"

"No, they have both been castrated. Once they are healed I will sell them to someone needing an enforcer for a harem. That however will not be until they have their full seven days of punishment"

"Why did you do that? Isn't that a bit much for the rape and attempted rape of my slave?" I worried that they would want their own revenge.

"Perhaps, but did you not hear the doctor? Jamaal was also castrated, they couldn't save his testicles during the operation. The doctors think they might have saved his cock but they are going to have to wait to see if what they were able to do was enough or if the damage was too extreme."

"You won't sell him because of this will you? Jamaal will still be able to serve." His mouth and ass would recover and his need to please me.

"If you don't mind owning an eunuch I won't sell him."

"I wouldn't have any use of his balls and cock anyway. I have yours to serve. Jamaal will serve me in the same way."

"Ali, I think you may be too softhearted to own a slave." We finished eating dinner and retired to the hot tub.

"Mehmet, Ahmed is going to attempt filling in for Jamaal for the next week. The physical therapest gave me a special lotion he wants rubbed into my legs and butt in a special way. He had shown Jamaal how to do that. We will need to have him come by here tomorrow to show Ahmed what needs to be done." I wanted my Master to know that his brother was going to have his hands on my butt, after Monsieur we didn't need more drama.

"Ali, I apologize that there so few minutes when we can be ourselves when together. Tonight we are fortunate, the electrician that was here when the panic button blew disconnected all the cameras and audio devices around here. Tomorrow the Agency will most likely return to reconnect them. I wanted us to have a few hours on our own. Can I have a kiss?" He had completely ignored the fact that Ahmed would be allowed to rub my butt.

That was one of the silliest questions I have ever heard. I was in his arms and attached at the mouth before it was finished. After all that had occurred in the past day it seemed to me that Mehmet was unusually tender as he took me right there in the tub. For the next few hours Mehmet was not my owner but my lover satisfying my needs and his own tenderly. We went off to bed drained of cum and full of love.

First thing in the morning we went to check on Jamaal at the hospital. Mehmet left me with my slave boy for an hour while he went to a meeting at the Agency. He returned carrying a wrapped gift for Jamaal, when it was opened it was two sets of testicles floating in a clear jar with a copper label with the slaves names and the date of their castration. I thought it rather ghoulish but Jamaal was pleased to have them, smiling every time he looked at the jar. I wondered if the doctors had save his testicles and if I should have them preserved for him.

He had learned he had lost his own testicles just before I arrived. He had spent twenty minutes either crying or apologizing for being damaged. When I looked at his sac it didn't appear different, the doctors had implanted glass balls to hold the sac in its original shape. We both asked the doctor at the same time if that wasn't dangerous, wouldn't they be susceptible to shattering? It turned out they were encased in a material that not only would protect them but if the balls were damaged would not allow the glass to enter his system.

His cock was still inflamed. The doctors were still unsure if they were going to be able to save the entire cock. I hated for him to have to worry about that but for my purposes it was not a real matter of concern. A master shouldn't be sucking his slave's cock or allowing him to fuck his ass, so what did it matter if he had a functioning cock? I hated myself for that thought.

Mehmet had shown me that the master slave role might change the previous night in the hot tub, I hadn't fucked him although he hinted that the first time we were in another country where the Agency did not have spies to report on us that he wanted to experience the pleasure I had from his ten inches. I was pleased enough that he had sucked my cock. He wasn't that good of a cock sucker, he could have stood a few days of training in one of his camps. He was only able to take about half of my cock in his mouth, but he was eager and did managed to swallow the entire load of cum he excited.

"Mehmet, if I got glass balls what about Monsieur and the guard?" I had been in my own head, the question was the first thing I heard of the conversation Jamaal was having with Mehmet.

"They will always be reminded of the fact they don't have their own balls in the sac. The doctor placed a set of lead balls that have been developed for disobedient slaves. They weigh about half a pound each, they will pull at the sac for the rest of their lives. We have had slaves commit suicide from the pain and reminder but I doubt that Monsieur will ever conceive of killing himself, the guard that actually was in your ass? He is already on suicide watch."

"I wish I had been there to watch their punishment."

"After you leave here I will have the doctor come by the palace to show you the video. Normally it would just be shown to slaves as a warning but if you wish to see it, I can arrange it."

"Were they awake while they were castrated?"

"Yes. Besides watching as they were castrated they were forced to watch as the other was also. It is generally an effect punishment. I am not so positive that it will be with Monsieur so when I sell him it will be to someone as far away from us as I can find."

"This is too small of a country to get that far away."

"I had an offer last year in Saudi Arabia. I will find out if the sheikh still wants him in his new condition. If not? I am not certain but I do not want Ali or you to have to think about him."

"The guard that was raping me?" I would have thought he would show his anger but he asked the question without the slightest sign of his desire for revenge.

"The Agency has found a boy harem that wants him to serve the boys. It would be a shame to waste a cock that large."

"I guess, but if it had been up to me he would have lost it with his balls."

"He wasn't the one that may have destroyed yours."

"He violated what you gave my Master. Is that not enough reason?" He was pressing my Master too much, I needed to step in to the conversation.

"Jamaal you need to start thinking about yourself. You know what has happened and what will be done to your attackers. Now concern yourself with getting well and performing for your master."

"Yes, Master."

"We still need to find something else for you to call my Master. I don't want there to be any confusion about whom you are speaking."

That is how Jamaal was given permission to call my Master, Sir. He always wanted to call me Olly but I only allow it when we are in places that the Agency doesn't seem likely to have audio devices. It didn't sound that different from Ali so even if it was heard by the Agency I doubted they would know what he said.

"Master, do you need me to suck your cock before you leave?" Jamaal had taken to his status as a slave so well that even in as much pain as he was suffering he knew his duty was to keep me drained and happy.

"There is no need. I have been well fucked and drained." I looked at Mehmet, he smiled at the idea that I was admitting to being well fucked. It was a matter of pride to him that not only did he have a large cock but knew how to fuck a boy to satisfaction.

Leaving the hospital Mehmet told me that the Agency was sending us to Saudi Arabia for three weeks. I didn't need to be reminded that Saudi Arabia had enacted the same law allowing the slavery of American citizens. If I had wanted to try escaping this was not the opportunity. I was returned to the palace for the lotion treatment and what training the therapist thought I could do. I wished I had been going to train with the Martial Arts Master, then I could have worked off the anger I still had bottled up over Jamaal's abuse. That is one of the facts of being a slave that I still have trouble with, how am I supposed to release any anger that builds up?

A week later I was taken to the headquarters of the Agency. Mehmet's handler had been pleased with the physical alterations but before we were to be sent on a mission his bosses wanted to see that what they had been told was close enough to perfection to pass close inspection. It was a surprise that my Master stood by my side naked, allowing these old men to touch his body the same way they did his slave. I knew it was part of his job but it seemed disrespectful of my Master. One of the men thought he could see a slight difference in the toes on our right feet, (I had broken three of mine ten years earlier so I suppose it is possible).

There was a prolonged discussion about my toes. Standing in front of half a dozen fully clothed old men listening to them talk about my body made me blush. It is something that Mehmet does not do. I hoped the old men did not notice this.

"Where was the differentiating brand placed?"

Mehmet, pulled my cock and balls to the side so that the men could see the number 2 that had been branded in the skin where it folded together.

"That is foolish. If he is being inspected by the enemy they will wonder about a number branded in his sac. If they have also inspected Mehmet the difference will be automatically known."

"The spot was carefully selected. Anywhere Mehmet is to be sent there will not be anyone that he has engaged previously." Prince Osama seemed to dislike the man that had spoken.

"The world is so small with personal jets that you can't know that."

"We will do our best and hope that anyone that has previously been engaged did not think to inspect his ball sac that carefully at the time." The irritation was start to show in his voice, Mehmet broke into the conversation.

"Gentlemen, the purpose of me having a double was that I would not be forced into a situation where I would have to have sex with a foreign agent. So, on the mission only Ali will be known to the Saudis. But the question of the toes is of more importance. We do have a doctor in Saudi Arabia, correct?"

"There is a doctor that works with us on a contract basis."

"Is he discreet?"

"Of the utmost. Why else would we use him?"

"Then I propose that our doctor wraps both of us in bandages before we leave. Then, so that we don't age differently that the doctor there changes the bandages daily."

"And the number 2"

"I will not allow anyone other than my slave near my balls." I was surprised to hear that claim from Mehmet, was he professing some type of monogamy that I should be aware of?

"He must have a story to cover why he has been branded."

"You can give that to us when you start telling what else we need to know to not get caught at trying to steal state secrets."

"We will create an easy cover story, one you both will remember easily. Now, is there any other part of their bodies you need to see or feel? If not I would be much more comfortable if we let them cover up." Mehmet did put on the traditional robe but I was given a short caftan that was as transparent as cloth can be without falling apart. Seemingly accidentally Mehmet let his right hand slip up the crack of my ass as I turned back towards our inspectors. It was just enough to make my dick respond and tent the sheer caftan out from my body. What would the prude that wanted us covered think?

"Mehmet, get your slave under control. We don't need to be looking at his erection."

"Well, sir. You have inspected every other part of our bodies, do you not want to see if we are as identical as the doctor has espoused? "

"We have seen the pictures."

"What can you tell from pictures? They might be of the same cock."

"Akbar, will your take care of this examination the rest of us will convene in the conference room to discuss the cover story our spies shall use." It was the first time I had actually been called a spy, but as a decoy I truly was a spy. I had a quick flash of self-satisfaction.

"Will the pair of you face each other?" We moved so that our cocks were up against each other. There was not a single difference, we both had a skin disruption that was slightly shiny and whiter than the rest in the very same spot about two inches behind the purple glans. If there was a difference no one had seen it yet and Akbar didn't pretend he could see it or feel it either.

"To have these to serve me when I was young would have been enough to have turned me from my wife. Bless her." He seemed to be having a difficult time leaving go.

We followed him to the conference room our hard cocks straight out ahead of us. We even drooped at the same time. I would have enjoyed having my Master fuck me right then but there was business to finish.

"Mehmet, not all of us have had access to the videos. The experts are not available to show them to us presently. Mohammad has requested a possible show of you mounting the slave, there has been some question about his ability to take a cock of your size."

"I'd prefer not to put on a personal show for you gentlemen. I force the slave to have sex and take my cock when I want but to have sex making him do that here would be degrading to me and my family. You have blackmailed me into working for you but that would be one step too far." I hadn't seen the anger building in my Master but I could feel his degradation as he refused to fuck me in front of eleven old men that looked at and felt us from asshole to earlobe and back to toes. What their reaction would be I didn't know.

"Mohammad, if this a true problem for your passing on the mission being commenced you may feel free to come by any day between now and when we send them on their way to watch any of the twenty video recordings that exist. The majority of us have seen many if not all of them and are satisfied,l I promise you that the slave can handle all of Mehmet's cock. We shall proceed." He wasn't really ignoring Mehmet's comment but he didn't allow the subject to be discussed further.

The man that had spoken had attended the gathering at Mehmet's father's palace. He had seen me suck my own cock, the memory of doing that in front of him was a mixture of pride and embarrassment. I hoped they didn't ask Mehmet to have me show that here. Just the thought made my dick shrivel. We were seated so no one other than my Master saw.

"Akbar, has your contact told you how we are going to be able to have the slave smuggled into the palace and the Royal Prince's suite?"

"Prince Osama, a royal escort for the slave has been arranged. The Royal Prince has seen Mehmet at functions but has never met him. His cock is leading his brain, but then we know how splendid Mehmet looks when he has someone to dress him fashionably." Akbar seemed to be looking down at the pure white dishdasha that Mehmet was wearing.

"Do we know if the rumors that his cock is truly of royal proportion are rumors or truth?" I listened intently. What was this about a cock of royal proportions? What did that mean anyway? I could assume they were claiming the Saudi had a very large cock.

"No, there have been rumors that he is hung larger than any other man in Saudi Arabia since the day he was announce as the royal successor but there has been no verification of them. From an analysis of photos and the way his robes hang there may be some truth to the rumor so the slave must be ready to take at least twelve inches if not more."

"He was exposed to larger dildos than that in training."

"Do we have videos of that, Mehmet?"

"I haven't seen them but I will ask."

"While the slave is in the Royal chambers you will be searching his office for the newest plans for what they plan to do about production and price levels?"

"That is the plan. We have been told that he is the main actor in creating those plans but that he may not have them in his office or if he does they may be on an encoded computer. That is why we have a three week window to do the mission, if there are other offices that need to be searched it will take time to shut down security and search. If that is the case Ali may need to attend the Royal Prince more than the one night so I expect him to do more than satisfy the Prince, he will be expected to have the Prince lusting after him all the time.

I had never thought about being a royal concubine. Or any kind of concubine really, but the idea of servicing a man other than my Master was not especially pleasing. I knew that was the main reason I had be left in Camp (50) for so long. Now I was hearing that the man I serviced needed to fall for at a minimum my body. I wasn't only going to give away what my owner bought but I might have to do it repeatedly. I sure I was frowning as I listened to the Agency leadership discuss me and my ass like I were a mere blow up doll propped in the corner waiting for them to want to cum. Why hadn't they had one of those Japanese sex robots built for the mission? It would have cost them less.

"Mehmet, do you expect any problems for your slave with the hotel staff?"

"No, Prince Osama. He is fluent enough to converse with them as he has been understanding the conversation around this table. As for the Prince, he will be practicing with foot long dildos until we leave. I think one wink and the Prince will invite him into the Royal suite, if your are sure of the dinner the Prince is supposed to be having in the hotel. If he wants Ali to take him to his room there will be no problems since we are set in the plushest hotel in the kingdom, thank you."

"You know how to make the space look like it is yours. Does your slave know how to act like you in private?"

"We are still working on that. He does not possess the viciousness I have. However that should not be too hard to fake. What will be more of a problem is that he has limited knowledge of using a whip. If what I heard the last time I was in Mecca is true he will need to master the whips before we allow the Prince near him."

"The Royal Prince has others whip him?"

"It is what I heard. I have not been able to find out if it is the truth but Ali needs to be prepared. The man is complicated. In public he is as arrogant as they come but behind the bedroom door he is a mix of Master and Slave."

"That is the purpose you had in buying your slave one of his own?

"It hasn't worked well, but yes."

"Tomorrow we went to see a demonstration of his skill with three different whips. Be sure a short bull whip is included in the mix."

"Yes, Prince Asama. Is that all, gentlemen we have work to do.?"

Camp (50) was the only one of the three that had given the slaves an introduction to whips. I had been the most comfortable with flicking my wrist with a flog in my hand. The bull whip and the quirt had neither felt that comfortable even though I had learned to hit the precise target with the bull whip from as far as twelve feet. Only Monsieur had been more precise with the whip, perhaps that was why he had fantasies about whipping me.

"Ali, you are doing extremely well for someone that was not raised with a whip in your hand, Monsieur and the guard will be taken back to the rack today, save your arm I expect you to take part in the punishment." We had been at the Agency the day before, that morning they were going to come to Camp (50). The idea was both glorious and devastating they were two human beings that Mehmet expected me to hit and not only hit but to hit with a whip hard enough to punish them in front of an audience that had control of both our lives.. In a one on fight I could have punished them with side hand blows or fingers to their throat, with a whip I was having trouble convincing myself that I would do it: for my Master I couldn't fail.

"You need to see how the human body reacts, Ali. If you have to whip the Royal Prince you will be wanting the reaction as much as the pain. If he really does like having his partners whip him I want you to be the best he has ever crossed paths with. More than likely you will only be able to whip his back so when we go back to the camp concentrate your attention on their backs and butts. You might want to try the quirt on their legs: if we have time I may show you an ancient practice of our ancestors, his also, Falaka .

I didn't ask, if he thought I should know it after my practice with the three whips he would teach me. I had heard a little of the practice when we were in the language class and knew that it had to do with beating the underside of the foot's arch with canes. I remembered hearing about English style schools using canes or rods on the students for misbehavior. That would be a fourth whip, I doubted the Agency would be upset if I showed them proficiency with more styles than they had requested of my Master. Until he thought I could do well enough I practiced with the quirt on a slave that he3 had brought in for my to whip.

"You can apply any of the whips to your victim's balls if you find he is not reacting to your satifaction. The balls and their assholes are both particularly susceptible to pain." I thought I must have progressed well, the slave had tears rolling over his cheeks and had broken a code of silence that Mehmet had taken care to remind him of before he and I started.

Next: Chapter 15

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