By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 19, 2023



chapter 13

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I apologize for the delay, I was without my computer for five days. I wrote a story that if I can read my own handwriting may someday get published in the Urination section. Honestly I have missed Ali and his new associates. Jamaal is a boy from my youth and I have missed him since that day we wrote our names in the snow and crossed swords. Chuckles if you are reading this, please contact me.

I don't know how long I had been fucking the boy but I know he had shot two loads of cum up over his chest and onto his face. Jamaal returned to my bed with his head drooping almost as low as his cock. I could still smell the shit on my slave, I didn't like that they had made him get involved with shit in some way, I wasn't going to ask if they had made him eat another slave's shit or if he had it spread on his body. Whatever it was I sent him off to shower again and to brush his teeth. Ten minutes later he was back in time to hear Ahmed begging me to fuck him all night.

"Has he ever eaten your ass, Jamaal?"

"Yes, you told me to try to teach him." The look on his face was as if he was afraid I was going to accuse him of doing something wrong.

"Have a seat and find out if he remembers what you tried to teach him." Whether he would do what Jamaal had told him or not there was no way Ahd's short rough tongue would make my slave feel as good as he did me. I wished that my asshole would stop hurting, an hour long bath with Jamaal's tongue would make me forget about embarrassing my Master. I thought as it was even if he could make my asshole feel good he would hurt my cheeks.

Ahmed was doing well enough that he had Jamaal erect. If there hadn't been slaves wandering around I would have gladly bent down and given him a blow job. As it was the camp though he was already acting like my slave and a master blowing his slave was not a hope that the trainers wanted me to give them. Jamaal and Ahmed were close enough in height that I was able to have Jamaal bend down and take Ahmed's cock into his mouth. It was probably the biggest cock he had sucked other than mine and I thought it would be good practice, he is only an inch shorter and a hair or two less in girth but he has time to grow as long as his brother. Watching Jamaal at work brought me close to cumming and when he tried to play with Ahmed's balls I unloaded a long building load that oozed out around my cock as I slowed down.

I didn't need to do more than look down at Jamaal to understand that he was licking around my cock to clean up the cum and my cock as I pulled it out of Ahmed's asshole. When I was completely out he took my cock all the way into his mouth swirling his tongue around washing away all that stuck to it from Ahmed's asshole. Maybe there had been a purpose in the activities the slaves had been taken down the shore to do.

"Jamaal, his master beat him. I know you would like to lick his ass but to do that you and I need to find a way to hold his butt cheeks far enough apart that those feathery curls don't irritate him.

"Boys, I wish I was up for having Jamaal's wonderfully soothing and exciting tongue licking my assholes but I am afraid that we need to wait until tomorrow morning. The Doctor says I am bruised around the entire ass ring."

"I'll hurt that bastard."

"Settle down. I am bruised because I rammed too huge of a butt plug in my asshole when I was trying to make myself unavailable to Mohammad. I might have been alright but I hadn't been told that I would have it inside of me until today and that wasn't a good deal. We had to have a Doctor remove it, the grease had dried out around the bulb. That's when I screamed and swore, our Master was not pleased, the Agency was watching and listening. Due to that slip he took me to the nearest service cubicle and beat me with a wiffled paddle. You can see the circles among the purple skin. It will be two weeks at least before my butt will be back to my normal coloring. The worst part of this is that my Master will only be allowed to fuck me once a day for that time, so the two of you will need to be there for him and me.

"So his body doesn't hit your bruises?"

"No. Since you both can take my cock in your asses you will be able to take his. If I'm permitted I want to be holding you when he fucks you. Jamaal, I will have to offer you to my Master since you are my slave and he will not interfere with that relationship, stepping in when he finds in necessary punish you for me."

"Do you think he will fuck me, too? He has always had a strong reaction to the idea of incest. I think he would rather fuck a goat."

"Don't put yourself down so far. Maybe part of his rejection of you in the past was that he was afraid that your parents would blame him for you wanting men. There was also the fact that you are that much younger than him."

"Don't all men like their partner to be much younger?"

"Not everyone, Ahd, there are men that want their partner to be more their equal, both in age and body. Maybe in other ways also. I'm not saying he is but many men are, like we have found here in camp boys wanting to both give and receive, I have found out that I am like that. I have enjoyed fucking Ahmed but I really, really love having Mehmet fucking me. I would feel wrong if I was to fuck him or if I was to allow Ahd to fuck me but that is only me not everyone."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Why? Don't you like both sucking and being sucked? Why should fucking be any different?" I didn't think Ahmed was really experienced enough to get the idea but that was the best I could do to explain it. Would it really feel wrong to fuck my Master? I don't know, if he ever asks me I will do the best I can for him. If it is ever to happen it will be on one of the missions where we are sure that the Agency is not spying on us. But fucking him was not high on my list of what I needed to do with Mett, I needed to get somewhere private so we can kiss. That had become priority number one if you can say a slave has priorities. I hadn't known that kissing is so absolutely intoxicating. It is what I am afraid will one day get us in trouble, assuming Mehemet felt the same way I did when we were mouth to mouth swapping tongues..

That night was the first time that when there were the three of us that I wasn't in the middle of the sandwich. It was too much temptation for the other two to have a hard dick poking at my ass (even if they knew they didn't get to fuck me that often), so it was hanging over the edge of the bed. Monsieur woke us the next morning making the comment that 'whoever had beat my ass needed a lesson in a slave's endurance', I didn't know whether he thought Mehmet should have gone further or had gone too far. The morning was bright with a light breeze, Jamaal jumped over me to be on his knees when I stood, Ahmed helped me roll out of bed without hitting my butt.. Jamaal's mouth was open. At the right height to put the tip between his lips and piss, I wondered how soon Ahmed would be on his knees with Jamaal begging to drink the night's waste. The time was soon to come, he and Jamaal had been talking about it everyday.

While eating breakfast there were approximately fifty of the slaves in the three camps called out to board a bus waiting at the gate to Camp (50). Those that were not put on the bus were sent on the normal Camp (50) run, out of the three camps there were four other slaves that were required to run the three day a week ten miles. To be at my side as much as possible Jones, Ahd and Jamaal had started trying the longer run even if they were barely walking when they made it back to camp. I had asked one of the guards to start timing me the days I ran the ten miles. I hadn't been pushing myself but my speed had increased from just over one hour for the ten miles to where I was now at just over ten, four minutes mile, my last Tai Kwan Do instructor would have been so proud.. The rest of the group of ten mile runners were not back in camp until a little over an hour so I had twenty minutes to myself that I spent doing Yoga stretches.

The following hour would be the practicing self pleasure. That is not quite an accurate title for the subject, since we were really sucking our selves to please our master or his guests. I won't say that I didn't enjoy getting my cock all the way down my throat but not being allowed to cum while sucking yourself is not really pleasurable, a dick in your throat that long does start irritating you. Sucking my balls? That sure is enjoyable. Working my tongue towards my asshole, is just that, work. I was finally able to touch my asshole but I was not yet licking it or pushing my tongue inside. I blame it on the beating, but when the therapist arrived I was only getting about eight inches of my cock into my mouth. I couldn't stretch far enough to get the last two inches in..

When the physical therapist saw the bruising he made me stop what I was supposed to be doing. He brought some lotion from his van and while talking the others through their exercises rubbed it into first my thighs and lower back and finally into the muscles of my butt. He did make me start to feel better although I hadn't felt any pain while running.

"Ali, you need to have someone rub this lotion into your muscles three times a day for at least the next week. If you have anyone here that can do it I'll be glad to teach him what he needs to do to make your muscles recover. You shouldn't run either."

"What? I just ran ten miles in 43 minutes before you arrived."

"No more than two miles a day for the next week and no breaking time records. If I find that you disobey me I will have Monsieur tie you to the bed. Do you think you would like that?" I knew Monsieur had tied some of the Camp (50) slaves to their beds and elsewhere, I didn't know for sure but I would bet he loved having a slave helpless under him there had always been a look in his eyes that told me beware. The therapist and I had kidded back and forth about different sexual activities we were being taught in the camp. "Ali, I will give the trainers the same instructions with the name of the person that is supposed to be rubbing the lotion into your muscles. Who do you think will be able to do it starting today?"

"Please teach Jamaal. He is the one that I trust to be at my side when I need him." With the close relationship we had developed I still wasn't willing to tell the therapist that Jamaal was my possession and would do as instructed or I would punish him.

"I will also be sending word to your owner about what I think will be required to get you on your feet and back. I'll be sure the trainers know not to strain you."


"Not for as long as you usually do it, maybe twenty to thirty minutes a day and only that which doesn't pull too hard at your butt.. And no Tai Kwan Do until I release you."

A week without practice would set me back months in practice. I had been starting to progress rapidly just before this occurred, my trainer was getting ready to ask my owner if he could begin to train me for the next Olympics. The eligibility of slaves had not been decided by the Olympic Committee but training would need to start soon or there wouldn't be a chance of getting past the first round and onto the podium where I stood at the last Games. What would it feel like to stand there and hear the Kuwaiti national anthem rather than the American?

"The person that did this should be shot. With some rest you may be able to repair the damage but I really am not 100% sure you will ever be able to do the kicks you do in Tai Kwan Do." He left me depressed. I hadn't heard from my Master. The rest of the slaves were doing physical activities. The heat was oppressive and I still hurt.

"How long before I am allowed to lick your ass?" I hadn't heard the therapist leave so I was startled by the question. I'm sure he already knew I was licked and eaten regularly, but our teasing had never mentioned that Jamaal and Ahmed regularly licked my asshole, although I think he had driven up to the camp one day when Jamaal was giving me a good workout..

"As soon as you can hold my legs apart without hurting me. Mett will be allowed to fuck me once a day, so I assume you can give me a mild round of your tongue, it is much softer than his ten inches." He had been allowing his fingers to run along my asshole while the therapist taught him how to properly rub the lotion into my ass muscles. I don't know if Monsieur had not been told the truth about Jamaal or that he thought licking my asshole was was in some way going to be irritating the raw flesh of my ass. He had been appraised of my condition by the therapist, he was to help make sure I did not do what the therapist deemed inappropriate.

"Slave, get your ass over to the rack." How could I protect him without giving away the fact that he is a slave to another slave? I tried grabbing his arm but Monsieur was pulling him much harder than I was able to resist. He had no reason to believe that a slave under his watchful eyes would be the property of another of said slaves. I started to shout out, Ahmed saw what I was going to do and shoved his dick in my mouth before any sound came out.

"Hit your panic button, maybe Mehmet can get here in time to save the skin on Jamaal's back and ass." I had seen Monsieur almost strip the skin from a slave that had tried to escape into the Gulf. The boy had a swimmer's build and must have thought he would be able to reach one of the American warships cruising in the Gulf. He had been captured by two guard in a small motor boat. Even if he had reached the warship he would have been returned, he had been a payment to Kuwait after all. The boy had not been allowed a minute between the time the guards pulled him from the boat before Monsieur was using a whip that resembled what I had always pictured as a bull whip. The screaming lasted for more than an hour as Monsieur had relief every ten minutes. The relief may have been more painful as he looked to be raising bloody welts every time his whip hit the boy. I cwuldn't allow that to happen to Jamaal.

My slave may not look like a fighter, but he battled the 300 pound Monsieur with feet, fists and head not really to any affect other than to delay his moment on the rack. A guard I didn't know helped to strap Jamaal to the rack they used for the purpose of spreading the slaves' bodies to the maximum accessibility. I heard the guard and enforcer talking but had no idea what they were saying as the language was not one that I knew.

"Have you pushed the button?"

With his cock in my mouth I couldn't speak but I tried hard to shake it from side to side, until two days before I hadn't even known there was one for me. Unfortunately, it was not within my reach, I pushed him away and rolled across the bed to the corner where the button was, groaning as my butt hit the solid mass of the mattress. I hoped this was something that Mehmet would think was a justifiable emergency.

"Keep quiet, Monsieur has final word on what happens in the camps. Even the trainers can be punished should he see fit. I know he has been waiting for the day that he has the opportunity to fuck your ass and give you a beating that you will never forget." How Ahd knew that was beyond me. He hadn't been roaming the camp or talking with the guards very much since the first few days he was there. He held my head to the mattress so I couldn't yell. I could still see what was happening, the guard and enforcer were naked, cocks sprouting from their bodies like third arms.

Jamaal was accustomed to taking my ten inches but that was with a lubricant and the pair approaching him didn't seem to think that would be important, necessary or desirable. Monsieur waved the guard ahead of him. From the distance I lay I couldn't tell how much dick he was getting ready to shove in my slave except that it was less than Monsieur was waving.

"Ahd, we can't let this happen. We need to tell them what the truth is about the two of you."

"It won't make a difference. They are passed the point of reason."

He was right but I wanted Jamaal saved from the rape that was about to happen. I was pressing the panic button about every fifteen seconds. I didn't know where Mehmet was at the time but I hoped he didn't think I was pressing the button frivolously. The scream was louder and more piercing than any wild animal makes as the guard entered his asshole. Jamaal was shaking and fighting the strapping that held him to the rack but the big white guard was laughing at his effort to avoid the cock that was impaling him. He was constantly screaming, I saw that Monsieur had moved in front of him and was using a whip up and down his body. You could tell when the whip hit his balls, the scream turned into a screech.

I found I was crying for Chuckles. There was no reason he was being violated other than the fact that we couldn't tell the truth to the guards, trainers and Monsieur. I was horrified. The guard fucking my boy turned towards us, his face was covered in blood: he was laughing. I freed myself from Ahmed's hold and jumped out of the bed just as Mehmet's Hummer pulled into the camp. The guard was knocked from Jamaal's back and the boy was cut down. For five minutes Mehmet spoke with Ahmed and I. A second Hummer arrived, Jamaal was loaded into the vehicle then Mehmet turned his attention to the guard and enforcer.

That my Master could be harsh in punishment had been proved to me but what I saw in the next hour was something beyond harsh. He was vicious, The guard and Monsieur were surrounded by the other guards and the trainers and strapped to the rack. A trainer was sent for the largest dildos that were in any of the camps. In Camp (50) I had never seen anything larger than 12 inches, but the trainer returned with two dildos that were longer than his forearm and thicker. As my Master watched the dildos were inserted into the two offenders, it took two of the trainers to force them in. Now the screaming was not my slave's but the two of the most trusted of Mehmet's employees.

"Strap them in." While they weren't butt plugs and would probably been forced out if left alone it did seem cruel. I had never seen the trainers strap in a dildo but they seemed to know what they were doing. Two long leather strips crossed over the base of the dildos and were tied over the black and white men's shoulders.

The first fifty stripes on their back were given by Mehmet. Then every other guard was handed the whip and either whipped them from the front or back. All the slaves that had not been moved earlier in the day were seated on the beach close enough that if a guard drew blood they were splashed.

"If my Master would do this for my slave I can't imagine what would be happening if it were either you or I."

"They would hang there until they died. Once he found a thief at the palace. Had him taken to the rack like this had him beaten every day until he died and then left the body hang for two more weeks as a lesson to the other household slaves. Father wasn't happy about it, but my brother has his own sense of justice.

"Will these two be killed?"

"Perhaps the guard but not Monsieur. We will have to watch to see what happens, there is no telling what my brother will do when angry."

"I don't want to see anyone being killed. Which Hummer is that, the one with or without seats?"


"I'm going to lay down in the vehicle."

"I'll come with you. I don't want to stay here any longer. If there is more to learn I will have Angelo teach me."

"Will you take over what Jamaal is supposed to be doing for me for the next week?"

"Yes, Master." I looked at Ahmed hard and long to see if he was being sarcastic but there was no sign that he meant anything more than he said.

"Bring along that lotion bottle and our clothing. I don't plan on coming back either." I didn't know what my Master would think about that, but there were only two weeks to go. If the therapist came by the palace I should be able to graduate Prime Grade A even if I missed Prime Grade A One. I know my Master wants that extra from me and if necessary I will keep working until I can please him. It would take constant practice to stay that limber so I knew that the rest of my life had practice to keep him pleased.

Being a slave is being a performer, twenty-four hours a day.

Next: Chapter 14

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