By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 18, 2023



Chapter 12

Are we all caught up on the legal nicities? There are no exceptions. Not old enough, I feel for your. Their are books in your local library that may be more explicit in their descriptions of slavery, try finding out. Remember, Nifty need your contributions.


chapter 12

I was barely able to cry by the time I had to scream out the number TWENTY-FIVE. I didn't faint, but I did lose my ability to maintain any tone in my body. Thankfully that is when he stopped. Twice he had told me that he wasn't a sadist, if that was the truth why was his cock drooling out pre-cum from beating my ass? Or was it the fact that I was screaming that gave him the pleasure.

Grabbing my ears, Mett raised my head and stuck his cock in down to the base. I worked the cock without being able to move up and down. All I could do was massage his cock with my mouth like he often had me do to get his cock erect enough to fuck me. His pubic hair had been thinned by the hair treatments, as my lips worked at his base I pulled some of the thick curly hair into my mouth, I knew it wasn't going to be long before I gagged on his hair. He stood motionless as I massaged his cock, moments later he started shooting down my throat. I wished I had gotten to taste his cum, it is at times the only reward I get for sex with my Master., in as much pain as I was it would have been a real balm.

"Put on my robe. We are late for our appointment with the blacksmith."

Why we we be going to a blacksmith? I hadn't seen a horse that needed shod or a metal fence that needed fixed. What else do blacksmiths do? I'd seen scroll work in the states but since I'd been here. Nothing. I did remember that Mett had said that the new house would need slave cages for at least ten slaves but there was only Jamaal and I for now and neither of us needed a cage, or did Mett think I did? Please Master, I won't escape even though you have bruised my butt. Standing I could see that my butt was not red from the beating but turning purple. So were my balls.

I have yet to learn how his communicator works. As the door opened I heard the soft reassurance from the Agency spokesperson telling Mehmet that he had done well and was correct that I should continue to suffer for the remainder of the day. He could have been cruel and made me walk through the streets displaying the result of the beating and the clamps that were standing out from my body. Mett had been that mean only in beating me never prior to my fuck up.

Met walked the three steps to the Hummer as naked as he normally had me walk the streets, if anyone had been paying attention to us they would have thought it was me and the man in the dishdasha him. I was pleased not to display my baboon butt but was not pleased that my Master was willing to expose him self to the city.

"Prince Mehmet, I am humbled by your presence in my lowly shop." That actually was a good description. We had entered a door between a wig merchant and granite seller. The name above the door only said Master Minatures and Alem underneath it. I thought the name was a bit presumptuous but it my Master was here by way of the Agency there might be something to the man's claim.

"Prince, I am confused. The order was for the number 2 slightly smaller than my smallest fingernail. Was there a mistake in the order?"

"No, Alem. May I see what you have produced."

The shop keeper dipped a short metal and wood brand into a ink bath and pressed it onto a picture of what looked like our ball sacs.

"Prince Mehmet, all you sure that you did not want the number one and any of the other numbers? It would seem the number two by itself is useless."

"Would you hold that photo up, I need to know how far away I'll be able to read it." Alem managed to get most of the way across the room before Mett stopped him. That will work perfectly. To transfer that to skin what prep work needs to be done?"

:I will wipe the skin with alcohol and dry it. If it is loose skin I will pull it tight and fasten it so it does not distort the number." Neither he nor I had any idea what Prince Mehmet was going to say next.

"Get the iron heated Alem. We do no have much time. I think the Agency has already paid you for the procedure." Alem nodded his head and took the small iron to a kiln that was blazing at the back of his shop.

If I had thought having Mett putt the clamps on my ball sac hurt I wish I had been prepared for the pain when he removed three of them seemingly all at once. I danced with the pain but my throat was raw from screaming out the times he was beating me and no sound came out now. Suddenly what was going to happen hit me. I was going to be branded to differentiate the Prince and I. Alem may never have touched a man's ball sac before that afternoon, he was more tender than if he was fingering himself. It took the Prince and he a few tries to agree on the placement, a little behind my right ball.

"Slave this is going to hurt like Hell. I would like to use a local anesthetic or something stronger but your Master has said that today you are to feel whatever pain comes your way. I will be holing your ball out of the way so that it is not damaged but that is not going to help much with the pain. If you know of anything that might help me in placing the number or you in avoiding pain please tell me now and I will try to do as you ask."

"I am not sure that it will help, Alem, but if you were to leave my balls soak in warm water for a few minutes the skin will stretch giving you more room to avoid my testicle." Damp the skin might hurt worse but at least the number would be better hidden.

"That will give a nicer image, Prince. Can you wait for me to do that?"

"Let's do it twice, the first time to see where the skin scrunches up and hides the number and then the actual branding." Tattoos are taboo so I guess this was the next best choice for the Agency, there would need to be a way to differentiate us in case of an emergency. I wished there was a better place to be branded but I couldn't think of anywhere were the skin scrunches up and might hide the brand any better. Five minutes with a small brand against my sac was going to be unbearable. I was afraid that I would scream.

"Prince Mehmet would you allow me to place a ball gag in the slave's mouth. The smell of flesh is bad enough, hearing his screams will drive you and I out of the shop. I need to be here to hold the brand in place. I had already been strapped down with my legs wide, He could see everywhere the brand had a possibility of being placed. He and Mehmet were still discussing it as my balls soaked in warm water the second time.

"There doesn't seem to be a place where his skin folds over on itself. I could place a couple of stitches in the skin closer to the asshole and create a semi-natural fold that will help to hide the number." It seemed that the man would be happy to hide his work that way.

"Alem, we will place it there and not try to hold it. If the Agency checks him a couple months and decides that more work is necessary we'll have the plastic surgeon do the work." We were already going back to him in two weeks. I was handed a tri-fold of thick leather to stick in my mouth, as soon as the brand touched me I passed out.

Walking was painful, trying to sit was worse. In the Hummer I knelt on the floor and gave my Master his robe. Randomly Mett removed clamps from my balls causing me new pain, removing them was worse than having them placed on my sac. Three times on our way from the metal worker's shop he tightened the clamps on my nipples, tugging on them to be sure they wouldn't come loose and fall off. I was watching where we were headed and until I could smell the Gulf through the open sun roof I was thinking I was returning to Camp (50) so that my fellow slaves would see my punishment. Of course you can smell the gulf from the camp but it is not as pleasant.

"Ali, we are going to stay in my palace tonight. There will be no other people with us, can you cook us dinner? My agents never learned that."

"I can cook, Master, but it will not be food that you are used to eating. My cooking is confined to a few Mexican, Italian and American dishes. Will that satisfy you as your first meal in your palace?"

We stepped into the new palace to be greeted by the smells and detritus of remodeling (mild) it was mostly painting and a few extra electrical requirements. My Master pulled me into a room that was draped in plastic. So much plastic that we couldn't see any walls, ceiling or floor.

"This will be the only night we will have when the Agency will not have its eyes on us. I imagine the cameras are already working in the bathroom and most bedrooms." Suddenly he pulled my chest to chest with him and mashed our lips together. It wasn't the most romantic kiss ever but both of our dicks were standing when we broke our embrace. Was he afraid to have the Agency see his real feeling for me? I know that I could never let them know that I had fallen for him in spite of the beating he had given me. He knelt behind me and gave me gentle kisses on my bruised cheeks, any resentment I still felt subsided quickly.

"After I cooked a mostly Vegetarian dinner. I didn't have the meat I wanted to eat and didn't know much about cooking mutton or lamb.

"Mehmet had found a small table that he was able to drag out to the lawn beyond the hot tub. The heat of the day had subsided to around 85 degrees, which after two months of one hundred plus degrees felt balmy. We ate talking mostly of what had happened at the doctor's office, avoiding the service cubicle, then at length about the branding. I was glad he didn't want to avoid the topic as I needed comforted.

He explained that the house would be wired with cameras in every imaginable area. Unless we threw up an impromptu tent like we had kissed under inside we would never have complete privacy until we were out on missions. He had been living that way since he had turned twenty-one, so he was used to it although he still wished for his own privacy and freedom. That seemed ironic, my owner didn't have any more freedom or privacy than I did. Sure he had the use of vast amounts of money and a family that might take him back if he ever tried to abandon the Agency. He was well aware that he would never be allowed to be seen in any of the cities in Kuwait should he leave, he would have to turn into a desert Arab or leave the country and his desert crafts were not that good.

When Mehmet saw the sign Ahmed had placed over the hot tub he warned me that it wouldn't matter to the Agency. He would speak to a friend that had retired to see if there might be a way that the microphones aimed at the tub could be bypassed to another area of the house but he doubted there would ever be complete privacy even at the tub. I was determined that we would have one place where we could be ourselves. The few minutes kissing my Master earlier had made me know that I wanted that more than a few minutes caught here and there. He did promise me that on some of the missions there might be days if not night when we could be alone.

The following day when I arrived at the camp most of the slaves from both of the adjoining camps and half of the ones from Camp (50) were being marched to the beach, to be taken from anyone else's sight. .What could be so much worse than the things we had been doing that would require privacy for so many slaves?

"Ali, everything we have done in this camp is mild. Some of these slaves will be sold to masters that have more exotic tastes. Some will go to owners that will have no limits to what they will expect from their slave. You are fortunate in that Mehmet doesn't have many exotic tastes, sure he will have you sucking your own dick and when possible drinking his piss but that will be about it. He may have given you those purple cheeks but there is not much doubt in my mind that he was forced to do that by the Agency. What Mehmet really wants is a lover, he will settle for a slave that services him happily but I don't know if that will ever be enough.

"That lover thing? Do you think that is why he bought Jamaal for me and bought the Palace?" I was glad that Ahmed was feeling free to talk, we were in the damp sand and walking deeper into the water.

"You have everything that he wants. Looks, education, a cock to match his. Mehmet needs some time alone with you and bingo, bango." If only Ahmed had known what we had sasid to each other the previous night.. How was I going to sandwich the two thoughts together? I am his slave, there is no denying that. Can I also be the lover he needs when we are watched all day everyday by the Agency and will be having his brother and my slave underfoot? Matters would get worse when he started staffing the house, most likely the house servants would be spies for the Agency, I just didn't understand what the Agency would have against us being more than owner and slave.

"At lest he didn't take down the sign I had erected over the tub? Did he?"

"No. Its still there, he thinks it probably made the Agency double up the listening devices and cameras around that area. We'll probably need to find somewhere else to be friendly unless a way can be found to get around those long distant listening devices." I turned and waved to no one in particular, I thought I should play with the Agency spies.

"Do you know the date?"

"Maybe the last week in April? Why"

"My parents travel to visit my grandmother in Africa the first week in May every year. I wonder if they will try to come here to let "Prince Khalid" permit them to visit with me.

"As far as I know there have been dozens of American parents come here trying to visit their sons and have all been refused entry to the country."

"They'll get further than that, they have a lawyer that works here two or three month out of the year and will know his way around that. They would probably even deny they were here to see me if that is what he thinks is what gets them in. They have passports under some assumed names so it wouldn't be a match up with mine on the slave roles."

"They might get in then, but Mehmet has erased every trace of you in the government paperwork. The Agency doesn't want you to have a back story, your are to be him."

"I look in the mirrors at the doctor's office and only see a mild resemblance. Do you think there is enough of one to fool anyone?" I was getting cold feet. From my nose down I was almost identical and doubted there were too many people that could tell us apart. Still I didn't know what the eyebrow shaping had done and wearing contacts all the time on the missions would be tough, but necessary: I have naturally green eyes and he has brown eyes.

"With his hair falling out and whatever else the two of you have had done the family and I are having trouble. Mohammad will probably never bother you again, he would be afraid he was talking to his brother. Of course I wouldn't mind incest if I hit on the wrong one of you."

"Isn't incest a huge sin here?"

"A sin? Maybe, but believe me I know of at least a dozen boys that I went to school with that were abused by either a brother or father. I can't say I was but I did try abusing Mehmet when I was in the six level. I didn't get anymore than to suck on his balls for a minute before he chased me from his room. After that either he or Angelo locked the doors every night.

"I never had any interest in incest. I didn't have a brother to make me aware of his body."

"Not even your father?

"No, by the time I can remember him he was at least seventy pounds overweight and always working. I doubt it would have mattered if he was better looking, I had no sexual feeling until I was touched by your brother."

"But you fucked me."

"I had never fucked anyone and the doctor was testing if I could do that since the Agency was starting to worry that I would always be the bottom. Still that was suppose to be Angelo, I could tell at first sight but why did you do it?"

"I'm twenty years old and my ass was still virgin., I would have done almost anything to have my cherry taken. When I heard it was going to be you I was excited to take Angelo's place and paid him to take mine that afternoon. Have I thanked you for fucking me, I have the itch to have yo fuck me again every time I lay down to sleep. Will Mehmet allow you to fuck me?"

"He gave me permission. I haven't had the energy between Jamaal and Mehemet but this evening I promise I will." Maybe I would have jumped up and dived into the water like he did if it had been a couple weeks since Mehmet had fucked me. It was so enjoyable to watch that I dived in after him and played for the next hour.

"Can I ask why Mehmet beat your ass so hard?"

"I'd rather you didn't, its embarrassing."

"Worse than showing off that baboon butt to everyone?"

"Yeah. It is worse. Change the subject please, tell me about the piss drinking session."

"Ali, it's amazing you can drink as much piss as you are able to get down. I know it is good practice for when training is over and I am installed in the new palace. Angelo told me that I should be able to drink as much piss as I want."

"That's what your brother said, too."

"He told me if I'd give him a thousand dinar he would have a piss tub built for me at the entrance to my choice of lawns."

"That's what about fifty thousand American dollars?"

"About that. I have the money, just do I really need to have a tub where I care sit to drink piss whenever people are coming and going from a lawn?" It was the first time I saw any doubt in Ahmed. Up until then he had said give it to him when there was any one us that said we were going to piss.

"You would rather be drinking piss out on the lawn with any of Mehmet's friends and business associates? Wouldn't that be a little embarrassing?

"Maybe a little, I think being installed in a tub from the beginning to the end of his meetings and parties would be more so. That's all I would be at the functions, his piss drinker; a human urinal that the great Prince shares with his friends."

"So you don't want to be drinking everyone's piss?"

"I don't know. Right now I could drink the piss of all our fellow slaves and not be bothered at all. Especially if you and Jamaal give me yours. But, if I am the piss drinker at the palace will anyone want to have any other kind of sex with me? I enjoy sucking cock and the two times I've done it, I've enjoyed fucking ass." I could understand his reluctance. I would not want to be limited to one kind of sex, Mehmet had seen that so I was now a giver as well as receiver.

"I can't tell you what to do, Ahmed. I know that Angelo is planning on you being available to drink piss from the day we open the palace, he thinks you have some debt to pay your brother."

"Angelo, needs to back down. He may be the new major domo but I still will outrank him as brother of the Prince."

"Do you enjoy drinking piss?"

"Yes. Do you need to piss right now?"

"Yeah, let's get in shallow water." It had been since early in the afternoon since I'd pissed. For some reason being with my Master did that to me, I would go for hours beyond what was normally the length of time between pissing. The warm water had brought the urge back and I suppose talking about it with Ahmed helped. I needed to piss so badly that I was barely able to wait for him to open his mouth before a hard stream of piss was flowing from me to him. He tried doing that shit you see on the internet with guys taking piss into their mouth and letting it drain down over their chest. That was a waste.

"Ahmed, you said your wanted to drink it. Stop letting my piss out, I want to see you swallowing it. He looked up at me in alarm. I don't know if he had never actually swallowed the piss that he had in his mouth or I was pissing too hard, but I was going to leave him waste my piss when he was the one begging to have it. This might help him answer his question from earlier but the answer right now was 'yes, sir', the only correct answer.

If he was here while I am writing he could tell you how it tasted. I have the feeling it was a little strong. The piss that had washed onto his chest was plenty strong smelling. That was the problem in camp, we dehydrated easily, making our piss so strong that many of the trainees would vomit at the first spurt. I have to give it to Ahmed, he managed to keep up with the flow of piss which I'd say went almost two minutes.

"Suck the last few drops out of my cock." I knew he wasn't used to be ordered to do anything and for him to accept an order from a slave must have been difficult.

"To the showers. I'm going to fuck your ass until you cum." If it is possible for a man to have two smiles on his face at the same time Ahmed did. He ran ahead om to the shower, a good slave's trick to get the water the right temperature for his master, clean himself off so as not to displease his master and be ready with soap and cloths to clean the man he obeyed.

"Before I get in the shower get out here and lick out my pits. I knew that Ahmed had been practicing cleaning pits earlier with Jamaal. I wanted to be sure the lesson stuck. His tongue was no where nearly as long or soft as Jamaal's but he did an adequate job.

"Keep your hands and cloth away from my butt and ass crack." This was a lesson that he didn't need too spend much time on, Angelo had been cleaning him in his shower for a couple years so he knew exactly what should be done and when.

There was no way to walk from the shower to the bed without getting your feet coated with sand. I sat at the edge of the bed and when Ahmed stepped onto the platform he went for a large bowl of warm water and bowing before me spent five minutes washing my feet and lightly massaging them. Once I had lain back he quickly washed the sand off of his feet and climbed onto the bed at the foot, he didn't need to be told, he started worshiping me from the soles of my feet climbing slowly up one leg and then the other before licking my balls.

"What do you want slave?" I was trying to remember to call Ahmed slave as often as possible, he needed to get the feeling of that name. I wish I would have been well enough to give him my ass to lick but I was still too sore. When Jamaal returned I would have him treat my ass to his gentlest licking. But for now my cock was hard and ready for the boy beside me,

"Master, I want you to fuck me, sir." I was getting the idea and had properly framed his answer. I thought about making him beg for it but I wanted to be in him.

"Get the lube and work it onto my cock, slave." Usually slaves are expected to lube their own asshole but I was eager to fuck him and couldn't wait for the time he would take lubing my cock. He feels so nice and tight, still. I was glad to find out that his ass hadn't loosened up much since his deflowering a week earlier.

"On your back, slave. Grab hold of your ankles and spread your legs wide." I was starting to like watching him respond to me ordering him around.

"Are you ready for a hard fuck, slave."

What could he do to be ready? Have hold of his ankles tight? Be pressing out as he watched me kneel between his legs? It was simply rhetorical, I wanted him to know I wasn't going easy on his asshole simply because he was my Master's brother. If I hadn't made him drink it all I would have ended the hard fuck with more piss in his ass. But I was just getting started, I popped the head of my cock into him without mercy.

"Do you like cock in your ass, slave?" I knew he did but I wasn't expecting him to answer.

"Yes, Master, please fuck me as hard as possible."

If he had ever had a dog fuck him he would have thought I had a canine transformation. I fucked the boy with long and short strokes smacking my body into his butt and slapping him about every four or five strokes. I wasn't even close to shooting my load when he shot his first load up over his chest, splashing on his face. I slowed down so he had a moment to adjust to being fucked after shooting, I know I find it uncomfortable I hoped he didn't but it really didn't matter too much I wasn't going to stop fucking him.

Next: Chapter 13

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