By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 17, 2023



Chapter 11

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chapter 11


"Jamaal, we are going to need to find another name for you to call me. Master is the name I call Mehmet and the name I want you to call him. We can't use sir, as that is what we will most likely be calling Ahmed."

"He'd rather you call him slave."

"I thought that was what he wanted, but until his family agrees to allow that I doubt that I should call him a slave unless there are no other slave owners present. Has he told you what slaves are expected to do that he wants to do the most?"

"Yesterday in the hot tub. He asked us both to piss in his mouth. He hasn't had a piss shower yet but he wants you or his brother to piss on top of his head and the rest of his body. I guess that all means he wants to be a piss slave for the palace."

"I'm glad to hear that. Mehmet told me when he was arranging to send the two of you to Camp (50) that Ahmed was going to need to drink a lot of piss once we move in here to pay for the training. I thought he might be pushing it but I have heard of other houses and palaces that have a slave that is a walking urinal."

There were a few items that we were able to place around the palace and some robes that we hanged in three closets. Ahmed knew where to order us pizzas. With nothing essential left to do choose to return to the camp. Using my bed was a sign to the other slaves that I still was in training with them. I was, I had yet to drink piss and I couldn't tongue my asshole.

"Ali, when we move into the palace will I no longer be given the privilege of drinking your piss?" Jamaal looked like a puppy that was being denied it squeeze toy, or as I would learn later it's boy ass.

"You will be allowed my piss every morning Jamaal." I tried thinking back to that camp out years ago. Had Chuckles been as excited by our piss play as I had been? If so why had he avoided me the rest of the time we were there. I decided that I needed to find out more about my slave and would start quizzing him the next time we were in the hot tub. For the rest of the night he was going to have to be satisfied with my feet and arm pits. This was why my Master left me caged and plugged over night. I was able to play with Jamaal's asshole with my fingers, by the time I fell to sleep I had worked four fingers into him and Ahmed was sucking his cock.

It was while the other slaves were practicing to suck their cocks that Mehmet had a guard and driver pick me up. I hoped it was so that he could remove the butt plug, after 20 hours it was really starting to bother me. But no, I was driven to the diner where he and I had first seen Jamaal.

"The Agency was pleased with your performance yesterday. They couldn't tell that it wasn't my signature on the statement of conditions."

"I only did what I was told. I was given complete instructions in the Hummer." We were still waiting in line for a table, there were quite a few slaves sneaking looks at my cage and then quickly looking away, in fear, or a different emotion I couldn't tell but I could have told them that they should be willing to be caged for their masters.

"Did you enjoy yourself with Ahd and Jamaal yesterday and last night?"

"As much as I could being caged and plugged." I don't know whether he had forgotten about the butt plug but the look on his face was of concern, surprise, pleasure and many other that I couldn't decipher. What I could easily decipher was the hard cock that was making a tent of his dishdasha.

"You have an appetizer." He was pointing for me to get to the floor, I expected him to have me under his robe but he had three buttons undone and his cock pointing straight at me.

I could feel the glare of the many men standing around. There were those that wished that they had that large of a cock. There were slaves that looked at me with pity at being made to suck him in public. There were a few men that didn't have slaves that choose to watch me start the blow job by licking up one side of the ten inches and back the other side before then licking the tip of his cock greedy for the pre-cum that was oozing out. I wanted to give Mett a long perfect blojob, he wasn't in that mood. I barely had his entire cock wet when he grabbed me by the ears and started thrusting his cock in my mouth, pounding against my throat and then forcing his cock all the way in.

There was a wave of noise as his cock fully disappeared. He started pulling his cock out until the tip was laying on my lips and forcing it all the way back in. I'm sure it didn't matter to anyone there, but I was oozing so much pre-cum that there was a puddle under me. I was happy that Mett was back and was using me in a way that was making him happy.

"Keep your mouth open." He had pulled out, why? He was throbbing, close to shooting his seed it would only take a few more laps of my tongue A man next to him in a dishdasha trimmed with desert flowers started to stroke Mett's dick. It was probably less than a dozen strokes before Mett was spurting cum in my mouth and across my face.

"Suck out what is left."

There was always cum in his balls and shaft after he finished shooting. I would not have left it even had he not ordered me to care for him in front of twenty some slave owners and slaves. He didn't tell me to wipe my face or to get up so when we were called for our table I followed him on hands and knees my face displaying his cum to the other diners, the chastity cage and butt plug visible to everyone in the diner. Two months prior I would have been so embarrassed that he would have had to drag me across the floor, instead I held my head up so everyone could see that I carried his cum proudly and no one else would have me.

"Ali, take your chair. Your training is going well?"

"Mett, In some ways I'm ahead of the others but they have all had three days of drinking piss that I have missed. Is that on purpose?" No matter what, I wanted to be able to serve him better than any other slave he could buy. I was getting there on the show he demanded, he repeatedly told me that my ass was the best he had ever fucked, I could either suck him dry or have him fuck my face which I knew was what he thought was more than any other of his current sex slaves, even Angelo couldn't take the face fucking Mett enjoyed.

"Are you ready to have your face adjusted the little it they will do today?" I didn't know why he asked, I couldn't have refused if I wasn't ready.

"We're going to have to go through that scan again. The Agency let me know this morning that the Doctor and Hamid will both be fucking you after our operations." I'm sure my face flashed with anger, Mett was fucking me every night, but I really didn't want to have any other cock or cum in my ass.

"Look at me, Ali. Our missions are going to take us many places that you are going to be expected to allow strangers fuck your ass. You will be sucking dicks you can't even imagine, whether that is in thickness, length or lack. It is a good time for you to start learning what it is like for another man to fuck you." He was talking like it wouldn't matter to him that I was going to have another man in my ass, the look on his face wasn't saying the same thing. No matter what he said I wasn't any happier about what was to happen, I couldn't eat my meal.

I know when we walked out of the diner I was crying. We walked across the street and entered a service cubicle. Mett took me in his arms and let my tears flow. As I stopped he turned me over the horse like he had before, I think he was expecting to be able to enter me without any hesitation. When his greasy fingers hit the butt plug he started to laugh.

"We could leave this in and see if either Hamid or the Doctor would be able to pull it out." He was just kidding around, he had already started to tug on the big plug I had been wearing for so long. I hoped he would be able to play with the plug and my hole the way he usually was but I could tell it was not coming out as easily as the other plugs that had been in me. It felt like he was trying to turn me inside out.

"The Realtor wouldn't have stood a chance yesterday had he tried to rape you."

"Mohammad, either." I had been more in fear of him, I knew that I could be excused if I used Tai Kwon Do on him but never on a family member.

"What did he say to you that made Angelo tell me that we needed to get you out so quick?

"Mett, you were talking about fucking me, I got scared and pushed this plug in and he saw that he wouldn't get my ass. He said he would be getting it before we moved from the palace." Mett was getting the plug to start moving, sitting there without moving the grease had been absorbed, I knew it would happen.

"This might be real painful." I wasn't watching what he was doing so I thought he was talking about pulling the dry plug out.

" Oooowwww!" I had not screamed like that since I was a child. I didn't know what he had done, but he did it again and I screamed again. It's a good thing the service cubicles are sound proof.

"Hopefully, it will only take two more shots."

"You're sticking a needle in my asshole?" It is a good thing that Mett understood that the plug wasn't moving and I was worried that he was going to hurt my asshole or he would have left the plug in for further punishment.

"They aren't metal needles, there are plastic tube tips that allow me to squeeze some fresh grease in along the plug, So be quiet or I'll use one of those paddles on your ass." My mind was flashing images to me as fast as I could understand them. Was this going to be the chance for me to get Mett to show me what a paddle feels like? I didn't even really have to answer the question, the third time he stuck the tube in along the butt plug it hurt as much as the first two, you couldn't persuade me that he wasn't sticking real needles into my asshole. Mett ignored me and stuck the me the fourth time before trying to get the butt plug to move..

He made me groan. This what I had hoped for every time I remembered the plug and the fact he would be removing it. I was closed tight around the plug even the grease only help a little. There wasn't even outside for Mett to grab a hold of. While he tried grabbing it he would push it back in further, I would have to push it out but we weren't really succeeding in doing more than stimulating my asshole to want his cock fucking me. I had a lot to get used to, giving orders, not biting off more than I can chew and not being embarrassed when Mett choose to display me in a compromising position.

"We need to move, our appointment is in five minutes. The Doctor will know how to get the butt plug out, they see much worse Monday mornings at the emergency room and he worked that shift for a few years. He lectured at the Agency, one day about the things men stick in their asshole, you would be really surprised and this won't even cause him to blink. He told us about pulling an over-sized softball from a so called straight man's ass after a weekend of drugs and alcohol.

"Does the butt plug hurt?"

"Not as long as you aren't trying to pull it out. It must be riding against my prostrate, it has kept me erect since a few minutes after Mohammad left the room yesterday. Your brother and Jamaal liked that it didn't go down all evening and night. "

"We're going to have to have more of a discussion about Ahmed." I knew exactly what he wanted to know, was his brother going to become dominate or was his current desire to be dominated more than a phase. I had no idea what I could tell him other than to talk with the boy.

"The Doctor isn't ready for either of you yet, Prince Mehmet, are you willing to start with the hair removal treatment?" I know it was necessary for the two of us to be physically identical, but I was going to miss his furry chest on my back. Some of the other hair had already fallen out but his chest was still fully intact and I had spent as much time as he would allow pressed against it.

"Ali, you look like the first treatment worked well. Is there any hair patches that you have see hanging around?"

"I can't see it, but it feels like I still have the patch a few inches of my ass. It feels the same as it always has."

"It is okay, the first of the hair has started dying off. That spot will probably take at least two more treatments. Just think, fifty years again you would have been set up for at least eight treatments." That was some consolation but I had hoped for a total of three treatments. Any hair that had ben shaved was going to need another treatment, only the follicles were killed and it would take some time to be sure that hair didn't return.

"Whose first?"

"Ali, step up."

"This won't melt the plastic in my ass?"

"You have a butt plug in your ass?" Hamid had stopped me from entering the machine.

"You need to take that out, Mehmet." At least he knew Mehmet enough that he wouldn't be expecting me to take the butt plug out when my Master was nearby.

"We were trying earlier. That is why we weren't waiting on our appointment time."

"Perhaps the Doctor will be able to remove it but he doesn't have the tools he had in the emergency room. How big is it?"

I was a bit embarrassed talking about what was in my asshole with Hamid. He had been too obviously lusting when we were here the first time. "It is a number three."


"I have them lined up and numbered in storage. A number three is about the size of a small hand. I tried pushing in fresh grease to no avail." I appreciated that my master was willing to speak up ans save me some embarrassment. Well the fresh grease did allow the plug to turn some but it didn't help us get it out.

"If you did this, Mehmet you deserve to have him taken away from you for a week. Slave if you did this to yourself you deserve a furious gang bang."

."Who is that guy in the waiting room?"

"I think he haws a crush on the doctor. Every Monday he shows up with something that need to be removed from his ass. Last week it was two cucumbers. The week before it took both of us to remove what he claimed was the head off a motorized dildo that pumped his ass at whatever speed he wants. I haven';t heeard what it might be today, but be sure your problem will be sane compared to his. Do you care if the dildo is in one piece when you leave?" What a question. All I wanted was to get it out, Mehmet couldn't care if it ever returned to the palace.

"You have a little problem here, Mehmet?"

"My slave has a problem, Dr. and it isn't so little."

"This shouldn't be that bad. Hamid hold this flap and Mehmet hold the other one." I had been bent over like I would do to myself when sucking my own balls or trying to lick my asshole. I doubt either the Dr. or his assistant knew what I could do If I stayed there for more than a couple minutes. Mehmet had us all learn how to do that so he could show us off so I expected him to have me suck my cock, lick my balls or go for what I had yet to manage.

"Hold tight. I will use the slowest speed on the drill but it still may be strong enough to pull it out of your hands. I don't want to whirl the dildo around in the slave's asshole, it might do some damage." The idea of that put the fear of God into me. There was not much chance I could help, but I clamped my asshole down as tight as I could. Please. Hold on, Mehmet.

"That's good, we need to wait until the hospital delivers the expandable hook before we do anything else. Mehmet has this slave learned to suck himself?"

I was almost hard from having three men playing with my asshole. That put the tip of my cock beyond my mouth so I had to move it back with my hand. I guess having the drill away from my asshole let me relax, I swallowed my entire cock in two swallows. Just to please my Master I stuck my tongue out and ran it over my balls.

"Do you think you have a slave that can lick his asshole, Mehmet? I know you have asked other slave owners about the ability." I knew it was a major concern for Mehmet, I wished I could do it for him right then, I want him to be proud of me. I swallowed most of my cum and softening my cock was not too hard to get out of my mouth. Just for show I sucked in my balls, one at a time and exerted myself as hard as I could, if they hadn't been watching close they wouldn't have seen that the tip of my tongue just touched the corner of my asshole under the dildo's flaps.

"Dr. this is after five weeks of practice. I believe he will be able to lick from one end of his asshole to the other in a few weeks with his yoga practice and physical therapy. I've told him to start thinking how he will do it, but I also think he may be that one in a thousand that is able to fuck himself. Any suggestions your can give him, Hamid?" For a man the color of a hickory nut Hamid sure was able to show a blush.

It almost looked like the hook they used to use to move bales of hay except there wasn't a hook. The Doctor pushed the probe hard, My head was in his way. I was given a close up view of what was happening. The probe slowly went in the hole he had drilled, if he pushed any harder the butt plug was going to go past the flaps that held in on the outside. A cork hit the plug and the Doctor explained that now that it was in the full way he would hit a button and four hooks would engage and when he pulled would make the plug slide out.

I tried relaxing to help. After five minute of pulling he suggested that I tried pushing like I was either taking a shit or having a baby. The baby idea I had no idea how to do, but I didn't have any problem making like I was pushing out a turd. Mehmet had grabbed the probe with the doctor and it started out slow and then all at once it was plopping out.

"Damn, damn, damn, bitching Hell that hurt." It was the first time I had sworn in the months I had been a slave. What was the punishment?

"You will be punished when we reach the palace." I was glad that he had chosen not to punish me in front of Hamid and the doctor.

The hair treatment and eyebrow shaping were simple after getting the plug removed. Even having the mole frozen off was minor pain in comparison.

"I'll see you in two weeks. I should be able to finish the hair treatment. We'll measure your butts again, Mehmet. Like I suggested to the Agency we may be implanting some prophylactics that will give you the muscular look that Ali could not lose unless we were to remove muscles. I thought you were going to start the ball weights after our last appointment?"

"Ali had an allergic reaction. The Agency ordered a set coated in a non-allergenic material but they haven't arrived from Brazil as of yet.. We have tried to rig some weights he can use while sleeping. I don't know if they have done any good." He could have told the doctor that he also had Angelo and my slave pulling my balls whenever he thought about it.

"Let's get a measurement then, don't want to over do it or you would have to start wearing them, too." The Dr. looked at him as if it might be possible that we were already there. We soaked our balls and cocks in warm water for about ten minutes so they hanged to the maximum and then let Hanid use a measuring tape up to the dick and again around the pair hanging there. The difference was so slight that the doctor thought we should not do any more pulling.

We were headed out of the office through a back door with our instructions for the next two week when we heard Hamid ask the stranger what the problem was today. He had a short fluorescent light bulb stuck and was afraid to move. That explained the two men that had wheeled him into the office on a mover's dolly.

"Ali, you shamed yourself and my training when you swore at the pain. We are headed to the nearest unoccupied service cubicle and you are going to learn what pain really is." I had thought he had told me that if he thought I needed punishment he would be have Monsieur wielding the whip, he said he wouldn't want me to hate him for a beating.

As we walked the two blocks I couldn't imagine worse pain than having the butt plug removed. I hated needles because of the sharp sudden pain. I am a wimp when it comes to pain, the cock ring was about as much as I can stand. Mehmet didn't say another word as we searched for an open cubicle. What was he about to do to me? Usually the punishment at this stage would have been a butt plug, the doctor had explicitly told us that I was not to play with dildos or have a butt plug in my ass for the next two weeks. I was happy that my Master asked, at least he was permitted to fuck me once a day, no more than that and he needed to stop if I complained of pain.

"Ali, have you forgotten that you are my slave and must behave that way in public at all times? Mett had me bent over the padded horse in the service cubicle.

"No Master, I can never forget that I am your possession." How would it ever be possible, he had taken all my freedom and was not ever far enough away not to remind me.

"Have I hurt you before today, slave?"

"Master, how am I to answer that?

"In here we are 100% honest, even if the other will not like hearing the answer." It was a reminder that while I was still a slave that he wanted to know what I felt.

"Master, you hurt me when you took my anal cherry and the first few times you fucked me after that." He knew that I enjoyed having him fuck me now, there was no reason for me to add that to my declaration of pain.

"Have I been kind to you?" I was worried about what was going to happen, he was continually stroking my butt.

"Yes, Master. No slave could expect as much from a master as you have done for me. Buying me my own slave was an indescribable pleasure, Master."

"Do you like the palace I have purchased for you to live in?"

"Master, I could never have imagined living in such a palace. You have changed my life so much." I was ready to cry, I had shamed him after all of that.

"Have I not permitted you to dominate my younger brother and protected you from both my father and my eldest brother?"

"Yes, Master."

"And still you felt it permissible to embarrass me in front of two professional men and whoever may have been watching at the Agency?"

"Master, the pain overwhelmed any thinking I may have been doing. I am mortified that I allowed myself to scream."

"What should I do about this misbehavior? Shall I give you to Monsieur? Turn you over to Camp (50) for the weekly gang bang? (How did he know about that?)

"The Agency demands that I punish you in some way.

"They would have preferred that I do it while in the Dr.'s office so that the men that saw my embarrassment saw you pay the price."

He had gone from stroking my butt to pinching me. I was squirming on the bench. The pinches were not light, they were actually very painful and it was taking me most of my willpower not to scream at the pain.

"You will live in pain for the rest of this day, your slave will not be available to you to relieve any of the pain." He had taken a whiffled paddle from the locked cage. I had seen a teacher use one of those back in High School, the boys paddled with them hadn't been able to sit in class for two days and they had only had two or three strokes each.

Before he did anything with the paddle he started snapping clips to the loose skin of my ball sac, soon there were at least a dozen of them digging into my skin.

"Now, stand." The pain nearly made my legs crumble but one look from him kept me moving in the right direction.

A few more clips along my cock and he stood up looking at my chest. Rather than clips that were put on with two fingers he put clips on my nipples that he was able to screw down. I was a wriggling mass of pain. I couldn't imagine him making me walk down the street with those on and I didn't have a dishdasha with me.

"Over the bench again." It took some contorting for me not to be rubbing the clips against the bench. When I did the pain increased greatly. I was biting my lips to keep from screaming. With my hole exposed and not supposed to fuck me my Master did light finger/thumb flicks against the tortured skin, I wanted to get away from his hands but there was no way. I was sore still I would have glady have accepted him fucking me rather than this talk.

"You will count the number of times I hit you with the paddle." I had been so consumed with the pain I was in already that I hadn't noticed when he picked up the paddle he had set on the table beside me.

"Slave, you will scream out the number. If I don't think you are screaming loudly enough I will open the door and walk over to hire the enforcers for hire. If necessary I will hire three or more." Now he wanted me to scream? An hour earlier it was embarrassing and know it would be embarrassing if I did not scream loudly enough? How is a slave to know what his master wants?

'Thank you master, screaming out the numbers gives me a way to scream without embarrassing you in front of the agency.' With the first swat I started to cry, not just tears running down my cheeks but huge gulping sobs between me calling out the numbers. I had thought I was falling in love with my Master but by the time I screamed out number EIGHT love had turned to hate. By the time I was screaming out FIFTEEN my mind was thinking of nothing but the pain and if he would ever stop.

Next: Chapter 12

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