By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 17, 2023



Chapter 10

IF you are not of legal age in your locale, please leave. I wouldn't want to be accused of corrupting the morals of minors without getting the pleasure. IF you don't enjoy man on man sex with its many variation this story is probably not for you.

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Chapter 10

Ahmed had taken off the mask and pulled the opaque sides down on my gazebo. I didn't blame him much, the mask is hot and sweaty. Mett had stopped on our trip to the camp to find a thinner mask that would still disguise his brother's face. If anyone had seen him naked before there was no disguising the birth mark on his butt without allowing him to wear a loin cloth but he insisted that he should be allowed to get the full treatment and know what the slaves are feeling as well as learning. He wasn't accustomed to spending the day in the sun so he was burning like the slaves had their first week. I would have thought he was more accustomed to the sun but I guess he was used to wearing his dishdasha day and night.

Unlike the others he had me to rub aloe and another pungent lotion that Mett had sent me into the burned skin. Driving to the camp the morning after Rais Amal had dropped him there Mett had reluctantly given me permission to both fuck and be sucked by his brother, but not to allow Ahmed to fuck me. I wasn't sure how much there was to be of that, already my Master was fucking me every night and I had Jamaal needing my attention. They might just wear me down to a nub or at a minimum drain my balls until I couldn't cum any more..

After the two morning classes all of the slaves had to work on their graduation project. Watching eleven handsome well built young men attempting to suck in their entire cock would have been enough to make anyone shoot a load. After two months only two of the remaining slaves were not able to at least lick the heads of their own cock. I wished that Angelo was with us to help the newbies but I tried to do my best in getting them to stretch and limber up before showing them the three ways that I knew how to suck my own cock. They both choose to attempt getting their cocks to lower into their mouths while their heads were on the ground and their butts against a half-wall, their feet dangled in the air for the first few minutes (gravity would help their cocks drop a little). They were about a half hour into the practice when the physical therapist that had helped me learn to stretch arrived and helped the boys. Being younger than most of us they were able to lick the head of their cocks by the time practice was over for the first day.

While they were occupied with their own cocks I was working at my next goal. I was able to lick my balls while sucking my cock but to move my grade up I needed to learn how to suck my balls. It really shouldn't be that difficult considering they hung a few inches down, if I took the same position as Ahmed and Jamaal they hung almost half way down my cock. My problem wasn't reaching them, I had trouble getting my mouth open wide enough to take more than one. I could get one in at a time but to get both in my mouth was making me open wider than I thought possible. It is one of the most enjoyable of my tasks, I love having my balls licked and doing it to myself is a real treat, why hadn't I ever learned that as I grew up. I spent the last ten minutes of practice time with the therapist pushing against my calves while I worked at getting my tongue closer to my asshole. I hadn't gotten there yet and was determined that I would graduate Prime Grade-One A (able to fuck myself as well as push my tongue into my asshole). Keeping my cock soft enough to curl around my balls and hard enough to push into my asshole was still out of reach.

The worst part of the practice hour was that unlike the other slaves I was not allowed to cum. My Master wanted me to spread my seed not swallow it.

"Ali." They had been told me to call me by my name while in camp. Neither of them would have been prepared to defend themselves had the other slaves known they were there as my slaves. "Is this the kind of food that is served here everyday?" It was the first time since the slaves had been in camp that the cook attempted hamburgers.

"We only get American style food one time a week. Tonight we will be served one of the sheep based dishes you are used to eating, Ahd." There weren't many Ahmed's in Kuwait so it was decided to call him Ahd in hopes that no one made the connection between brothers, that was most likely since the slaves at that point only knew Mehmet and the trainers. Jones knew the sheikh that was head of education, he had been sent out as an escort three times (I thought that suggested that he might have met his master. The problem I saw was that Ahmed looked quite a bit like Mehmet and I, although not as muscular or hung.

While running Jones often tried staying at my side, I could lose him if I wanted. We were able to whisper back and forth if I didn't set too fast a pace but fast enough to outdistance the trainers. Otherwise I would not know much of what was happening to the other slaves in the evening or over night, he loved to gossip. The others were jealous of the bed I was provided with and hated me for not using it every night ( just leaving it empty), they had no idea that I was with our owner being fucked while they had a peaceful night's sleep, although some of them were being required to sleep with butt plugs until they learned to accept the largest dildo the camp had. I was glad that wasn't me, those dildos looked as big as my arm. Jones and I generally spoke in German, it turned out no one else knew the language so we had complete privacy even if we fell back into the midst of the group.

"Who are the two boys that arrived at your tent last night and this morning?" It sounded like more than idol curiosity, Jones was known to let his desire to get out of control.

"Two slaves that Mehmet wants to have sharpen up their skills." (Mehmet had decided that Ahmed needed to pose as a slave if he wanted to be fully trained.) "They were both trained before the operation became this professional so they are not well trained and will have a long way to go to catch up with us. Ahd will have little problem with the morning activities as he has lived here for some time but all of the sexual activities are going to be new, he was only introduced to sucking and fucking this last week. His master asked a favor of Prince Mehmet so Ahd is with us to learn how to take a cock like mine if not larger. I thought ten inches was long, but the day we talked to Ahd's master we saw that his enforcer hangs longer than either of us.

"Jamaal was bought yesterday to serve in the Prince's household. When he bought the boy the Prince knew that the slave was never trained so he planned on him being here from the start, his sexual knowledge had come from what he had seen on the computer. I had the pleasure of breaking in his ass, our Master didn't want him to hate him. I got it the first time yesterday, he was so tight he was crying by the time I had pounded out a load. I think our master said that everything he is to learn he is to learn by practicing on me or Ahd." Honestly I was free to allow Jamaal to practice on the other slaves but I was feeling possessive. I really didn't want anyone else to experience the pleasure he has been giving me licking my ass.

"Ahd looks at the rest of the slaves with so much lust in his face I think if given the chance he would be the bottom on the weekly gang bang. Everyone else might like that, I think they are getting tired of having Robert as their fuck toy."

"I haven't been around for any of the gang bangs, how is the bottom decided?"

"On the day of the orgy the last slave in from the four mile run is selected, we never know what day it will be but Robert is by far the slowest runner here.. If the slaves were to be allowed to select they would pick someone different every week, I think some of us might volunteer. The trainers say they will not change the way they choose because it will teach Robert not to slough off when given a task. What they don't know is that Robert could outrun any of us if he wanted. He just likes being the guy to get fucked a dozen times."

"We could rush him and drop you to the back if you want everyone one week.

"There are days I might feel the same, last night I had Jamaal practicing his ass eating, after an hour I could have opened up my ass for as many men that wanted it, I would not have cared that they are all slaves. For only having licked an ass for the first time yesterday at noon he can make me crazy. I can't imagine how good he will be after eating my ass for a few weeks." I couldn't think about anything other than having his tongue buried in my ass and wiggling it around. Thank you, Master.

"You have turned into a real fuck boy haven't you, Olly?" It was the first time I had heard my name since the Prince had deflowered me. I momentarily missed my old life until the thoughts of what Mett had done with me the last two months made me smile. I didn't believe it but my asshole had responded to Jones' accusation.

"I guess you could say that. I have only had the one cock in my ass but I really have learned to enjoy it and having my ass eaten is turning into my greatest pleasure." I didn't think it would be a smart idea to tell Jones that our Master was the first man to get his tongue in my ass and was still my favorite.

"Are you giving him his money's worth?"

"Jones, I think there is a lot more for me to learn before he gets his money's worth, he spent more on me than I could think about spending on anything or anyone, my father taught me that there is nothing worth more than a million dollars.

"Are they making everyone of the slaves learn how to drink piss?" It wasn't as much of a diversion as it sounded like, I knew that piss drinking would add to the value Mehmet would think and feel he was receiving from his personal slave. Being his double and saving his life would not be enough, he would want me to know everything the other slaves were being taught and to do it better

"Most of us, is our owner making you drink his?"

"Not yet. But I have been told that I will be expected to drink his piss whenever we are not at the palace for the night. For now there is his body servant that is happy to drink our piss every morning when we wake and in the middle of the night if we wish."

"So what are you supposed to do the rest of the day?"

"What do you mean?" The question threw me.

"Where are you supposed to piss when our owner's body servant is not within calling distance?" I had the feeling that Jones was feeling me out.

"For the next month I will have the two slaves that are with me. I am especially expected to train Jamaal to drink piss whenever I tell him (not only expected but wanting to). I am going to have to ask about Ahd, he has taken one load but I am not certain his master will want me to use his mouth as a urinal again." I already knew, Mett had told me that if I wanted to use Ahd as my personal urinal or cum dump it was okay to do so until the boy complained to his father. The boy was going to have a lot of piss down his throat once we moved into the new palace, Mehmet had told me that Ahmed would be expected to serve his visitors.

During the morning's lessons he and Jamaal had snuck off to the side so that my slave could hydrate our owner's brother. I wasn't sure I liked Jamaal getting his dick in Ahd but at the camp there wasn't anything I could say, at home he might get punished although I sort of enjoyed watching Ahmed drinking slave piss. You might say it was revenge for our slavery but I think I am beginning to think there is a definite sexual feel to all forms of pissing.

Mehmet had me called for an hour before normal. Jamaal and Ahd were being watched over by Monsieur as they practiced with the dildos. I wanted Jamaal able to take my cock into his throat, so far he was only able to take about six inches in his mouth before gagging. Ahd had taken my entire cock once but was having a hard time with the dildos.

I suggested to Monsieur that a swat with a wiffled paddle might help. I wished I would be there to see Ahmed's reaction to having a slave enforcer swat him with a paddle, the spoiled child was probably never paddled by his father.

"Ali, you need to take a shower and I will dress you in the best dishdasha we have moved, that will fit you." Angelo was in the shower room before the water had stopped flowing over my body with a softer towel than I had been allowed to use at the palace.

"Do you know what is happening?" This was the first time that I had been forced to dress after a day at the camp. Besides I was not used to being treated to the luxury that Mehmet, his brothers and father experienced every day.

"Our Master needed to go to a family function. He was on the road when the Agency called to say that there was a problem with the purchase of his palace. He was needed to go into Twenty-Second Century City and meet the Realtor at the palace. You are to go in his place. You will be told exactly what is expected once you are in the Hummer. Are you excited, it is your first mission?" Angelo was certainly ex cited about his role in this. I didn't think we would pass until Angelo put a bandage over my mole and thickened my eyebrows.

Stage fright? I had elephants doing loop d loops in my stomach. The Realtor had seen me only the previous day with the Prince. Had he paid enough attention to me to know if he was looking and talking with the Prince or me? I had been masked and naked, would he recognize me with clothes on? It is much the same as the opposite, would you recognize a stranger's naked body after only seeing them once but fully clothed? Before he started to button up the robe by Khosla, Angelo snapped a chastity cage around my cock. He enjoyed doing that to me, I had noticed the smirk he had on his face after doing it the first few times.

"Angelo, have you inserted a butt plug?" My Master'[s voice seemed to come out of the heavens, it was deeper than when he stood by me.

"No, Master. Am I allowed to do that?" There was a moment of silence.

"No, you may not, but you may watch as the slave does it to himself." Mehmet had inserted the butt plugs when I was being punished every time, now he wanted me to fill myself? I had worked my asshole with a dildo explicitly for him to watch but this was a first, I had never inserted my own butt plug. Did he worry about me being attracted to the Realtor or was I going to need to fight the man off? He had seemed to like my Master a little more than normal for hetero-men, I had thought there might be a history between them that my Master did not want re-ignited..

Angelo took the robe off my shoulders and spread it over a rack that was in the shower room. If my Master was watching which I thought he was, did he have only one view. If not, I would bet that he saw Angelo fondle my butt.

"Which of the butt plugs do you want him to use, Master?" There was a huge grin on Mehmet's body servant when he asked that, he was tapping my asshole with the tip of a finger. I thought he must know where the cameras did not catch.

"Let him choose for himself. Ali, it should be big enough that it will stay in. If you want the canine plug, Angelo will go to the play room to get it." This was the only joke that my Master and I had that could be called a private joke.

"You've already taken the canine plug?" Angelo almost shouted the question, Mehmet had told me that Angelo had worn a canine plug for the last year until he had been allowed to service the guard dogs at the desert house.

"No, our Master has shown it to me. I shivered at the idea of an expandable bulb." There were even more butt plugs to choose from than the camp had dildos. Different lengths, colors and thicknesses. I picked number three, cream; it was seven inches long with a bulb almost as large as Angelo's fist. I knew if I could get the plug in it wasn't coming out without a hard pull. I hoped that it would be Mehmet withdrawing the plug, he had a way of pulling the plugs and playing with my asshole at the same time, thinking about that got me pushing against the chastity cage. I don't know about other cages, but the one encompassing me had a sharp stainless rod that was inserted in the urethra, chubbing up hurt.

I bent over the bed asking Angelo if he wanted to grease my asshole, I'm going to have to get used to the idea of giving orders. Mehmet had let him do that a number of times. As excited as he appeared to be to be watching me insert a plug in myself I knew it would be torture for him to be greasing my asshole., he would want more The young Filipino was tentative at touching me without our master present but Mehmet's voice joined us again..

"Grease him well, Angelo. He'll be filled until I return tomorrow." If I'd known that I would have the plug in me for that long I would have chosen a smaller one. Fortunately, Angelo had insisted that I use the bidet before showering.

I always liked having Angelo touching my asshole, I don't know what it is about his fingers but they seem to send an electrical charge through me when he first puts them in. Fingering me was not something that my Master seemed to enjoy, but Angelo, I think he would have kept his fingers in my asshole for hours at a time if allowed.

"Our Master really knows how to pick assholes." I thought that was rather insulting but he had three fingers in me and I was not going to complain since he was doing his normal magic and I was close to shuddering inside.

"Put a little more grease in, please." I don't know if Angelo or Mehmet knew that I wanted him to play with me longer, he had tried to remove his fingers too soon for me. I needed more preparation to be able to stick the butt plug I had chosen in my asshole. I would have been happier if Jamaal had been there to prepare me with his tongue.

"With all four fingers if you will, Angelo" The plug was larger than his four fingers so I hoped that I wouldn't disappoint my Master while he watched from the Hummer. He had told me that anything that concerned my asshole excited him, I hoped that he would be excited enough to be forced to masturbate. I had excited him enough once before that he had masturbated in the Hummer, but that was playing with three different dildos and the bidet. He told me that he had to stick his dick out the window when he was shooting.

"Are you enjoying his fingers, slave?" I would never have expected my Master's eldest brother to enter the room. There was nothing I could say. Angelo rushed from the room like he had been electrocuted by the words.

"Mohammad, why are you in my shower room with my slave?" Mehmet sounded over the moon angry. This was the first time that Mohammad had seen me in a sexual position. Mohammad spoke as if there was nothing different than any normal day, like he was used to seeing me pushing a butt plug in for his pleasure all the time.

"I thought you should know that the problem with the Realtor has been caused by our father. Until Ahmed returns home he is going to put up as many blocks as he can so that you do not move into your own home.

"An added benefit is seeing this beautiful asshole that you have been fucking. With you away I thought I should keep the slave warm for you." I hadn't wanted to have anything to do with Mohammad so I had stopped playing and forced the butt plug in with a hard push. If he hadn't been there I think I would have screamed, the girth was a lot more than I had ever taken. It was more than I was ready for, but I didn't stop; my Master was watching me and I wouldn't disappoint him by failing him in front of his brother.

Angelo came back in and warmed a cloth to wipe away any grease that might stain the dishdasha, I didn't know if it was customary for the men of the country but Mehmet and I never wore any small clothing. Once more covered in the fantastic robe Angelo was kneeling in front of me and fastening the thirty-two buttons. Mohammad spoke with Mehmet glaring at me the whole time, my cock shrank in the cage, not filling it for the first time..

"Before you leave." He mouthed the words as he left the room. He was facing so that Mehmet didn't see him, Angelo did.

"Master, you need to get Ali out of the palace today. Your brother threatened taking him sexually before you leave."

Mehmet and the Agency were prepared for the problems that the father had tried to create. Appearing in the new palace when another proposed buyer showed up with a second Realtor was enough to chase off the prospective buyer (the robe I was wearing was probably worth more than most Kuwaiti men earned in two years). There was a single paper that the Realtor brought with him for Mehmet to sign, that was a trick that I had been warned would occur. For two months I had been practicing how to sign my Master's name, finally doing it for real was simple. The Realtor couldn't know that the final signature on the folder of papers was not real and no one was going to tell him, it really wouldn't matter, Mehmet had created a legal way within the Agency so that I would be able to do that and it couldn't be contested. The Realtor turned over a half dozen sets of keys and while talking with the previous owner on his private disk showed me the controls for the hot tub and the contacts for the service that cleaned it, the rest of any information needed was listed on a sheet of paper left on a counter in the kitchen.

The Realtor had started reminding Mehmet, actually telling me for the first time about the summer they had spent in Spain (my Master had been promiscuous in those early years, he was fortunate not to have contracted any serious diseases). He was trying to get closer to me, but I had managed to avoid being trapped in the kitchen. I was happy to see Ahmed walking through the front door, his timing was perfect even if he hadn't planned it. He might be another man to fight off but at least I knew more about him and could dominate him should I want to, if no other way than to threaten him with abuse at the camp. The Realtor walked away looking back shaking his head, Ahmed had knelt at my feet and kissed them both before speaking to either of us. I'm glad he is learning what the camp teaches, a half hour later Jamaal walked into the house and repeated the greeting.

Kisses are okay but I think I shall have Jamaal worshiping my feet on a regular basis. I have to say I love his velvety soft tongue everywhere he puts it.

"Come, let me show you the house. It is really a little too large for me to call it a house, so the palace although it is smaller than your father's, Ahmed."

"Mehmet doesn't have a harem that needs attended to or a dozen children that must live somewhere. It will be wonderful to escape the madness of the palace."

"I have only met four brothers, there are more?" It was the first I had heard that he and Mehmet had ten more siblings, I had thought there were only the brothers I had seen.

"No, there are eight daughters. They are not allowed to be in the parts of the house where you spent any time, father will not allow them to be seen by an unmarried man or the two eunuchs he is sure are fucking each other. The youngest of the flock did see you with Mehmet and asked if you were twins that had been kept from the family." He said that with a smile. I guess no one had told the sisters any different than they had supposed.

"Tomorrow, after our eyebrows are permanently shaped and this mole is removed I think anyone seeing our faces from a distance will believe that." I didn't tell Ahmed that his brother would also be having a couple small changes made to him.

"Anyone that sees you from behind already believes that." I had almost forgot that Jamaal was touring the house with us. I was glad to hear that he was looking at my butt, that should make it easier to train him to tongue it when I wanted, although it seemed that he was eager to please my asshole when I had him practice the day before.

"Jamaal, come into the dressing room with me." It took him a few minutes to unbutton the robe and hang it up properly. I pulled him back to my front, playing with his nipples. Was I really at home? It is possible that Mehmet has created a life for me that is better than any I could have ever imagined. Other than sex with him I had no idea what my life would be like, if the missions were as simple as the one today why did he really need me?. The idea that I would work as Mehmet's double in some type of clandestine operations sounded exciting but dangerous, since he needed a double; would one of us be the target of assassins? Surely the Agency wouldn't have spent as much on a slave as they had me just to have me killed.

I lead Jamaal to the hot tub by his erection. Ahmed was in the water waiting for us. For the first time in days I wanted to talk with the two as if they were friends, that would be acceptable with Ahmed since he had first approached me as an equal instead of an equal to my owner. Jamaal was my slave, I was aware that I needed to keep some distance between us or I might lose any control I wanted to have over him. I didn't want to have to have Monsieur assist in controlling him.

"Ahmed, Jamaal, in the water we are not slave and owner, we are all equal. Let's try being friends until Mehmet takes possession of the house There are so many things that Jamaal and I need to know and then there are things that Ahmed still wants to learn. Is it okay with you if in here we are friends?" It was a risky request to make.

They both dove onto me driving me under the surface. We rose up holding hands and kissing, there was no longer any sense of priority, Ahmed was no longer a potential slave owner and I was no longer an owner and Jamaal was no longer at the bottom of the pile. There were seven years between us but for the hour we were in there it seemed as if we were almost the same ages. An hour seems like a long time for a hot tub but the water was not really hot, in fact I doubt if it was more than a degree or two above the ambient temperature, it felt like a warm swimming pool. We mostly did a lot of talking but there was also some grab ass and playing around, twice before we were ready to get out Ahmed asked to drink piss, mine and Jamaal's.

I told the other two that I was ready to exit the tub. Jamaal asked if I would bend over the edge so that he could teach Ahmed how to eat my ass. I might be his owner and the slave of the one's brother being taught but who am I to deny such a request? I had somehow forgotten that I had a butt plug in my ass. They both laughed at the sight once I bent over. Jamaal asked if he could remove it when I remembered that my Master had said that he would remove it tomorrow.

"That is going to have to wait, Jamaal. My Master wants the plug to remain until he returns tomorrow." That seemed to cast a pale on what had been an hour of joy. We all exited the water, rather than any of us dressing we all remained naked; that helped to maintain some of the equality from earlier but there was no doubt that Jamaal wanted to be my slave and that Ahmed had been raised in a royal family. Ahmed and I worked on the wording, an hour later he had ordered a plaque to hang above the hot tub formalizing the way our day had gone, what would Mehmet think?

Next: Chapter 11

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