By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 3, 2023


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Our 50th President (She was a good one) started reducing the debt for the first time since our 42nd President.

In 2072 United States attacked and annexed Mexico, Guatemala and Panama, increasing our total of states to 68 including those from the north.

In 2087 we were facing debts that we had long been delaying, after adding those of our now Southern states they were too much to pay. China, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and South Africa demanded payment at the very real threat that we would go bankrupt. After months of negotiations had broken off they demanded that if we were not going to pay back the trillions of dollars we owed with cash that they would accept a tribute of young men at the tune of $20,000. for each one sold in their country. The President, the Senate and Congress all knew that these men would be slaves either of the government or individuals. Our countrymen were morally against the idea but voted down the taxes that would be necessary to make the payments required.

January 2nd 2088 our own army began to round up men that would fill the requirements that the four countries had demanded. The first tribute was mostly filled with men from south of the Rio Grande sent to China to replace millions that had died due to the use of a new insect spray that turned out being poisonous to their rice farmers. The other creditors wanted mostly Nordic slaves, on the day of the Texas vs Oklahoma football game the Army surrounded the University of Oklahoma gathering up 60,000 college age students to make America's first tribute to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and South Africa, mostly Saudi Arabia out of the sixty thousand thirty thousand had been acceptable and shipped over seas.

During the spring of 2088 there were news reports that the men sent east were being treated poorly. An occasional story out of Saudia Arabia would let America know that their boys were being used in ways that were not for anyone's benefit other than the person that now owned them, (hint hint) sexually. The government wasn't being open about what they planned to do about the next payments that were due in January of 2089. Across the mid 48 states there were demonstrations and riots demanding that the President declare war before sending one more American citizen in payment of our debts, the states which had been Canada banned large gatherings in an attempt to prevent the gathering up of their citizens. The states in what had once been Mexico and Canada threatened revolution should more of their citizens be used as payment.

I had attended one of the demonstrations while home for Thanksgiving. Not that I feared being sent as tribute, I simply believe we should be able to find another way to pay our debts. Africa and the Mid-east had sent representatives to accompany the Army on the next raid on its own people. I didn't worry because I am not a white boy that would fill their desires. I'm 6'2" tall, 186 pounds (not skinny, but no extra weight) and one quarter African so I walked around sure that I wouldn't be sent East where the reports of sex slavery seemed to be certain they only wanted blond boys. So much for white privilege. I was in my last year of graduate school at Ohio State, the president's Alma mater; surely the Army wouldn't be so brash as to select my fellow students for the next tribute.

"As quickly as they ushered the adults out of here you would think I could get someone to accept the fact that I'm a quarter African."

"Olly, you really don't look it and it's not going to help you anyway." My roommate Willie always seemed to have the answer. He had kept us informed about the disposition of the first thirty thousand boys that had arrived in Saudi Arabia with weekly reports in the house we rented off campus.

"Didn't you say the next group of boys sent to Saudi Arabia would all be white?"

"Yeah, but I think the next shipment is split with Kuwait and they are not as picky."

"Do we really owe the Kuwaitis that much? It looks like there were 100,000 of us still in the stadium. That's what? Twenty trillion dollars?"

"From what I read that is about what we owe Kuwait and South Africa. So we will probably be sent to the two countries since they haven't received anyone yet.. You won't be returning to Africa, South Africa has demanded all blonds." Willie had moved away to where he could talk with one of the agents aiming their guns at us.

"We may as well sit on the grass, this may take more than twenty four hours." The grass at OS is held nearly sacred but I wasn't going to stand around until we we allowed to leave.

"I sure hope they feed us."

"Let's see what is being said further up in the stadium."

"I'm going to fight this all the way to the Mid-east. Didn't the UN come out against this plan to pay debts?" The third or us living in the house had been vocal from the first day the plan had been announced. Kevin's family had money so he was not used to being treated as one of 50-60,000. Those that had tried fighting the first wave of the tributes were still sent while their parents were left tied up in court with no end in sight.

"Yeah, and then the members went back in session and laughed at the almighty USA." Right then we heard applause and booing. "I'm going to go see what is happening."

"I'll be over there where they're trying to teach Farsi and Arabic." I am not so laid back that I assumed that I was going to be a slave no matter what I did, but I was smart enough to know that my chance at getting away would only come later. Even if I managed to get out of this it wouldn't hurt to know some of those languages, Europe had been flooded with immigrants that spoke them and my plan was to spend the next three years in Berlin and Paris.

I was glad I had planned for a cold afternoon. By the time I was tired enough to sleep there was snow falling on us. Willie had returned with news that there were impromptu outbreaks of gay sex happening that caused the applause and booing. How could some guys be so careless of their lives to be put out that they were gay and should be taken as sex slaves not slaves to be set to the oil fields or off shore rigs. Willie didn't think all the sex had been between gay guys, he'd seen one of the linebackers from the team going at a younger guy and thought it had sounded like the boy was being raped.

It actually took two days of waiting in the cold. A few hours after the game finished we were given wool university blankets and hand-warmers. I had never felt quite so much like a minority as I did during those days and nights. It isn't that I'm so dark that anyone thinks of me as a different race, it is my knowledge of my ancestors that made me feel like the only one among thousands. If it hadn't been for Willie being by my side a majority of the time I would not have survived without fighting the guards both nights. The second night was so cold we curled up next to each other and doubled the blankets over us, that was the first time I had been that closely in contact with another male except for sports.

I wasn't sure what I should feel about being that close to my friend. I was glad for the extra warmth but it was another man! I could feel his cock as we shifted. I was sure he had felt mine, also. I had woke with the normal erection, was it normal that I was rubbing it between the cheeks of a guy's butt? Most of the day I sat alone, brooding about the natural reaction I'd had. I doubted it could have been a gay reaction, I didn't remember ever having a single desire to have any kind of sex with another guy not even to get a blow job back in high school when I had walked into a restroom with two of my classmates on their knees offering to do anyone that wanted to get off.,

Processing involved more than just getting our names and home addresses. We all went through a full physical, had our vaccinations checked against a list from student health of what were being required and most of the dark haired boys were dismissed (the few that weren't should have been models). You would have thought we were the ideal group (idealistic students) to riot in objection to being enslaved but the entire time we were herded through the process by men carrying at least three guns. Willie said they only had rubber bullets but still there were only minor skirmishes. I took a punch at an orderly that grabbed at my cock, fortunately I didn't get shot. It didn't take the guards more than two minutes to have me on the ground with my hands cuffed: the orderly I had attempted to punch stripped my jeans and underwear off. That was the first time I felt another man's hand on my cock.

Willie and three or four other guys from our circle were in the penultimate group to go through orientation. The four Kuwaitis that conducted the class separated us into groups that we were told would be the group we would be auctioned with. Two of the groups were told they would be labor, the other two personal slaves. I had been selected to be a personal slave. I didn't know what that meant but the others in my group thought we were either to be house servants or sex slaves. I was the only non-blond in my group. Among those being auctioned off for labor there were a few guys that had light brown hair, I supposed they might be light enough for their new Kuwaiti masters but was there any chance they would not be purchased and returned to the states? I had that hope. Being so late in those being processed I hoped for so much that I no longer had a good grasp of reality.

After being processed we were herded into the home team's locker room and told to shower. After three days without a shower that sounded good, but why? As we came out of the showers we saw why. Instead of the clothing we had been wearing there were a rainbow of boxer briefs waiting on the seats we had used. Under the seats were new sandals. If we had a watch or any jewelry or possessions in our pockets they sat beside the briefs. Over my watch and wallet lay a pair of the brightest pink briefs I have ever seen. I was never one of those guys that thought anyone wearing pink was gay, but those briefs shouted to anyone looking 'here is a flaming queen'. I tried trading them with Willie and a couple other guys but I was stuck with them, Willie thought they went well with my skin tone; I gave him a slap upside his head. How had we maintained any sense of humor?

We were not given any other clothing, from the locker room we were herded onto buses that took us to the airport where we were driven like cattle onto the largest airplane I had ever seen by guards with slave prods. You may have seen one before, they are built by Airbus. The plane was double decked with no differences in seating anywhere, I estimated there were more than 800 of us on that plane, they had removed first class. All you could see was men's heads and chests, a sea of mostly hairless skin. We were fed and watered on the way from the US to the Mid-East although I had hoped for a last hamburger not the Arabian food we were given, the servers were accompanied by guards. It seemed to me that there was not going to be a moment when we were allowed to think about freedom.

"Willie? Have you ever seen a warehouse that big?" Coming off the plane we weren't taken through an airport but marched down the stairs onto the tarmac and herded double file to the largest warehouse I had ever seen.

"What are you? A country bumpkin? That building isn't even as big as the stadium we were in two days ago."

"That's a stadium not a warehouse."

"This is not even as big as the warehouses along the Ohio River. Olly, watch where you are going. That guard off to the right has his eye on you."

"Screw him. I'm not giving it up easy."

"You better rethink that, Olly. I have never had a dick up my ass but I've heard if you fight it that it hurts worse." Willie and I had that same conversation a dozen time those first few days in the stadium. He hadn't convinced me to give it up easy.

"If anyone thinks he';s going to take my ass he better be ready to tie me down."

Each group was cuffed together as we entered the doors.

"I thought we were to be in the same group?"

"Looks like you are being separated out from the other groups." He clung to me for a few minutes whispering into my ear that he had hoped we would stay together. "Olly, I always wanted you to fuck me."

He had shocked me so much that for a little while I didn't pay attention to what was happening around me.

He was right about me being separated from the group although I didn't quite follow what was happening. Within a half hour the others in my group had been cuffed to different groups. It felt good to have the cuffs off even though I had only been wearing them for a little over a half hour. Released from the others I was prodded until I stood with a group of five other guys also uncuffed. I knew one of the guys, a Tri-Delt that had attempted to convince me to join his fraternity during my freshman year.

"Jones, I thought you were out of school. How did they get you?"

"Olly, I went back for the big game. Are you still a student?"

"I am working on my doctorate. I was supposed to be going off to Europe in April for some final research."

"Do you know anything about these terms of slavery? I was under the impression that when Arabs took a slave that he was basically an indentured servant for a set number of years."

"I hope you're right. Why have we been separated from everyone else?"

"One of the guards said we are going to be the first to be auctioned off. Are you ready to stand up there naked?" I had thought standing in front of the thousands there in the shining pink briefs would be bad enough, but naked?

I had been overwhelmed with the thousands of guys in the warehouse and hadn't even noticed that we were standing at the bottom of a staircase. Those fifteen steps looked like the longest staircase as tall as those leading up the Mexican pyramids. On the stage I could see six down lights that beckoned to us. The sound of voices I couldn't understand seemed normal, why would they address us in English? The other Tri-delt alongside Jones stepped away from us and stripped off his briefs. Three men in formal robes surrounded him, not allowing us to see much. Then they call over Jones.

"It is time for me to accept my slavery." Jones stripped his briefs off and stepped over beside his fraternity brother.

I expected him to stand there but one of the trio surrounding them put his hand on Jones' shoulder and he sank to his knees in front of the first guy called out. Immediately Jones opened his mouth and licked the hard knob for a second before slowly swallowing the entire shaft. That was the first time I had seen a man sucking another man's cock since that day in high school. I felt a tingle in my balls, if this was what I could expect I might survive: accepting a blowjob didn't seem that bad but to be like Jones?. The trio around Jones and friend were joined by another trio. One of which seemed to take a solid interest in the first Tri-Dent's ass. I noticed that one of them was much younger than the others, he had also noticed me.

Immediately I knew he was thinking of buying me by the way he looked at me, his eyes hadn't left me since the first moment he noticed me. Up until that moment that was possibly the worst feeling I ever had, did my ancestors ever feel that way? I wasn't descended from American slaves but there were often slaves in many parts of Africa so there were possibly slaves in my family tree. I was thinking that when the guard told the three still standing there to strip. All we needed now was a overseer with a whip.

I refused.

My pride got me stripped by the guards and cuffed once more. I can't even begin to tell you how repulsive having those men's hands all over me was. The guards were not the nicest or best looking men in the room. The youngest of the group surveying the six of us stayed by my side while the other men moved off to examine the other five more closely. He forced his body close behind me, my cuffed hands felt his cock, I tried pulling them up.

"I like your spirit. Even more I like your butt, tomorrow you will bend over for me." While talking to me he had let his hand caress my ass cheeks and then forced his hand between them, I was trying as hard as I could to clench them together. He turned to leave but stepped back to quickly give me a swat on the butt.

"I'm going to enjoy owning you."

For the next hour or more we were examined like horses. Some of the robed men would lift a foot, others a set of balls and some wanted to check our teeth. I had been able to hold back the tears when the young Kuwaiti examined me but while undergoing the rougher examinations that followed tears flowed down my cheeks. More than three times I was bent over by the guards so one or more of the men could ram a finger into me.

"Jones, was that the first time you sucked a cock?"

"No. It was maybe the third or fourth time, I had to suck a couple during fraternity hazing. It's not that bad."

"So, you've been fucked, too?"

"Olly, no! My asshole is just like yours, virgin. Want me to pop your cherry so a damn Arab doesn't get it?" I actually thought about his offer but we were instructed to start moving up the steps before I could say yes or no and I wasn't going to fucked in front of thirty thousand men.

I was the fourth of the group to climb the stairs. Each step seemed like I was stripping away my identity. By the time I reached the platform I could no longer think of myself as Olly, I was number four. The sixty feet from the stairs to the light which I was pushed under screamed to me that you are no longer free, your are a slave and you are going to be bought for a master's pleasure. I tried standing strong but I could not stop the tears, I was never going to see my parents again or make my own choices.

Facing out to the other guys brought from Ohio I couldn't help but think there had been a mistake, I am not 5' 7" and blond like the thousands in front of me. Over their heads were three tiers of sky boxes that must have held two hundred or so men. On the floor in front of those waiting to be sold were a few dozen men that had seemed particularly interested in us as we had stood waiting to climb the stairs.

"There are a few rules to the auction."

"Forty thousand dollars for number four."

"Prince Khalid, please wait."

"These are ex-Americans. There is no limit to the term of slavery. Bidding will be started at ten thousand dollars with raises of ten percent. None of these slaves will be sold for less than twenty thousand dollars. If you wish to see the slave with an erection please motion to the boys on the floor which number you wish to see hard.

"We will begin the auction at your far left.

"Do I hear Ten Thousand dollars?"

In what seemed like seconds the bidding had gotten to thirty five thousand dollars.

Next: Chapter 2

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