2020 San Francisco

By John Comstock

Published on Apr 23, 2020


2020 San Francisco Part 3

If you are not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you done on other stories. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/ A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/ San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation


This story line is the first time this faggot has tried writing a story from the Dom's point of view. It would really appreciate any Doms/Masters/Alphas who have constructive criticism on that point of view. If this faggot got something wrong, want to be able to correct it if it continues with this story. Thank you to all that have sent me comments Last, this story is being written when the country is going through one of our worst crises, the pandemic of Corona Virus. This author does not want to make light of the situation and is praying that we all get through this together. It was written in mind to help try and take you mind off the issue, so please do not think that it was ever written to downplay this world tragedy. If you or a loved one is suffering through this, prayers are there for you. We all need to remember we are all put here to work together. This faggot is quite aware that some of the timeline is a bit off by a week or two, but it fit the story better this way.


We walked up to the door and knocked. Jamie answered the door, wearing a dog collar with a lock on it, wrist and ankle cuffs with locks and his cock in a chastity cage, locked up as well. He looked like the slave he was.

"Good evening Sir. Please come in," he said stepping aside to let us in.

Once inside, I took the bottle of wine from Jon and told Jamie to give this to his master. With a `yes sir', I proceeded up a couple of steps to the living room. Homes around here are not huge, but they are nice, and Dennis's was no exception. Jamie took the bottle to Dennis, which I could hear his response with something of a surprise that our guests were already here. He came into the room, with a big smile.

"Ron, it's so great to see you. Welcome to our house. Slave take Sir Ron's coat."

As Jamie stepped forward, I handed him my coat and hat to him. I kept my phone out, thinking pics might be taken later.

"Listen, it is such a nice evening, I thought we could sit out on the deck and drink there. Slave get a couple of beers for me and Sir Ron. What do you want your boy to drink?"

"If it's okay with you, he can have a beer as well."

"Bring three, slave," Dennis commanded as he started walking to the back of the house, where there was a sliding glass door. This took us through the dining room, which was set for four. On the deck there were several chairs and a couple of foot ottomans. I pulled up an ottoman next to the chair that I sat down on, then patting it to indicate for Jon to sit there. On the deck, there was a hot tub. The deck extended out from the house covering about half of the back yard. What was interesting is the fact the house was built in a way that there was no other house directly behind Dennis's, so his property line went to the next street. And that only the neighbor's house to the north could barely see into their yard. Since the front of the house faced uphill, no one really could see what was happening on his deck. There were stairs that led down to the yard itself, which sloped downhill. It was a great layout. As Jamie came back out with three beers, he handed one to me, then to Dennis. Dennis then indicated that it was okay to hand it to Jon, Jamie turned and handed the third beer to Jon. Then he sat on the deck next to Dennis's chair, at his feet.

"So, what do you think of this place?"

"I love it," I said. Jon just sat there as he was told and didn't say a word.

"When I saw it 10 years ago, I thought what a great layout. The neighbors that can see in are a gay couple who do enjoy watching us, even though I don't think either one of them are into the stuff we're into. So, we do have a lot of fun out here, right boy?"

Jamie nodded, with a `yes Sir'.

"Well I think it's a sweet set up for sure. Almost scared to ask how much you paid, but I know it's grown in value in the past 10 years."

"No questions about that." He told me how much he paid and the value now, which it seemed to almost have doubled in price. "So how submissive is your boy? Last night it looked like it was enjoying it a lot," Dennis ask directly to me, ignoring Jon sitting there.

"Well? Still not sure, but we seem to be having more and more of our roles being established. We went over the bridge and up to the recreational area today. I got the fag to get naked for me. Didn't take much work either." I noticed Jon was blushing a bit since we were talking this way, right in front of him. "But tonight, might tell more. Right boy?"

"Yes Sir," Jon said looking at me.

"Dennis, why don't you ask him directly to see where his mind is right now." I thought if I let Dennis ask some questions, it might help me figure out where Jon's mind was in all this, and how much of the messaging was taking effect.

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all. Jon answer truthfully," I stated with some authority.

"Well the first thing I want to know is how do you want to be addressed? Jon? Fag? Slave? It? What?"

"Fag or Faggot will be fine Sir, unless you wish to use another name Sir."

"Okay faggot, what has the fag enjoyed the most on this visit to the city?"

"What this faggot enjoyed the most was last night after we left the bar Sir. Sir Ron made me strip by the car, then told me to chauffer him home Sir. This faggot found that very exciting Sir."

"Ron, you didn't tell me this."

"Ya," I explained, "I decided that when we got to the car, the faggot needed to be naked for the ride back as well as it was time for him to drive me around to serve me. The faggot did it without on bit of hesitation."

"Cool. Do you think any of your students know how much of a faggot you are?" Dennis asked Jon.

"I'm sure most of my students know I am gay, Sir. But not that this gay man is a true faggot and finds pleasure in serving Alphas like you Sir." Jon was saying this without any prompting from me and seemed to be saying it very sincerely.

"Hey Dennis, take our picture, would you?" pulling out my phone.

"Sure. Throw me the phone." After catching it, I told him to just swipe to open. Once opened, I leaned forward putting my arm around Jon, still holding the leash. Dennis paused to say, "no...no...no, that doesn't look good. Faggot sit on the deck in between Ron's legs, but Ron keep ahold of the leash." Jon got down and between my knees, so I leaned back a bit, but made sure the leash was shown. Dennis took a couple of pics. He threw it back to me, and I looked at them. They were hot.

"Perfect. Thanks." Jon didn't move.

"No what's perfect is THAT picture," Dennis states while pointing to the two of us in this position.

"So, is there anything in particular you want to happen while you're here, faggot?" Dennis asked to open up any possibilities.

"Not really sure Sir. So far everything has been great, and it wants to continue down this path Sir."

"Have you ever done anything like this back home?"

"No Sir. When it goes to the video arcade (Jon was referring to himself as `it'), it has a couple of times had guys slap its ass and this fag found that exciting, but nothing like what's happened so far Sir."

"Well Ron. Looks like you have endless possibilities here and it should be fun."

I nodded with a big smile.

"Hey slave. Go into the kitchen and get a couple of more beers," Dennis ordered since he saw I was about empty. Jon hadn't drunk much, so not sure if Jamie will bring one for him. Jamie got up and headed for the kitchen. Dennis then got up and opened up his pants. Flopping his cock out, he took his empty and filled it with piss. By the time Jamie came back out, he had just finished pissing.

"Give one to Sir Ron, boy," Dennis told his slave. "I'll take the other one. Here is your beer, boy," as he handed the bottle fill of his piss to Jamie. Dennis sat back down, then pointed to the ground and Jamie sat next to him. Jon hadn't gotten up yet and it was kind of hot to have both boys sitting on the deck instead of in chairs or on an ottoman. "Ron, I hope it's okay, but I invited a couple of guys from up the street to come by for dinner. Don't worry by the way. They're both Alphas and they know about your boy."

"Sure, no problem for me. The more the merrier," I said, relieved that they probably will not scare Jon too much.

"Wanted to show you something Ron. Come on inside."

As Dennis got up, I took the leash and loosely tied it off to the chair, as if Jon would be going anywhere. He snapped his fingers and Jamie got up and followed us both inside. We went into the back bedroom, which was set up like my third bedroom as a dungeon. The only real difference is he had a table in the middle of the room instead of a sling. He pulled something out from a drawer. Tapping the table, Jamie jumped up there and was on all fours.

"I just got this about a week ago, and I have already tried it once. It keeps my slave in high levels of slavery."

What it happened to be was a humbler, which I had seen used in some porn flicks, I would watch off and on. I hadn't seen one up close, and definitely not seen one used in person. Dennis described what to do as he was grabbing Jamie's balls. He put the humbler around the balls, so that the back of the legs would keep them pulled tight. He screwed everything back with the balls stretched and told Jamie to get off the table and stand up. Once he did that, I could see the pain on Jamie's face, but he said nothing. Dennis then smacked Jamie's caged cock somewhat hard, which Jamie did the famous wincing sound and move.

"Just wanted to show that to you. Have you ever used it?"

"No. But I have always thought about. Nice."

He pointed to the table again and Jamie got back up on all fours. He started patting Jamie's balls, which again I could see the pain in Jamie's face.

"Come here Ron. Lightly smack his balls. He likes it...trust me."

I gently smacked Jamie's now bright purple balls. Then I rubbed them a bit, which got my cock a rockin' a bit.

"This really could be fun. Where did you get it?" I asked with great curiosity.

"You can get them online. I have a feeling the leather shop is going to be closed after tomorrow, since I am sure the mayor doesn't think of the shop as essential...even though for us it is."

We both laughed. Dennis unscrewed everything and released Jamie's nuts, then rubbed both his nuts and cock with some kindness. Smacking him on the ass, he told Jamie to get off the table and go answer the door. We had just heard the doorbell. Jamie left the room, and Dennis showed me a couple of other things. Then we went into the living room, where the two new guests had arrived. One was about 6-foot 4 and very stocky, not fat. He was wearing a leather kilt with a leather vest. With his beard he looked like a woodsman from Scotland. The other was about 5-foot 4, but very muscular. Clean shaven including the top of his head and looked like a very tough guy. He was wearing jeans with a wife-beater t-shirt. Both were probably in the 30s. Introductions were made. The tall one was Kevin while the shorter one went by Spike. Dennis told Jamie to get them some beers, as he started to walk back out to deck. I followed Dennis as the other two followed behind me. Now I was confused as I passed the dining room table; it was set for four only.

Back out on the deck, I took my seat that I had attached the leash to. Dennis took his, while our new visitors sat in the other two chairs. After the slave gave the beers to our two new guests, Dennis looked at Jamie, which was his sign to start the grill. As it was heating up, the four of us chatted about different things. Finding out that Spike worked for the city as a maintenance worker, he said he didn't see his job disappearing. Kevin on the other hand was a hairstylist and said it didn't look good for him. Finally, they got around asking about Jon.

"So, you both are teachers?" Kevin asked.

"Ya. Jon teaches back in the Kansas City area and is out here on spring break. Starting to think this could be the longest spring break in history," I said with a laugh. All the Alphas laughed.

Spike got curious. "So, is he your boy or what?"

"Not really sure, but Jon has stepped into a submissive role he seems to like. We're playing it by ear so far."

"Wow," Spike added. "And how do you all know each other?" he asked pointing to Dennis and me.

"Well it seems here my slave," Dennis jumped in with authority, "was faggot's former student. I don't think the fag ever expected to be a submissive alongside his former student."

"That's what's wild," I interjected. "Jon has already bought some great outfits for his new role. In fact. stand up and show `em boy," I said nudging Jon.

As he stood up, he still had the leash attached. But the thing that was great as he stood, he put his hands behind him and his head slightly down. It was like it was almost natural for him now.

"Nice outfit," Kevin said with a sly grin. "I think the cap and leash add a ton."

Spike added, "Nice harness as well. Where'd you get them?"

"Where Slave Jamie works." That was the first time I called him slave Jamie'. "The best part is the harness has no butt to it. Let's show em boy."

Jon opened his pants and pulled them down halfway. I had him turn around to show off the hairy ass. Then pulling him close I showed everyone that this was a pouch, which I lifted enough to show his nuts in the ring inside the pouch.

"I'm not sure I've ever seen that before at the store," Spike said with interest. "That could be used by one of us as well. But love it for a faggot like him. That way you always have access to his nice ass."

Jon blushed. He started to pull them up, but Dennis stopped me, abruptly.

"No. Ron are you going to deprive us of looking at that fine piece of meat you have? I think he needs to get the pants off. My slave can help." This was the first time Dennis took the lead about Jon, but it seemed right. "Boy go over there and take off your old teacher's pants and boots."

Dennis said it in a way that tried and probably succeeded in humiliating Jon in front of new people. Jamie crawled over. He unlaced each boot and took them off, setting them aside. He also took off the socks. The he pulled the pants down the rest of the way and had Jon step out of them. There Jon was in just his harness pouch, collar and cap. I had him take the cap off and put them on his folded pants. He looked hot.

"Fucking nice lookin' faggot you got there, Ron," Kevin said in kind of an awe tone.

"Hey slave, get the steaks on the grill," barked Dennis. "We're getting hungry out here."

With that Jamie got up and went into the kitchen, brought out the steaks and put them on the grill. With the steaks grilling, us Alphas just did some more chit chat stuff, with Jon just standing there. Some was just general chat, some around the virus and some about what they like to do with faggots. Jon did turn red a couple of times when things were said that were a little embarrassing to him.

Dennis asked, "Hey Ron, can I use your boy to help out my slave get everything ready and on the table?"

"Sure," I said as I smack Jon's ass. "Go help your faggot student."

"He can tell you want needs to be done boy," Dennis said indicating his slave could help.

Jon walked over to Jamie, and the two of them went inside and got busy. I could see through the glass door Jon getting water and wine on the table as well as a couple of hot dishes. But I didn't see him set any more places at the table. The table was large enough for six with no problem, it just seemed strange. Jamie would come outside to check on the steaks and turn them over. Before long everything was ready.

"Gentlemen. Let's go in," Dennis said as he got up. Once inside, Dennis told us where to sit, but still no places for the two subs. "Slave you were told that you and your faggot teacher will sit outside at the table. Get your food and stuff and go out there. You have my permission to talk with each other, OUT THERE, like friends so enjoy it, while us real men have a great meal." This was all said with a bit of smugness to it as to put both subs on a lower plain. Jamie had two plates already fixed. He handed one to Jon with silverware and pointed outside. After setting his stuff down, Jamie went back in and got two beers for the two of them to drink. The sliding door was left partially open so Dennis could call Jamie if he needed him.

Dinner conversation was rather interesting. Most of it talked about conquest over faggots and what each of us liked to do to faggots. Spike being the shortest of the four of us said he enjoyed the flogging the most. When he flogged a faggot, he felt 6-foot 2 in height. He added that his second-best thing is when a faggot is on their knees sucking him off, especially when the faggot was taller than him. Kevin's was fucking faggots. He bragged how big he was. I told him I didn't believe him, so he stood up, lifted his kilt and showed his 8-inch soft cock to the table. I was very impressed to say the least and almost felt like I should bow down to it. Dennis had several favorites, but piss play was probably at the top. He told us that in the morning, he would piss in his slave's cereal for him to eat instead of milk. We all agreed the clothed men naked men (CMNM) was always hot, especially in public or semi-public areas.

I was seated in a way that I could look directly out and see the two subs talking. They were in a heavy discussion about things, which I assume Jon was wanting more information on Jamie's slave life. Once, I saw Jon inspect Jamie's caged cock, looking and feeling it very intently. Jamie did look at and handle Jon's pouch, seeing how I had put his balls through the rings on the inside.

As we were getting close to the end of the meal, Dennis got up, excusing himself, and went outside. I could see that he took both subs down the stairs. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I had no reason not to trust Dennis. After about 5 minutes he reemerged from the stairs, but without the subs. As he came back in, he asked how everything was. We all said it was a great meal.

Then without sitting down, Dennis stated, "Well gentlemen. I need to take a piss. Anyone what to join me in this adventure."

We all got up and went outside. Following Dennis, we went to the edge of the deck. Directly below us, the two subs were tied up back-to-back, each holding the other one's dick as they asses pressed against each other. Jon was now 100% naked. They both had gags in their mouths. Dennis just walked right up, flopped out his cock and started pissing on the two of them from above. As he finished, Kevin walked up and lifted his kilt and pissed on the two faggots with a big gusher. Spike had his cock out before Kevin finished and started his stream. Talk about the power of suggestion, I had to pee suddenly like a horse ready to explode. As Kevin stepped back, I stepped up and started my gusher. They were drenched.

"Okay men. I think we need to relax in the hot tub while our faggots soak in our man juices. Grab your beers and get naked," Dennis said as he was almost naked before he even started.

As he was climbing into the tub, Kevin had his kilt and vest off fast and was joining him. Spike and I were a little slower, since both of us had on a bit more clothes. There we were, four naked Alphas enjoying the hot tub, bubbling away. Dennis pulled out four cigars and gave each one of us one. We each lit our cigars, and as the bubbles kept churning, we smoked like true bad boy Alphas.

After a short while of sitting, smoking and small talk, Dennis got out of the hot tub and went down the stairs. He came back up with the two subs and told them to clean everything up. I could still see some piss on Jon, so I knew he hadn't dried them off or rinsed them off. While Dennis rejoined our group, the two subs got busy, cleaning up both outside and inside the house. After about half an hour, the dishwasher started, so I knew they were about done. Within a couple of minutes, the two of them came back outside. Jamie immediately got on his knees facing the hot tub. I gave a quick look at Jon, with the look of `shouldn't you do the same,' and he got down on his knees.

Dennis had orchestrated a very interesting evening, which was turning all of us on. I could tell Kevin's long soft cock was turning into a mighty tower and I thought I could tell Spike was getting hard. Dennis had already shown his horniness when he got out to get the subs. His cock was more than halfway hard. As for me, I was hard as a rock and loving this evening. Dennis then did the masterpiece of the evening. He knew we all wanted some `sex' fun out of the faggots.

"I think it is about time for some fun, gentlemen," he said with that sly grin. "Ron, there is no question you're ready with that rock-hard cock showing."

I was kind of embarrassed, but I was also very turned on that Dennis had noticed.

"Okay Dennis. Your house...your rules," was my quick reply with a smile.

"Good, Spike you interesting in a unique spit-roasting session?"

"Whatcha got in mind slut?" Spike said with a twinkle in his eye.

Dennis got out of the hot tub, now with a very hard cock. He had the two subs get on all fours. He maneuvered Jamie in behind Jon and told him to start rimming the hell out of his faggot teacher, which he did.

"Okay. Ron, why don't you fuck my slave. I know you have wanted to for quite some time. And Spike, since you like blow jobs from subs that are taller and bigger than you, Jon here is going to give you one hell of a blow job."

Spike and I looked at each other with big smiles. Both of jumping out of the hot tub, we took our position. Before I started, Dennis rubbed some lube on my cock. It did seem a bit strange to have another Alpha doing it, but he did it like it was a normal thing, not a sexual thing. Looking at the two of us, he told us to get going. Then he told the faggots that they were not allowed to cum, and if they did, they would be punished.

I really did want to fuck Jamie, so it was no problem for me to get started. The two of us got busy shoving our cocks into the sub's holes. Spike started up slowly but picked up the pace quickly. As for me, Jamie's ass was nice. I will say it wasn't the tightest ass I had ever fucked, but he seemed to know how to use his butt muscles to encourage my cock to get harder, if that was possible. Dennis got back into the hot tub, but both gentlemen sat on the side so they could watch the show. Not that I was really paying any attention to the two of them, but I thought I saw them playing with each other. I did, however, see Kevin's cock head above the water and it was a huge mushroom shape head.

I am still not sure how long Spike and I went, but finally we both were getting close to cumming. It was like we could see it in our eyes that we wanted to cum at them same time. I was pumping faster into Jamie, while Spike had ahold of Jon's head and was pumping. Finally, with both of us panting very heavily, we softly screamed and came. I think I shot about six loads into Jamie's ass, but I could see that Spike got some in Jon's mouth, but he pulled out to get about 3 or 4 streams on his face and in his hair. We both collapsed a bit. Dennis ordered the two subs to clean our dicks, which Jamie left Jon's ass and slightly turned so he could clean my cock. Jon was lapping up the extra from Spike's cock.

"Nice show," Kevin said with a smile. Looking at Dennis, "is it our turn now?"

"Hell yes. I've wanted to stick my cock in that faggot's mouth since last night. I always know how much you like that foot you call a cock up my slave's ass. Let's get busy."

Jamie put his mouth on Jon's ass while we all exchanged places. As Kevin got out of the tub, I could see why Dennis called it a foot. His cock was over a foot long hard, and with girth. Spike and I took the place where Dennis and Kevin had been sitting as we watched the two of the them mount the subs. Dennis wasted no time on getting his nice cock in Jon's mouth and Jon started working on it. Kevin didn't put any lube on. I assume he thought there was enough from my cum. I reached over and got my phone which was on the side of the tube. I started taking pics of this. Since it was getting dark, the flash went off, which gave even a brighter view of what was happening. After several pics, I put the camera down and watched and started chatting with Spike. As the two Alphas were working the subs, I felt Spike's hand on my upper leg. I looked over and he just smiled.

Dennis and Kevin were louder than we were and didn't pay attention to anything but the subs. Spike leaned over and then kissed me. We went into a heavy kissing a petting session, even though both of us had just shot our wad. We both got hard again as we played with each other. Then Spike got up and threw his leg over me and planted another kiss.

Whispering, Spike said, "I go both ways and your cock is going up my ass."

To my surprise, Spike started sitting down, sliding my cock up his ass. As we continued to kiss, Spike rode up and down on my cock. This was such a turn on that my cock just started going crazy. As the other two were getting closer, I was too. Then with Spike's tongue almost down my throat, I shot a new load of seed up Spike's ass. After that he got off my cock and turned around, just in time to watch Kevin and Dennis blow their loads. Dennis was able to get most of his load all over Jon's face, which made him look even more like a true faggot.

Dennis and Kevin got back into the hot tub. As Kevin got in, his cock was still hard. He looked at me and asked if I wanted to touch it. I just fucked his boyfriend, so I thought to myself, `why not.' I reached up and felt it, which is still had a little cum on it. I licked it off my fingers and smiled. What came next surprised me.

"Now that you fucked my boyfriend, next time I might have to fuck you," Kevin whispered with this eerie tone around it. It was weird but such a turn on.

We stayed in the hot tub for a while, until I looked at my phone and saw it was coming up on ten o'clock. I knew I had to work tomorrow, so I said that I needed to call it a night. Dennis ordered his slave to get towels for us. As we got out of the tub, Kevin grabbed my ass, then slapped it. I just smiled, as my cock started getting hard again. After drying off, we got our clothes on. I told Jon to put on just his pants, which he did. He hadn't wiped off any of the cum, so his face was starting to cake up with dried cum. As we all went to the door, the Alphas all started to hug each other. The hugging included some groping between us, but we all seemed to enjoy it.

"Listen, I know the mayor said it starts tomorrow night, but do you want to try to stretch this order with dinner tomorrow night at our place," I said to the other Alphas.

"Fine with me," Dennis said.

"I'll need to check things out at home and my schedule for work, but let's plan on it," Spike said, with Kevin agreeing.

"Okay faggot, thank our host this evening," directing the command towards Jon.

"Thank you, Sir," Jon said holding his shoes, leash and harness.

"You're welcome, fag. But give this Alpha a hug," Dennis stated with a strong tone.

Jon stepped up and Dennis gave him a big hug, which Jon hugged back. With all the good-byes said now, we all left. As I walked to the door, I gave Jon the keys to open up the car. Kevin and Spike were right behind us. As I got to the car door Kevin stepped behind Jon while Spike got in front. They gave him a sandwich hug, which I could tell both were grinding on Jon big time.

"Maybe tomorrow night we can play with your boy some more, Ron," Spiked stated.

"Or maybe while Spike fucks your boy, I'll fuck you," Kevin added.

"We'll just have to see," I said with a sly look.

As the two of them started walking home, I got into the car and Jon closed the door. He walked around and got in, holding his harness, shoes and the leash. I grabbed the leash and reattached it to his collar. Taking everything else, I threw them in the back seat. The nice thing is that I didn't have to tell Jon how to get back to my place, since he knew the city well, especially this part of town.

As we were driving back, it gave me time to figure out tomorrow night's dinner and activities and to see where Jon's mind was with all of this.

"Okay Jon, what do you think we should serve tomorrow night?" to start the discussion.

"Well Sir," Jon said, and surprised me by saying `sir', "why don't I make a pot roast in the crockpot Sir? You do have one don't you Sir?"

"Yes, I do boy," thinking he is still in mode.

"I can go to the store in the morning after I drop you off, get the stuff and let it cook while this faggot goes up to the wine country Sir. We can throw in a salad as part of the meal Sir. It's done it before at it's home in Kansas City Sir."

"Sounds easy enough. What about dessert fag?"

"What would you want Sir."

"I'm thinking of a unique dessert of faggots. Sounds interesting boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"I will make a list of things I will need, so you can pick them up at the store at the same time faggot."

"Perfect Sir."

Okay with the dinner and one activity planned, I moved to the next topic, how does Jon want to act during this dinner? He saw Jamie as a total slave tonight and I was wondering how much of a role Jon wanted to take on. I opened with questions around this.

"Okay faggot. How do you see yourself acting at this gathering tomorrow night at Sir's house boy?"

"Not sure what you mean Sir?"

"Faggot saw his faggot slave student tonight. What would be your role in Sir's house tomorrow night then?"

"Unless otherwise directed by you, Sir, this faggot would be naked the whole time Sir. Is there something in particular you want from me Sir?"

"Without a doubt you will be naked boy and glad you realize this, but how will your role play out in front of our guest then?"

"Does Sir wish this faggot to be subservient, like his slave student was tonight Sir?"

"Would you feel comfortable in that role boy?"

"Yes Sir. Want to please you Sir."

"Okay if that's the case he is what I expect. First you will be naked. except for the collar, to start with. One thing fag; tomorrow do some man grooming down by that thing you call a cock. Maybe about half an inch in length should be about right for your pitiful bush. You will answer the door without trying to hide anything. Unless instructed to do other things, you will sit on the floor either next to or in between my feet. Since we are having a pot roast, you and Dennis's slave will eat out of bowls on the floor after the men have their dinner. You will wear a butt plug until I tell you to take it out. Anytime leaving the room of men, you will crawl out unless otherwise directed. As the night progresses, I might change rules and you will have no say in them. Nothing will be done that will leave permanent marks or bring harm to the faggot. Last, you will drink or wear any piss from any of the men in the room. Does this make sense boy?"

"Yes Sir."

I could see Jon's bulge straining in his pants, which also told me he wanted to do this. As we continued to drive, I decided to rub Jon's crotch, which made him moan even more than before. When we got to the house, Jon pulled the car into the garage. I left the leash attached and told him to open my door. He got out and came around and opened my door. I looked at him with a look of `strip boy', which he must have read my mind. He took off his pants and handed them to me. Picking up the stuff in the back seat, I handed them all to Jon. Getting out, I grabbed the leash and walked around the back side of the car, so anyone could see Jon naked and then went up the stairs into the kitchen. Once inside, I closed the garage door.

Unleashing Jon, I told him to go upstairs and make sure he was cleaned out. I was going to play with his ass a bit. He turned around and went upstairs, while I made out the list of things, I wanted Jon to buy tomorrow. Making sure everything else was ready for school, I turned out the light and went upstairs. Jon was at the top of the stairs, naked and on his knees. I walked past him and went to the door of the third bedroom.

"Come here, boy. Master wants to show faggot what's in this room."

Jon crawled to the door, still being in the submissive role. I opened the door and went in, with Jon following me. I turned on the light, which was a soft green light. Jon's eyes went big when he saw the sling.

"Okay faggot. Get into the sling. I want to loosen up that hole a bit."

Jon stood and got into the sling. I put his foot into the foot harnesses. I got a dildo, a butt plug and the Elbow Grease out. I started to work Jon's hole. It was clear Jon had bottomed more than he let on, since his hole was not as tight as I thought it would be. It was tight, but for sure had been used many times before. I was able to work at first one finger in, but was able to get it up to three fingers in without too much discomfort for Jon. After working his hole, a bit, I took the dildo and worked it in and out for about 4 or 5 minutes, Jon moaning most of the time. Finally, I took the butt plug, lubed it up and then shoved it in. Patting it, he just looked at me and said, "Thank you Sir." I wiped down all the excess lube, first with a damp wash cloth followed by a dry towel.

"Okay faggot, tonight you're wearing the butt plug. Let's get you to bed fag."

He got out of the sling and we went into his room. Telling him to get into bed, Jon crawled into his bed. I leaned over and kissed him good night, with an extremely wet and sloppy kiss.

"We will have fun tomorrow for sure faggot."

With that I turned off the light and closed the faggot's door. Going to the system, I turned on the white noise, doing the thunderstorm again. I set it for 5 hours of play with the messaging starting about 15 minutes into the session. This program would include the other things, but now added the idea of wanting to be a piss whore. With everything set, I went into my room, laid out what I was wearing for school tomorrow and finished the nightly routine before going to bed.

Once in bed, all I could think about is what might happen tomorrow and some of the ideas I had already thought up. To say the least, I slept well that night.

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