2020 San Francisco

By John Comstock

Published on Apr 18, 2020


2020 San Francisco Part 2

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you done on other stories. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/ The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/ A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/ San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation


This story line is the first time this faggot has tried writing a story from the Dom's point of view. It would really appreciate any Doms/Masters/Alphas who have constructive criticism on that point of view. If this faggot got something wrong, want to be able to correct it if it continues with this story. Last, this story is being written when the country is going through one of our worst crises, the pandemic of Corona Virus. This author does not want to make light of the situation and is praying that we all get through this together. It was written in mind to help try and take you mind off the issue, so please do not think that it was ever written to downplay this world tragedy. If you or a loved one is suffering through this, prayers are there for you. We all need to remember we are all put here to work together.


After having a great night's sleep, I awoke with renewed energy. I couldn't believe how much Jon was a submissive slut last night, both at the bar and here at home. It was around 8 o'clock and the house seemed quiet. I decided to go downstairs and turn on the TV there, instead of my bedroom, so I would not wake up Jon. Grabbing my short robe, I left my bedroom. I quickly peaked into Jon's room, and he was still asleep, but the covers were off of him. He was naked as a jay bird, facing my direction. I could see that nice cock hard as a rock and what appeared to be a smile on his face. I was hoping that the subliminal messaging worked.

Once downstairs, I turned on the TV to watch the morning news. The local news was on, with the general issues any big city would be talking about...how many people shot, businesses broken into and general government (city) issues. Then they turned to the Corona Virus and the fact that the governor was not happy with how people were not taking the concept of staying at home and social distancing serious over the weekend. The mayor of San Francisco looked like he was on the verge of mandating a stay at home policy, which would be the first one in the nation. I was beginning to think that maybe the schools will be shut down and Jon might be stuck here for a while.

While listening to the news, I started to make coffee, so I could get some wake-up juice in me. I just let Jon sleep. I got out my laptop and decided to go on Recon to see if I had any messages. I didn't go on this site that often, but usually checked at least once a week to pique my interest. Logging in, I saw I had a message. It was from another top I knew from both the bars and on this site. We have chatted off and on before, so I wasn't surprised to see the message. Clicking on the message, I did get a surprise.

He had written, `saw you last night at powerhouse, but didn't get a chance to say hi. Nice new boy you got there. Btw how do you know SanFranDom on here?'

Seeing he was still online, I decided to write back, not knowing who SanFranDom was? `Hey fellow stud. Who's SanFranDom?'

Less than a minute later, I got the ping I had a message. `The guy who had tallmizzou on a leash.'

Knowing he was talking about Dennis and Jamie, I messaged back that the boy I was with is the former teacher of tallmizzou and that I didn't know SanFranDom. An LOL came back. With this information, I immediately went to SanFranDom's profile. It was Dennis, since the profile pic that first showed up was him in his harness. Reading his profile was very interesting. For safe sex' he had sometimes' and for interests he listed master & slave, watersports, leather, gunge and pups & handlers'. He had X' pics of him, and he was fucking nice looking. But what was really nice are the pics under the tab of `boy'. Clicking on those, Jamie was naked and in several different situations from on a cross and whipped to being butt fucked barebacked. The hottest one is Jamie getting hosed down with piss by several Alpha men. This all got my engine revving.

I decided to write to SanFranDom and see what he might say back. He wasn't online at the time, so I knew I wouldn't get a message back right away. The message was simple that it was great to meet him last night and things I liked about his profile. After that I checked tallmizzou's profile. Here is where things got interesting. Only his face pic was on the main profile, but since I was a premium member, I could look at the other tabs. There was one of him hoisted up on a pully system with weights tided to his nuts. Another tab looked at him as a pup, with the tail and everything. The pic of him lifting his leg to pee was hot. The tab that said bb' was him getting fucked, and it wasn't just by Dennis. Several pics had him being gang-banged. I did notice under safe sex he had listed never', but in the descriptive part he listed the never' because it was up to his Master to decide for him and that all contact should be through SanFranDom' his Master.

Just then I heard Jon walking down the stairs and into the living room. Amazingly, he was still naked and hard. I stood up which made my short robe stick out, since my cock was as hard as Jon's. He looked at me with a smile, but then got on his knees. I was amazed.

"Morning Jon."

"Morning Sir. Hope you slept well Sir."

"I did boy. How about you?"

"Excellent Sir."

I couldn't believe it that some of the subliminal messaging did seem to work. I just let him kneel there before I walked over to him. Looking down at him, it was so hot to see him staring at my cock. I thought what the hell.

"Kiss my feet good morning boy." He bent over and kissed each foot with some emotion attached to the kisses and even some licking. "Okay Jon, go upstairs and get shorts and a shirt on so we can go to breakfast." He got up and turned and walked upstairs. I closed out my computer and went up to change as well.

We went down to the same café we had gone to on Saturday and again sat outside. A typical March day in San Francisco which always felt great. I did notice Jon was slightly behind me as we walked here, but we held a normal conversation, with a "Sir" slipped in occasionally. When the waiter came over, I ordered my food and looked at Jon. Looking back at me, I knew I was supposed to order like I had done at dinner. So, I did. With coffee on the table and waiting for food, I noticed not a great deal of people out.

"Jon, it looks like the mayor is about to put a stay-at-home order for the city. I think when we get back, we need to head to Safeway and get stocked up on food and supplies. Not sure how much site-seeing we are going to be able to do."

"Well let's go then. I'd rather be stocked up and okay, before this all hits. I hope it won't be a problem for you, if I am stuck here for a while?" he said with the look of a question mark on his face.

"We're going to do what we have to do. You did bring your computer with you, just in case you have to teach remotely you'll be able to?"

"Ya, no problem there."

As the food came, we just continued in the small chat phase. There was nothing to deep and no references to last night, but Jon looked like he was still enjoying the submissive role. Once the check came, I looked at Jon, and he knew to pay for it. I wasn't looking for a `cash fag', but it was nice every so often to exert my dominance this way. Once home, we made a list of what we needed to make a strategic attack on the grocery store, without wasting too much time. As we were about to leave, I decided to test the waters.

"Jon, are you wearing any underwear now?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir."

"Stand up and strip boy." Jon stood up and took off everything as instructed. There he stood, naked, with a semi-hard on. "Hand me the those." He handed me the underwear, and I held them up to his face. "These are a sign of a true Alpha man, not some fag like you," I said shoving them into his nose. Then I took them and ripped them to shreds. Giving them back to him, ordering him to, "crawl into the kitchen and put them in the trash."

He got on his hands and knees and crawled into the kitchen, where I heard him open the pantry where the trash was, and I could tell he had thrown them away. He crawled back in, then bowed his head in shame, leaving that somewhat hairy ass up in the air.

"Good boy. Punishment will be later, but we need to get to the store. Put on your shorts and t-shirt boy, so we can go," which he did. We were off to the grocery store.

The parking lot was rather busy for a Sunday late morning, but the store was even more busy. I made Jon push the cart and we went from aisle to aisle getting our stuff. I wanted to make sure we didn't have to come back right away, not knowing what could be happening. Between getting everything, we needed and the checkout line, it seemed like we were there for days. In reality, we spent maybe an hour and half at most in the store, but still crazy. Once back at the car, we loaded my trunk up with our stuff. The parking lot had a couple of people in it, so I decided to have a little fun.

Before closing the trunk, I turned to Jon and said, "take off the shorts and shirt boy. A faggot needs to ride home naked, so everyone knows." What I couldn't believe is that he did it without blinking an eye. There he was naked holding his clothes. "Throw them in the truck fag." He did that, and I closed the trunk. We got into car and drove back home. Once in the garage, I made Jon stay naked as we got things out of the trunk. I tried to take in the lighter things, forcing Jon to work harder.

With everything inside, I finally closed the garage door. This was the first time Jon was naked in my garage with the door open. In the kitchen, I looked at Jon. "Okay fag, put everything away." Again, without any issue, he started putting things away, figuring out where most of it went while still naked. With Jon putting everything away, I went upstairs to get something and returned. Seeing everything had been put away, I looked at Jon.

"Follow me boy."

We walked into the living room, where I sat down on a chair. I pointed for him to stand in front of me, which he did. I was still in shock on how much the messaging from last night had taken hold. I pulled out a leather cock ring and grabbed his cock and balls. As I was putting this on him, I told him that this would be a sign that I am in charge at all times in this house. All I got back was a `yes sir.'

"You know Jon," as I just sat there with him standing naked, "I think we need to go get some other supplies today in case we're stuck here. We can make this a fun shopping trip, but not your normal one. Would you like that boy?"

"Yes Sir. If that is what you want Sir."

"Good. Now go put on a tank top and the pants you wore last night. Now see if you remember the rule about dressing boy?"

"No underwear Sir."

"Good boy," as I patted his now erect cock a little. "Go on and get ready."

As he left to go upstairs, all I could think about is how amazed I was this was working, and how much fun it is to make Jon into a slave. Once back, I could see he still had the erect cock in his pants, and it didn't look like it was going down at all. We went to the garage and started on our shopping trip.

Heading back over to Mister S Leather Store, I thought it would be fun to get a couple of things to make this week or even a shelter-in-place order more enjoyable. What Jon didn't know, and he had never asked about was what was in the third bedroom upstairs. Since basements in the bay area are infrequent, I had turned that room into a sex/dungeon room for my enjoyment when I would have someone come over (which for me was way to infrequent). Not that large of a room, I was able to have both a sling and a cross installed. The sling hung from the ceiling with hooks, which those hooks could also be used to string someone up. The cross was in the corner, but could be moved for action, if I took the sling down. On the shelf I had a flogger, two dildos, some elbow grease, a butt plug, rope and a ball gag. I thought it was time to add to the collection a bit.

Once we parked, which was just about a block away from the store, we got out and slowly strolled up to the store. This time Jon made sure he was directly behind me to my left, because there was plenty of room to walk next to me. There were a few people walking around and even a couple of Doms/slaves, which caught Jon's attention. But the street did seem a bit quiet, even for a Sunday. As we approached the door, Jon quickly got in front to open it for me.

"Thanks, boy," is all I said with a bit of a Dom attitude.

Jon had no idea what I had in mind, so I told him to wander around to see if there was anything he needed. Now I went to work to build up my stock. First thing on my mental list were collars and a leash. I decided on the leather 32-inch leash, because I could always wrap it around my fist to shorten it but could be fun on just walking. Then the choice of a collar. I was grateful that I had done my taxes early this year and had gotten back a hefty refund, so I splurged a little and got two collars. One was a locking leather collar that had a couple of rings in the front that I could use with the leash. The other was stainless steel collar with a little heft that came with a lock and key. First items down. Since I had the ball gag at home, I decided I also wanted the training bit gag, like you might see for a horse. Check that off. I decided to get a head locking muzzle, but not sure if I would use it on Jon. I just always wanted one. Decided on some anal beads, which again something I always wanted to have. Thought it might be good to have a flat sex sheet, since I was thinking we could have fun in several places in the house. The 4-piece sounding set was on sale, so I thought why not. Got a pair of tit suckers as well as tit clamps to have some fun. Finally, I needed to get the hole harness. Again, something I have thought about, but it could keep Jon's hole open for a while, or I could plug it up. Endless ideas with this. I went on ahead a bought all of this but told the cashier to keep the leather collar and leash out for me to use, when we leave here. He just smiled.

Where I found Jon was in the clothing area. He was looking at the Nxt-2-Nakd Harness Pouch. It was on sale and Jon was thinking about it. What I liked is that it didn't cover the ass at all.

"What do you think?"

I said, "It's you. Try it on." Jon looked around again, like for a dressing room, but I immediately stated, "Right here boy. Strip and try it on." The command in my tone did catch some of the men's attention.

Jon stripped right there in the middle of the store with a couple of people looking on. He put it on, and it really looked good on him. He had tried on the black one, which I told him was perfect. Before taking off the harness pouch, he started telling me he had looked at a couple of other things. He swung around and picked up a pair of Neo Full Access Boxers, which I gave my nod of consent to him. Then I told him to try those on which fitted tightly but looked perfect. Lastly, we walked over to the caps and he picked up a Carpenter's Cap. My thought was if he wore that while I wore my bigger cap, no one would have any problem knowing our roles. So again, I said get it. He changed back into his clothes he wore over to the store. Once, he had his stuff, we went back up to the cashier that had my stuff so Jon to check out. The cashier first handed me my bag, then the collar and leash. I indicated for Jon to put his stuff on the counter.

"I think it is time for you to enjoy having a collar boy." With that I took the collar and put it around his neck and attached it. What was interesting is the cashier gave me a small lock and key to put on and didn't charge me, so I attached it to the collar and Jon was now not only collared but locked into it.

Jon then turned to buy his new outfits. After the transaction was completed and the cashier started putting everything into the bag, I told him to stop.

"Boy, strip right here. You're wearing the shorts home boy."

Jon stripped right by the counter while the cashier took the shorts and cut off the price tag, handing them to me. I told Jon to give his clothes to the cashier so he could put them in the bag, which he did. I then took the leash and snapped to the ring on the front of the collar. Telling him to put on the shorts, he struggled, since his cock was almost hard. Standing there in just the shorts with the collar and leash, Jon looked hot.

"Okay boy, get all the bags and let's go." Jon turned and picked up all the bags that were for both of us I started walking tugging on the leash. Jon followed behind as we headed outside. The shorts did look good on him. He walked behind me with both the look of humiliation and pride.

When we got to the car, I opened the trunk and told him to put it in there. Then I took hold of the front cod piece on his shorts and snapped it open, then off all the way. There he stood with his cock and balls hanging out.

"Fag, you know the city well enough, it is time for you to chauffer ME around," which I handed him the keys. "Now if you're going to be this submissive, you need to show an Alpha man respect at all times. In this case, you should open the car door for me and then close it once I'm in."

"Yes Sir."

I walked to the side of the car, where Jon unlocked the car and then opened the door for me. Before getting in, I took the leash off, got in and told him to get in and drive us home. Jon walked around the front of the car with his cock and balls flapping and then got in. Once in, I reattached the leash to hold on to it. He started the car and we headed home. As we were in the car, an announcement came over the radio. It said that the mayor has ordered a shelter-in-place for the city starting tomorrow night, which would be Monday. We both looked at each other and just got that look of `here we go' when dealing with this new virus.

Once home, Jon pulled into the garage, popped the trunk and then I undid the leash. I didn't say anything, but Jon got out and walked around the car to open my door. He is a quick learner. I went on ahead and went inside, while Jon got the bags and came in. He put the bags on the counter and looked at me. With a raise of my eyebrow, he knew to strip, which he did. Picking up the bags, he took them upstairs and I told him not to look at my bags, but just throw them on the bed in my room. I felt he would follow orders.

Downstairs, I decided to jump back online to see if Dennis responded to my message on Recon. Not only had he responded, but he had cruised me. The message was basic with stuff like great profile' and it was a blast last night.' Then he said give him a call and gave me his phone number. It would be fun to get together while Jon is here, so I thought I would give him a call.

"Hey Dennis, it's Ron Trapp. Were you surprised to get the Recon message?"

"Surprised, but pleased and glad you called."

"I couldn't believe how Jon acted last night, but it was a blast for sure."

"That's what I wanted to chat about. Since the mayor has gone wild and going to shut us down, you want to come over tonight for dinner before we can't anymore?"

"That would be fun. Is there anything I need to bring?"

"Your faggot." We both laughed.

"No serios. Anything?"

"Naw. Just be prepared to be in your Alpha role, because my slave will be serving us."

"Oh? Could be fun. Should I have the faggot dressed appropriately? We just bought some slut clothes."

"Hell ya!!!"

"Sounds great. The boy will be ready."

As we finished up our conversation, he gave me his address and said to be there by five so we can start the fun early. It was obvious that the two of us did enjoy our Alpha roles and loved making remarks about his slave and Jon. He did want to know if we `did it' last night and I told him what we had done when we got home. Then I told him about the subliminal messaging I was doing, which he loved. I added what had occurred this morning before we went to brunch. He said when it came to Jon, that he would let me take the lead and would not try to force anything since I was trying to get him to become more submissive. Dennis did say he thought it wouldn't take much more. We finally hung up and I looked over by the stairs. Jon was standing naked, with just his collar on, his hands behind his back. Just curious how much he heard, but I really didn't care.

"Don't know if you heard, but we're having dinner over at Dennis and his slave's house. Figured we can get a dinner in before the shelter-in-place goes into effect."

"Sounds good Sir."

"Listen, have you ever been up in the national recreation area on the other side of Golden Gate?"


"Since it's only coming up on one o'clock, let's do a quick lunch then go over there so you can see a great view of the city. That way you can claim you did a bit of sight-seeing."

"Okay Sir."

"What do you want for lunch?"

"Oh, let me get that Sir. What do you want Sir?"

"Just a sandwich and some veggies will be enough for me. Thanks boy."

Jon went into the kitchen and quickly put together two ham and cheese sandwiches and got out some celery and carrots. He set two places on the counter, then ask what I wanted to drink. I just wanted water, so he got two waters. He then pulled out the stool by the counter for me to eat. What was interesting was that the second place was at the end of the counter with no chair. Once I sat down, he stood by his plate with his hands behind him. His cock was semi-hard, which mine was too. I told him to start eating, which he did. We did some small talk during this time, which has now become the time where we chat with less feeling of Alpha and omega sides. Once we were done, he took the plates, cleaned them and set them in the dishwasher. I told him to where the pants from last night and t-shirt, which he did. Once back downstairs, I could see he was still somewhat excited and not wearing underwear.

When we went into the garage, he followed me out, so I went to the passenger side, where he opened my door. Then he went around to the driver's side and I handed him the keys. He was following directions pretty well. I knew Jon was familiar with the city enough that he knew how to get to the Golden Gate Bridge and once over, we took the first exit. Telling him to stay in the left lane, we turned left on to Alexander Avenue and started up the hill to the overviews. Passing the first spot that had restrooms, we stopped at the second overlook. We got out and looked at the view. For a Sunday, there was no one there. Telling him to leave his t-shirt in the car, we got out. We took a couple of pictures with the bridge behind him. After the few pics, I told him to drop his pants, which he did. I took a quick pic of the naked collared faggot and then told him to pull them back up. Back in the car, we continued up the hill.

Once we got to the observation deck, there was more of a crowd, so for us, we couldn't do any of the fun pics here. Jon put back on his t-shirt before getting out. After the typical pics and enjoying the cooler breeze from the ocean. I told him to get back into the car, but instead of going down, I told him to go a bit further up the hill. I knew of a small parking lot with a small restroom that was at the start of the trail overlooking the bridge. I wanted to get away from people so I could take some more pics of this faggot in different positions. Once parked we started up the trail. We walked about 20 minutes or so and found a place with a great view of the bridge and no one around. Getting just off the trail enough, I told Jon to strip. He did.

"Okay faggot, stand there so the world can see that faggot cock of yours." He stood on the rock pointing his hard cock towards the bridge. I had him do several positions from bending over to show his asshole, to jacking on his cock and even laying on his back with his legs up in the air. He followed orders perfectly. I decided to take a chance. I picked up his clothes, leaving his shoes and started walking back down without saying anything. He quickly got his shoes on and started following. As luck would have it, no one was at the restrooms or in the parking lot. It seemed that people were not out as much today, since many might be preparing for the shelter-in-place that was coming.

In the parking lot, I had him take pose for a few more pics. Then we went to the restroom, where I took a pic of him standing like he was going in. Inside, I told him to get on his knees next to the urinal with his mouth open, which I snapped a pic. Walking up to him, I pulled out my cock, like I was going to piss in his mouth and snapped another pic. When I put my cock back in my pants, Jon looked a little disappointed, which made me think the messaging was really taking hold. As we returned to the car, I stood by the passenger door. He opened the door so I could get in. Before he closed it, I handed his t-shirt to him and told him to get in. He did as he was told and was sitting in the driver's seat with an almost hard cock.

While driving down the hill and back to the bridge, Jon and I talked about Monday. I told him that I was still going to school but was sure that would be the last day. I suggested that he drive me to school, then he could take a quick trip up to Sonoma County for some wine. We needed to stock up on it. I knew he liked both Kendal-Jackson and Korbel, so that way he could enjoy one day before we were stuck inside. We both agreed it was a plan.

Driving back into the city was wild with Jon half naked in the middle of the day. When coming up on the toll booths at the end of the bridge, I pointed to one of the booths that I could tell was a man taking money. I started to jack on Jon's already hard cock as we approached the booth. I already had the money out, but it was more than needed so Jon would have to get change. I just kept jacking on his cock and as we approached, I told him he should not cum, no matter how much he wanted to. Jon handed him the money. He was a man about 40-years of age and the booth was just high enough so he could see me jacking on Jon's cock. Leaning over, I asked how his day was going so I could make eye contact with the man. He said, with a smile, that is was going great, but not as great as mine was, as I just kept pumping Jon's cock faster and faster. Once Jon got the change, we took off and I stopped pumping, but I could tell he was close to cumming, but he obeyed.

Back at the house, Jon took the t-shirt off in the car before he got out. There he was naked again with the garage door open. I left his clothes in the car and we went in. Once inside, Jon said he wanted to quick nap before going over to Dennis and Jamie's place. What amazed me is he asked for the sound to be turned on, since he hadn't slept so good in long time and he thought it was helping. He requested the gentle thunderstorm this time, and I had no problems with it. We went upstairs and I turned on the sounds. Set this time for about 10-minutes into the sleep, the message was more on addressing other men. It would try to instill the idea that all Alphas should be addressed as Sir' and those men below that status as fellow fag' or fellow faggot'. Within the message it would say things like unless otherwise told'. I still included the idea that he was a cock sucking faggot and worshipping all Alphas...now the norm in these messages.

Once Jon went for his nap, I decided to get ready. I took my shower and shaved but did not put on any deodorant so I would smell more manly. Then I found my black jock straps that really snugged my merchandize tightly. Since Dennis indicated that we would going into mode' tonight, I decided on butt-less chaps and a black t-shirt. Deciding on wearing the same cap as last night, I got it out. I had boots that laced up to about an inch below my knee that would be perfect. Once everything was on, I looked in the mirror and I looked hot. I would wear my leather jacket that covers my ass when out in public but also puts the final touch my Alpha look. Making the decision of what Jon was going to wear was easy. His new pouch harness with the pants he wore last night, should look perfect. His new cap would add just enough of a boy' look. I knew I had a pair of black boots that just covered the ankles. We were set for the night.

It was now coming up on a quarter to four, so I decided to wake Jon up. I put the head set on to hear where in the message he was, then slowly lowered the volume. Once total out and I had turned off the machine, I walked into the room. He had no covers over him and had a boner that was a straight as any flagpole. Since he was on his back, waking him was going to be fun. I smacked his cock and said, "faggot get up and take a shower," in a command tone. He must not have been too deep in sleep because he jumped up with a quick `yes Sir' and headed for the bathroom. Again, not closing the door, so I stepped in and removed the collar. He first shaved then got into the shower. Once finished with the shower, I handed him a towel so he could dry off, while I watched like a Master admiring his slave. Once dry, I started barking out orders.

"Just use the mouth wash tonight and no deodorant."

"Yes Sir." He gargled the wash and spit it out.

"Follow me. I am going to make sure you dress right tonight," as I turned and headed towards his bedroom.

Once in there, I laid out the pouch harness, the pants, the hat and put the boots on the floor.

"This is what you will wear tonight, but before you put them on, let me check your ass. I don't want you to embarrass me with a dirty ass."

Jon turned around and bent over. He then took has hands and spread his cheeks. I stepped up and looked. Then I took the next step, I used my hand and went over it. I even played a little with his ass hole, which Jon gave a little moan indicating that he liked it.

" Not bad, boy. This will do," as I smacked his ass. "Now get dressed and come downstairs."

When I was downstairs, I put the jacket on, and I felt so right about the look, it made me extremely horny. Shortly after that, Jon came down in his attire, and looked like such a faggot boy who was waiting to serve his master. This was all going to well. I walked up to Jon and reattached the collar and lock, then jiggled his junk.

"Did you use the ring in the pouch boy?"

"No Sir. I wasn't sure how to use it."

"Drop the pants boy, and I'll take care of it."

Jon opened his pants and dropped them to his knees. I grabbed the pouch and lifted it slightly. I knew there was a ring on the inside that can be used in different ways. Grabbing Jon's balls, I slowly pushed one ball through, then slowly worked the other. I knew if his balls were secured, the pouch would stay in place. I recovered his cock with the pouch and squeezed just a bit.

"Get your pants up boy. We gotta get going."

As he was pulling up his pants, I grabbed a bottle of wine to take over as a token of appreciation. We headed for the garage. I pushed the button to open the door, so Jon would be on full display for anyone to see. Once down there, he walked over and around me to open my door, which I got in. When he got into the driver's seat, I latched the leash on to the collar. Telling him to head over to the Castro area, he pulled out and off we went. I tried to explain how tonight might go so he had an understanding of what to expect.

"So, you get how tonight might go, Dennis said that we would be in mode for the night. That means Jamie will be his slave. As for you, well I still not sure where you want to fit in or even what role you might be in, so we will play that by ear tonight. However, since you did seem to follow orders last night, most of that will continue. You will address Dennis as `sir.'

"Yes Sir. Should I address Jamie as my fellow faggot if I talk to him?"

My thoughts immediately thought how interesting, but I quickly said, "IF you are allowed to talk to him, yes address him that way. You should address your comments towards Dennis first."

"Yes Sir."

"If you see an opportunity to please me or Dennis tonight and you wish to do so, I think you should try. Dennis knows this is still new to you."

"What if Dennis wants to touch me Sir?"

"You will let him. Only if I feel it's inappropriate will I stop it, not you. I control your body tonight boy."

Jon smiled. We chatted about a couple of more things, and as we got close to the Castro area, I started to give him instructions to the house. Dennis lived west of Castro going up the hill to Twin Peaks. He was just off Market, and his instructions were perfect. We pulled into the driveway. Releasing the leash, Jon got out and walked around and opened my door. I immediately reattached the leash and got out. He stepped back a little for me to get around, but he still closed the door. I took the keys and Jon's phone and put them into my jacket pocket. I made Jon carry the wine and we went up to the front door.

Next: Chapter 3

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