2020 San Francisco

By John Comstock

Published on Mar 28, 2020


2020 San Francisco

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

Nifty cost money to run, it needs your donations if it's going to keep going. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you done on other stories. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot https://kcolderfaggot.bdsmlr.com/

Also have written a few other stories on here

Scout Rob In Charge https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/scout-rob-in-charge/

The Truckers Inn https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-truckers-inn

Haven and Hell https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/haven-and-hell/

A Surprise Visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/a-surprise-visit/

San Francisco Transformation https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/san-francisco-transformation


To those that have read some of my other stories and are wondering if this faggot was going to ever get back to them, wanted you to know that writer's block as well as general life got in the way of things. Hoping this story might snap the block so it might get back to some of the other stories. This is the first time this faggot has tried writing a story from the Dom's point of view. It would really appreciate any Doms/Masters/Alphas who have constructive criticism on that point of view. If this faggot got something wrong, want to be able to correct it if it continues with this story. Last, this story is being written when the country is going through on of our worst crisis with the pandemic of Corona Virus. This author does not want to make light of the situation and is praying that we all get through together. It was written in mind to help try and take you mind off the issue, so please do not think that it was ever written to downplay this world tragedy. If you or a loved one is suffering through this, prayers are there for you. We all need to remember we are all put here to work together.


I was so excited that Jon had decided to stay with me for his Spring Break here in San Francisco. He and I had taught together back in the Kansas City area 20 years ago, before I decided to move here. We both knew we were gay, but Jon was more into the dance/quiet bar scene, so we didn't hang around the same people in the gay community, but we had become friends and did dinner often. I just always felt that Jon could be a true faggot. He had been out here before but usually stayed at a motel. I asked him to stay with me, telling him I would still be teaching while he was here, so he could come and go as he pleased. We started planning this in December and figured he could still do a lot on his own, while saving money by not having to pay for a motel. My spring break was the week of March 23rd and his was the week before. I always enjoyed it when he did visit, because it got me out and did different things. This time he was coming alone, since before he usually had a friend or two come along. Around the time he was about to arrive, it seemed all we were hearing about was the Corona Virus and how it had crept into Washington state. After talking early in the week, Jon had decided to come anyway.

So, who am I? Well my name is Ron Trapp and I teach Drama at one of the high schools in the San Francisco school district. Being 51, standing 5 feet 11 inches tall and just weighing under 200 pounds, I tried to keep myself in shape by going to the gym three times a week. I moved here when there was a chance from some money I inherited. I was able to buy a small home in the city, which did cost a pretty penny. The biggest difference between myself and Jon Ricker, my friend, is our preference in the gay community. I am into leather which I had started back in the Kansas City area. I have enjoyed from time to time some light BDSM and usually I would hang out at the leather/rougher bars of the city. Recently, I have been reading up and chatting with people on-line about ways to use hypnotic suggestions with subs and slaves. I am 100% top but was never sure if Jon was. I always assumed he was more versatile, but was a man in charge like me, since his teaching, coaching and other things around school showed him to be this way.

Getting to the airport in plenty of time, I parked and went into the terminal to wait. His flight arrived on time at SFO which was usually the case for late morning flights. I had never picked him up before which made this a different trip already. He decided to take me up on my offer to use my car while here, instead of getting a rental. Standing near the top of the escalator that went down to the baggage claim, I saw Jon coming down and thru the secured area. We greeted each other with a big hug as we always did, with smiles and small chit chat to start his spring break. Jon was just at 6 feet tall weighing around 210. Average build for a man of 56 but he did have a nice ass. I was just a bit shorter and had more of a built-up chest, but nothing like a muscle builder type. The one thing we both had in common was our bald heads with the fringe. Being in my early 50s, we could always share life experiences and ideas, so conversation was never at a loss.

Jon said he needed to use the restroom, and I figured with the 20-minute drive to my house, I could use it as well. Like always, the restroom was busy, so we stood next to each other at the urinals, still doing some small talk. Flopping out our cocks, that was the first time I think I ever saw his cock. It was about 3 inches soft, but what got my attention was the fact that he was staring down at my 5-inch cock as I pissed. I pretended not to notice but did play with my cock more than usual as he continued to watch. He had finished pissing but still had his cock out, which did grow some, I guess from looking at my cock. My thoughts of him being a faggot were starting to be verified. Once we left the restroom, we got his one bag from the carousel and headed to the parking lot, still doing small talk and laughing about life.

Driving to my house in Cow Hollow district, Jon kept adjusting himself, which again was very interesting to me. I live in a small house on Union, just west of Pierce with a one car garage and practically no yard in back and none in front. It was perfect for me with three bedrooms upstairs. None of the rooms in the house were gigantic rooms but it suited me fine. My bedroom had a small bathroom and Jon was going to have to use the other bathroom from the hallway. Both bathrooms just had walk-in showers (no tub), but for what I needed and even for what he needed it was perfect. Arriving home, I drove the car into the garage. Inside the garage, there was a staircase that took us up to the first floor entering the kitchen. Then we went upstairs to the top floor where Jon would stay. His room was the smaller guest room, which is where he dropped his bags. We decided to walk down Union Street to have lunch since it was now past noon, and I was getting hungry and Jon was starving since he was still on Kansas City time.

We went to one of my favorite places to eat and ordered our food. Sitting outside, it felt like a typical March day in San Francisco. Settling down and waiting for our food, we finally had our first serious conversation and it was about the Corona Virus.

"My school district is trying to figure out how California is going to handle this virus thing," is how we got going into this conversation.

"Back in Kansas, the talk is we're going to a virtual school for 4th quarter. That means I guess I could teach from here," Jon said with kind of a smirk. Jon taught in a suburb of Kansas City.

"Fine by me. But what will this do with you retiring at the end of school year?"

"I have already turned in all my paperwork to the district and to the state retirement system; the school board has already voted on my retirement, so come June I start getting my pension. Unfortunately, I will still work some small job just to make enough for me to cover my medical insurance, but it all looks good."

"That's great."

We continued on with this line of conversation for a while, discussing everything from the school districts responses to how we think the country will respond. After the food arrived, the conversation changed to more of what Jon was going to do while he was here, since he was alone this time.

"Well listen," I interjected, "do you want to go out tonight and just relax at the bars?"

"Sounds like fun. What kind of bar?"

"We can go over to Castro if you want or we can go to one of the leather bars here in town that I go to off and on."

"Hell, I am here by myself, so let's do the leather bar. But I really don't have anything to wear except for these pair of jeans I have on."

"No problem. It gives us an excuse to go shopping. We'll go to Mr. S on 8th street."

"Okay," Jon agreed with a curious look on his face.

We finished lunch and walked backed to my place. Jumping into the car, we took off for Mr. S Leather store. I have bought some of my leather there before, so I knew we could find something he would like. I was curious as to what will float Jon's fancy with this.

Arriving at Mr. S, we walked in. I waved to the guy behind the counter, since I kind of knew him from the bar. I told Jon to browse around and think about what he would like to wear tonight. My curiosity was getting me as to whether he would lean towards the more `Dom' like clothes are maybe the submissive side. I tagged along behind him ready to answer any questions. As we were looking thru the different vests, Jon tried one on. It was a vest usually worn more by the sub than the Dom which made things interesting. Then it happened...a teacher's worst nightmare.

"Hey Mr. Ricker, what are you doing here?" It was this 6-foot 2 guy, with an average build but still someone who works out.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it," came out of Jon's mouth. "What are you doing in San Francisco?"

"I live here now. I moved after I finished up at Mizzou with a B.A. in business and thought it would be fun to come out here."

"Fantastic," Jon said with the look only another teacher would recognize. It was the famous `I know your face, but I can't think of your name' look. I saw what was happening and leaped in to assist as most of us in education would do.

"Jon...is this one of your students from Kansas City?" I said with enthusiasm. "The name is Ron Trapp. I taught with Jon back in KC years ago before moving out here," as I extend my hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Trapp. The name is Jamie Meeker. I had Mr. Ricker for psychology."

"I'm sure you wanted to HAVE Mr. Ricker," I said with a smirk and sarcasm.

"To be honest Sir, I wouldn't have fought it."

We all laughed.

"So, Jamie, what are you doing here in this store?" Jon asked to change the focus away from him.

"I'm a clerk here, Sir. Been working here since I arrived almost a year ago."

With raised eyebrows I asked, "Really? Well, Jon is here looking for something to wear out tonight since we are probably heading to Powerhouse and Hole in the Wall and maybe even the Eagle."

"Well, knowing you don't make a fortune, let's go downstairs Sir. We have a clearance rack that might have what you need without breaking the bank."

Jon said without hesitation, "My kind of deal. Hey, I'm on a budget." We all laughed again.

"Super, follow me," Jamie said. He started walking and we followed. Interesting is the fact that Jon insisted I go ahead of him, which gave me a chance to look at Jamie from behind. What I didn't realize earlier is that Jamie was wearing butt-less jeans and he had a very clean-shaven ass that was very perky. He led us to the stairs, and we walked down to the basement. Once down there Jon saw the case with cock rings and stretchers and got my attention on some of Jon's interests.

Jamie immediately said, "Mr. Ricker or you interested in a cock ring."

"Jamie call me Jon. We are past the stage of Mr. Ricker and yes, I'm interested. What would you recommend?"

"I really like the 3-way wrap," pointing to the Rocco 3-way wrap ring. "My partner likes how it helps stretch my balls out. It can be used in several different ways. I'm wearing it now, since my partner wants me to wear it as often as possible."

I interjected with a little bit of a commanding tone, "You have it on right now? Show me."

"Yes sir, if you wish to...so be it."

The tone in his voice started sounding more and more like a submissive or even a slave in my mind, so I wanted to see if he would show it to me. Also, I wanted to see how he would react to my tone. It took no time to find out. He pulled down the zipper on his pants and flopped out his 3-inch soft cock. He was wearing no underwear and the ring was doubled up on his balls to stretch them out. He lifted his t-shirt to show it better, which gave me the chance to see `slave' tattooed above his crotch which was completely shaven. I looked up into Jamie's eyes, and he knew I was in control.

"Please sir. Feel it so you can tell how it works," Jamie said to me, as his cock started to grow.

I reached and took it into my hands. I had his cock and balls firmly in place. I then slide my hand down and cupped his balls in my palms; then I started squeezing them. No sounds came from Jamie, but his face and eyes said he was enjoying having me in control.

"Jon, come over here and look at this," again in that soft commanding tone.

Jon walked over and looked straight down at Jamie's cock and balls, with not a great deal of emotions. I was not sure if he was in shock or just thought he needed to look more casual about it. He might have even been trying to hold back so he did not think that I thought he was too naïve from the Midwest.

"Jon, feel his cock and balls," again me stating this as more of a command than a request.

Jon reached and felt them but did not do too much. I could tell he was enjoying this, since there was a bulge forming in his pants.

"Would you like to have one Jon? If you do, I'll get it for you as a welcoming gift for this trip."

"Ya, but not sure of what size to get."

"Jamie, he wants to try them on. Help him," which this time I said with a strong voice. Jamie realized I was in charge and immediately jumped into action but did NOT put away his growing cock.

"Mine is a standard size one. Jon what size do you think you need?"

"I don't know."

"Take out your dick and show Jamie," was said with the same command tone. "We're all males here so no big deal."

Jon looked a bit confused but opened up his pants and pulled down his briefs under his balls, so that both of us could look at his cock. It was already half erect which embarrassed him some. Jamie indicated that the standard size one should be fine since they were both about the same size. The biggest difference was Jamie was shaved down there and Jon had a little jungle going.

"Jamie, put the black one on Jon to see if it works." There was no question, I was controlling the scene. Jamie got one from the shelve, took it out the box and then knelt in front of Jon. Jon was again turning red, which I knew was more from the fact that a former student was playing with his junk then just getting this device on. I admired how professional Jamie was doing this; with little true fondling and only played with his cock and balls when getting in on. He put the first part around both the cock and balls then the top ring was around just the cock and the bottom was stretching the balls a bit. It looked like a good fit.

"What do you think Mr. Trapp Sir?" Jamie said, directly looking at me.

"Great job Jamie. We'll take it for sure. I think Jon needs to wear it now so he can get used to it."

Jamie nodded. He then said, "we came down here to find you something to wear Jon. Let me show you a couple of things I think you both will like."

It was interesting that he made the comment of both' instead of just addressing Jon. He went over to a t-shirt rack and pulled out an x-large black t-shirt with just the word slut' in yellow on it. It did have a couple of yellow drops, dripping from the `t' which added a bit of tone of watersports, but I am not sure Jon got it. Then from the rack of vest he pulled out a vest similar to the one Jon had tried on upstairs with just a bit of yellow material on the shoulders.

"I think this was be perfect for the bar, except for one thing. Are these jeans you're wearing tonight?"

Jon nodded yes.

"You really need to get a bit more tight-fitting pants that will show off your ass. Do you agree Sir?" looking at me.

"Sure, wouldn't hurt your appearance Jon, what do you think Jamie?"

Jamie took a look at the jeans he was wearing to get the size, then left to go to the back room. He came out with dark blue jeans. "These should fit, try them on."

"Okay where's the dressing room?"

"Really, Jon?" I said with sarcasm. "You're standing there with you cock out and you need a dressing room. Just slip those jeans and underwear off and try them on."

Jon did as he was told and the really fit very well, showing off both his ass and the packet up front.

Jamie immediately said, "should be perfect. What do you think Sir?" looking at me with the outfit holding up to Jon's body for me to approval.

"I love it and I think it would be perfect tonight. What do you think Jon?"

Jon looked at both of us, then the price tag of the two items. He could not believe that the cost of both together was about half the price he would have paid for just the vest upstairs. "Well Ron, if you think it would be good for me, then I'll take it all. You know what's best."

With that, the three of us proceeded up stairs to check out. I followed Jamie, with Jon behind us. It gave me one more chance to look at that ass. I could not help myself, I had to smack it, so I did. Jamie turned and with a smile and a `thank you sir', but just kept walking. Jamie cashed us out and put the clothes in a bag. We talked about seeing each other that night at the bars, maybe. Jon did give him a business card with school e-mail. But before he handed it to Jamie, he wrote down his cell number on the back and said to stay in contact.

On the drive back to the house, Jon said he wanted to take a nap so he would have some energy tonight for the bars. He jokingly said that if he `didn't get a nap we would have to call it a night at 7'. I told him no problem for me, but I did tell him to make sure to get the clothes out of the bag so they would not wrinkle. Once we pulled into the garage, I could tell Jon really did need a nap. So up the staircase we went.

As we entered the kitchen area, I said, "Listen, I have put speakers in the bedrooms so that I can pipe background white noise to help me sleep. Think you might be interested?"

"Not sure I need it, but it couldn't hurt. What is the sound?"

"I have three different types. The one I like best is hearing the ocean tide coming ashore. But I also have a gentle thunderstorm and one they call mountain breezes. Your pick. I really like all three."

"Since you like the ocean tide, let's do that one."

We both walked upstairs, and I went into his room to turn on the speakers. He laid out his new outfit for the night. As I left, he told me to wake him in time to take a quick shower before we head out. I told him I would wake him between 5:30 and 6. With that I left the room and went to the hallway linen closet, where I had this sound system set up. What Jon did not know was that this was actually set up to try and get a sub to relax and submit more. After about 20 minutes, there would be some subliminal messages that would be stated. I had several varieties of these that I got on-line from a Dom who like to hypnotize his subs. I have never tried this, since I got it in late February, but I figured why not try it out on Jon. I heard Jon get on the bed, so I started the wave action. I did not have it very loud, but just loud enough to hear it all. The program I had up was the one that just told the sub that he was a faggot and that should want to please all Alphas he meets. There would also be things like your desire to suck cock' or worship Master' were in there. I figured that with the time being shortly before four he could get a good 90-minutes of this treatment, and then I could see if anything connected. My experiment was now in place.

While he slept, I got my outfit for the night together. I decided since we are headed for the bars I enjoy, let's do it up right. I got out my leather jacket, and my black leather harness. Finding the black leather jockstrap, I started digging for my black leather chaps that I had not worn in ages. I knew where the black boots were, so they were no problem, but I wanted the wear the biker cap that I bought a year ago. I had not really had any use or need to wear it, but tonight, I wanted to make a statement of who was the Alpha male in this pair. With everything found, I got my metal cock ring out and put it on. The evening attire was now ready. Jumping into the shower for one last rinse, then drying off, I decided on deodorant but no cologne. Wanted Jon to smell a man not the spray.

It was now around five, so I decided to throw on a robe and go downstairs to turn on the news. I have always tried to stay up on things and was curious where we were with this virus issue. What came on surprised me, as the governor had issued a statement for people not to meet in large crowds and avoid groups larger than 50. He was trying to start following the CDC guidelines on the virus. I did NOT want Jon to know this yet, so I quickly turned off the TV. I fiddled around for a while, then went back upstairs. I put on the headphones, so I could listen in to what was being said in Jon's room. Things like your desire to suck cock', you will address an Alpha as sir' and `you are nothing more than a worthless faggot to serve your master' were the words being said with the ocean tide. I decided to let it keep going for 30 more minutes as I did the final touch ups of cleaning up...the brushing of the teeth and stuff like that.

Now that it was after 5:30, I went back and put the headphones on. What my instructions had indicated was to slowly turn the volume down to nothing before waking your sub. So that is what I started to do. Once there, I turned off the machine and went into Jon's room. Deciding to play with this whole notion of superiority, I walked up to the bed. Jon was on his side, facing away from me. I gently nudged him and started to wake him up, but with a little fun thrown in.

"Hey faggot, time to get up."

What came out next excited me. "Yes sir, thank you Sir," Jon said sort of mumbling the words.

"Get up fag and take your shower," was said in a joking, yet commanding tone.

"Okay, I'm up, sir."

I left the room, leaving the door open and went to my room to start to put on the outfit' for tonight. I could hear Jon walk to the bathroom, but I did not hear the door shut. Then I heard the shower come on and Jon stepping in. From the sound, I could tell Jon did NOT shut the bathroom door. I got a little smile on my face. Once dressed, I decided to step into the other bathroom, where Jon was showering. How bold should I be was my thought, and the answer was ah fuck it, be bold'. I walked loud enough for Jon to hear me, and the I peaked my head into the shower.

"Jon, I'll be downstairs, whenever you're ready."

What was interesting is Jon made no issue of being surprised or hiding. In fact, he still had on the cock ring gadget we got that afternoon. His reply was rather interesting.

"Sounds good Sir. See you downstairs."

Leaving the bathroom, I went downstairs to wait. Not sure if any of the 90-minute messaging worked, but it is getting interesting. After about 20 minutes, Jon came down the stairs in his outfit.

Bounding into the living room, Jon said, "well how do I look?"

"Like a good San Francisco Slut boy," I said with a smile on my face.

"God Ron. You look hot." As Jon said this, I spun around so he could see my hairy ass in the butt-less chaps. This is the first time he would see my ass displayed. "Nice ass, sir."

"Okay Slut," staying in the tone of the talk, "are you wearing underwear?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Take them off," I said in a little commanding voice. "You need to show the whole packet, as is, in those jeans, boy."

Jon started towards the stairs, like he was going to head by upstairs to take them off. I spoke up immediately in the same tone as earlier.

"Jon, just do it here. You don't need to go upstairs. Take them off here."

He stopped and started to strip below the waist. I stood there with my arms crossed in a more authoritarian pose enjoying what I was witnessing. He got down to his boxer briefs and looked at me. I nodded my head which he then slipped his thumbs into the waistband and slid them down and stepped out. He then put the jeans back on which looked great, especially since his cock was half erect when he took the boxer briefs off.

"Perfect, let's go."

We went to the garage and jumped into the car. We drove over to the Folsom area. I told Jon we were eating dinner at the DNA Pizza, then hit the Powerhouse first. Jon looked at me funny with the idea that we were going to eat in these club outfits.

"Trust me boy. DNA is cool and is a couple of blocks from the club."

Once over in the area, I found a parking spot on the street. Jon's eyes got big when he saw a couple of other men in similar attire for the evening. We had parked closer to the Powerhouse, so we walked the couple blocks to DNA. Knowing some of the people there helped, as we got a table, off to the side, quickly. The place did not seem as busy as usual. I decided to step into my Dom role and ordered for both of us. The waiter was a guy I knew. He looked just at me and asked the question.

"Evening Sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Bring us two Bud Lights boy," without even giving Jon a chance to say anything.

"Right away Sir," as he left and headed to the bar. He brought them back pretty quickly, then asked, "You ready to order Sir?"

"Yes, tonight we are going to get the medium pizza with just sausage and extra cheese on it. That will be enough for dinner," I stated with a Dom attitude. Again, I did not let Jon say anything, but he did seem too surprised. "So how do you feel in your new outfit fag?" stating this with a bit of sarcasm.

"To be honest, I starting to feel like a slut."

"Good. Now tonight, unless you find someone you want to go home with, pretend you are attached to me. This way strange predators will not bother you too much."

"What should I do?"

"Just stand close to me but right over my shoulder. That will be a good enough sign for most."


"And if I feel like someone is bothering you too much, I will start treating you like you're my boy by calling you names etc. Will that bother you?"

"No, thanks for looking out for me Ron."

"Oh, and if we go into that mode, call me sir instead of Ron."

"Yes sir," Jon said with a big smile.

We finished the dinner around 8:45, which for me was perfect. Getting to the Powerhouse around nine should be good. I always love the fact the action gets started here in the city so much earlier. I wasn't planning on staying out to long. When the check came, I looked at Jon which he immediately got out his wallet and paid for dinner with a credit card. When the receipt came back for him to sign, I grabbed it and put the tip on there. It was a 25% tip, then handed to Jon and told him to sign it. He did without a question.

We left DNA and started to head towards the Powerhouse. The streets did not look as busy as normal, but there were many men out there and several had their sub or slave with them. Jon was amazed to see several men pulling on leashes to have their slave follow. Once we got to the Powerhouse there was no line to get in. Usually at this time, it is busy, but with no big line, I was surprised. The bigger surprise was inside.

They informed us as we were entered that they would be closing around midnight due to the governor's orders and that there would be no drag show that night. The bar looked half full compared to a normal Saturday night at this time. We made our way over to the bar and I ordered two Bud Lights. I gave one to Jon, then walked more towards the back of the bar. I saw a couple of men I knew so we started to chat with them. Jon stood right close to me the whole time not saying much. The conversation was more around the virus and the governor's announcement instead of the usual sexual overtones that usually prevailed. When I finished my beer, I looked at Jon. I decided to play this out.

"Boy, go get me another beer."

With a quick response of, "Yes sir," Jon went over to the bar.

"Ron is this your new boy you brought tonight?" said Wayne who is about 6-foot 4 and burly. He was definitely an Alpha. "He has hardly said a word all night."

"Yeah Ron, what gives?" said Bill who was my height and average size but was an Alpha as well.

"Well, he is an old colleague from back home who is out here on spring break. I decided to have some fun and try to figure out if he really is a true faggot or just gay. I told him tonight I might talk like he's my boy to keep predators away. I just think he is enjoying this too much."

Just then Jon came back with my beer. He did not get one for himself, which I found interesting. I decided to continue the act for Jon and my two friends.

"Boy, I was telling these men about your new cock ring. Pull it out and show them now," I said with a slight attitude.

What surprised me is Jon did exactly what I told him to do. The next thing that happened is his pants were open, his cock was out, and the men were looking at his cock and cock ring.

"Gentlemen, do you want to feel it?" saying this knowing I was taking a chance.

"May we?"


Both men stepped forward and started playing with Jon's cock and cock ring. Jon was enjoying it and was getting hard. I finally, after a couple of minutes, reached over and said that was enough, as I grabbed Jon's cock and stuffed it back into his pants. When he zipped it up the bulge from the hard on looked great.

"Don't want the faggot getting too excited in here," I stated with a control tone, but with laughter as well.

We continued to talk, and I knew Jon kept looking around the bar, but I was not sure what he was thinking. Some of the people there were just regulars dressed in jeans and t-shirts, but there were some who were more dressed in D/s attire. However, for being close to ten, the bar itself seemed like it was only half as crowded as usual, for a Saturday night. We continue to chat with the two guys as well as a few other Alphas. Then I saw Jamie. He was only wearing a jockstrap, boots and dog collar. A leash was attached to the collar that was being held by an older man. Not as old as Jon or even myself, but older, probably early 40s. Assuming he was Jamie's partner, the man stood about 5-feet 8, but had a nice broad chest with a harness on. He was wearing leather pants and probably weighed about 190. Jamie saw us, then leaned in to say something to his partner. He looked over and then started to walk towards us, pulling on the leash for Jamie to follow. I was worried how Jon might react, which could be out of line for how the premise of the evening was going. When the man walked up to us, he looked just at me and stuck out his hand.

"I hear my slave helped you and your boy out today," talking to me only, while we shock hands. "Boy Jamie here is a good salesclerk at the store."

"Yes, the boy did a great job of outfitting his former teacher here," with me kind of turning and pointing to Jon.

Jon and Jamie said absolutely nothing, so I think Jon figured out not to speak unless spoken to. What I did notice was Jamie's jockstrap starting to expand.

"Sorry Sir, my name is Dennis, but my boy calls me sir or master."

"Ron," pointing to me, "and this is Jon."

"Nice to meet you Ron. I think I have seen you around before, but not your boy," he said ONLY to me, ignoring Jon.

"Oh, he is here for spring break, since he still teaches back in Kansas City. We've been friends for a long time so asked him to stay with me this time since he didn't bring friends."

"Great. I do have to say my faggot slave did a good job with that boy's outfit."

"He also convinced him to get the same cock ring, your faggot has Dennis. Do you want to see?

"Why sure...who wouldn't?"

I looked at Jon and he did not hesitate a bit. He opened his pants and took out his cock. Dennis, not wasting time, walked right over and started playing with the cock ring and Jon's cock and balls as well. Looking down, I saw Jon's cock was now hard as a rock and it had grown to at least 6 inches long. He was a grower not a shower for sure. Then I noticed some precum at the tip of his cock, which Dennis also noticed. He took his finger and swiped some off the tip, then put it to his slave's mouth which Jamie opened and took it. Then he took another swipe of precum and this time put it Jon's mouth. I was amazed, because Jon just opened his mouth and took his finger in and sucked on it. Then he thanked him by saying "thank you sir." My premonition of Jon being a faggot was coming true.

"Good boy you got here Ron. Thought it would be fun for his former student to taste his cum. What do you think?"

"It seems both boys are enjoying it a great deal, which is evident," looking down at Jamie's hard cock in his jock.

Then Dennis pointed down, which Jamie immediately got on his knees facing Dennis.

"Excuse me gentlemen, I need to take a piss." Dennis opened his pants, flopped out an 8-inch cock and put it on Jamie's tongue. Jamie let it just sit there on his tongue. Then Dennis started to piss in his mouth. Some got on Jamie, but most he drank. I tried not to act like I was a voyeur, but Jon on the other hand was staring hard at the sight. I swear his jaw dropped to the ground. When Dennis was about through, he shoved his cock in Jamie's mouth and the slave started sucking.

"I like it when my slave takes every last drop."

"Shouldn't be any other way," said one of the other guys in our group.

"So, what do you think is going to happen with this virus issue?" Dennis asked me.

"I think this could be the last time we might be out for a while. I mean my boy and I could be stuck at home all week while he's here," I said with a smile on my face and glancing over looking at Jon's face. I got no reaction. "What about you?"

"I work for a business firm downtown and they have already told us to prepare to work from home. However, my poor slave might not have work for a while."

"True. I think the school, where I teach, will be going to virtual classroom ideas before long."

"If I work at home, my slave will have to be chained up the whole time while cleaning. I mean he doesn't wear anything now at home, so it might not be too bad."

"Not sure if the boy here would like that, but you never know."

We continued to talk, while Jamie just stayed kneeling by Dennis's side and Jon kept quiet right next to me. I did notice every so often, Jamie looking up at Jon and Jon smiling back at him like they both knew what they were.

Finishing my beer, I turned to Jon, "Boy I need another beer and get one for yourself. I need to go take a piss."

"No need for that Dennis. Just piss in the bottle and let my slave have recycled beer. He enjoys it."

I thought what the hell, so I nodded to Jon to go get us some beers and then took out my cock. I started pissing in the bottle and noticed Jamie's eyes get wide and bright. Not sure if it was the piss in the beer or just my cock, but no matter, he was getting turned on. As I finished pissing, I handed the bottle to Dennis.

"Here you go, a recycled Bud Light." Everyone laughed at that.

Dennis snapped his fingers and Jamie stood. He gave his faggot the bottle and Jamie started drinking it immediately. He seemed to enjoy it. Jon returned with our beers, handing one to me, then Dennis made a toast.

"To new and old friends and especially former teachers and students reuniting, gentlemen."

We all clinked out bottles and drank, including Jamie. Jamie then looked at Jon and smiled, which Jon smiled back with a wink as well.

"Well maybe you and your slave could come over for dinner some night while the boy is here in town?" I asked.

"Wouldn't mind that at all."

"Your slave has the boy's number so gives us a call."

Dennis turned to his slave and Jamie nodded yes. "Let's plan on it. Just hope we can do this before any major shut down. I think most of the issues will be more cautious than demanding in terms of the governor's orders. We'll just have to wait and see."

We continued to chat for about another 45 minutes with all the alphas there. The only other action that happened in the group is that Wayne got a blow job from some twink sub, but nothing major. I finally thought we needed to leave since it was now just after 11 and I knew Jon was starting to fade.

"Gentlemen and you too slave, I think we are going to take off before the boy here falls asleep. He's still on central time."

We all said our good-byes, then Dennis nodded to Jamie as to say something or do something. Jamie stepped up and said good-bye to Jon with a quick hug. Jamie's ass still looked so nice.

Once we gulped down the last drops of beer, we headed out. Outside, we ran into a couple of buddies of mine and we started chatting. These guys were more into the BDSM stuff then myself, and what was interesting they ignore Jon, thinking he was my boy. A couple of other guys came up and were just chatting, when I noticed one of them grabbing Jon's junk. Jon said nothing and let him do it. It did not last long but was very interesting. After about 10 minutes, Jon leaned into me to say something.

"The guy is pissing all over my left leg."

I looked and it was one of my friends who had his cock out and was aiming it at Jon's leg, like Jon was a fire hydrant.

"Don't worry Jon. He enjoys piss play and he thinks you like it too. Don't make trouble," I whispered to him.

What was interesting is the fact a second guy decided to join in, and Jon was now getting a second golden shower. I just stared at Jon, and he just let them. Once both were through, I indicated that we needed to get going. We said our goodbyes and left. The car being a couple of blocks away was a short walk, but for Jon it was a little longer, with his drenched pants. Once at the car, I opened the trunk.

"Put those pants in the trunk now. Can't have my car smelling like piss you know," I stated without a chance for any questions. Right there on the street Jon took off his shoes and socks, then his pants and put them all in the trunk. I thought what the hell, "you might as well take off the t-shirt as well, since some piss might be on it. You can still wear the vest home." Jon took the vest off then the t-shirt and threw it in the trunk as well.

There Jon stood, 100% naked on the street in San Francisco, and he looked hot. I felt in control. I just grabbed the vest and tossed in as well and closed the trunk. Jon just stood there totally naked with his hands to his side. I was kind of surprised that he just stood there instead of trying to hide his junk or even his whole body.

"Wow Jon. You really have been a San Francisco slut all night. I can't believe you're just standing there naked and not trying to hide."

"I'm just carrying out the evening Sir. It feels good to be the slut."

"Maybe I should have you walk home."

"Do you want me to do that Sir?"

"No just amazed at all of this. Get in the car fag."

He went to his door and opened it and got in. Now comes the ride back to the house with Jon naked. He sat there with his legs spread and his hands on his knees the whole way back. What was interesting is the fact that his cock got hard the closer we got to home.

"So, what do you think of the evening?"

"It was very interesting to say the least."

"What was your favorite part fag?"

"All of it Sir. But things that intrigued me were things like you talking to me as if I were some kind of sub slut or even Jamie drinking the piss. I just found it all so wild and fun Sir."

I looked over and could see some precum on Jon's hard cock. Be daring, I reach over and swiped it and put it up to his mouth. There was no hesitation at all as he took my finger in and sucked it dry. All I could do was smile. When we got to the house and after pulling into the garage and closing the garage door, I instructed Jon to get his clothes out of the trunk. I said leave the tennis shoes down here in the garage, but carry everything else in. We proceeded to the stairs and Jon followed me up, looking right at my hairy ass.

Once inside, I told Jon to put the clothes in the washer, except the vest and bring me the vest. Once I heard the machine start, Jon walked back into the kitchen with a very hard cock.

"To make sure that the leather is clean of anything including the virus, we need to use a wet cloth and run it over the leather like this." I had put Jon's vest on the table and took the small towel that I had dampened down and ran it over the leather and then dried it with the second. I left the vest there. "Now you will need to do my leather boy."

Looking at me puzzled, I handed him the damp towel. I hesitated, but I told him to start with my Jacket. He looked confused since I was still wearing my jacket. I told him to start with the back side to which I turned around. He then figured out he was going to do this with me in my clothes. Wiping down the leather with the damp towel he then took a dry one to dry it off. I turned around, putting my hands behind my back, and he did the front then both sleeves, the same way. Once the was completed, I told him he needed to remove my jacket. He unzipped the jacket and carefully took it off of me. My cock was really starting to enjoy this.

"Put it on the chair, boy. Now my harness."

He did the same thing with the harness I was wearing which was a crisscross style harness. He walked around and did the front and back. I unbuckled when he was through and he lifted it off me. I pointed to my boots, and he proceeded to the same thing, first with the right boot, then left. After completing both, I lifted my right leg, so he could undo my laces and remove my boot. Then the left side. He set them under off to the side.

"Go ahead while your down there and take my socks off boy." Again, without a question, he took off my socks. "Quickly go and throw the socks in with the rest of your piss clothes boy."

Jon got up and went in and threw the socks in with the rest of the wash. I thought to myself, next time I will make him crawl into there instead of letting him walk in there. When he returned, I told him the chaps were next. He got down on his knees and did the same procedure he had down with the jacket earlier. Once finished, he looked up to me with a look of what's next.

"Undo my belt and take my chaps off faggot," I said in sort of a questioning demanding tone. He followed through and there I stood with just my leather jock and bikers' hat on looking down at him. He looked up and I could see his cock was dripping big time. This was going to be a fun week for sure.

"Clean the jock boy."

He wiped down the jock that was sprouting out since my cock was almost hard as rock, crushed in that jock. When he finished, he looked up at me and with a raised eyebrow I looked down. He understood the face was saying, `well faggot what are you waiting for? Take off the jock'. He took the sides and pulled the jockstrap down, flinging my 9-inch hard cock out which hit him in the face. I just looked down at him.

"You're not getting my cock tonight faggot. That's for later. Now do the cap."

Jon stood up and removed the cap and did the same thing to it and put if on the counter.

"Now go upstairs and rinse your body off. I don't want any of those virus germs on you."

With that he turned around and went upstairs. I heard him turn on the shower, then step in. Again, no door was closed. Turning off the downstairs lights, I went upstairs. I grabbed a fresh towel and stood in the hallway bathroom waiting for him to finish. He turned off the water and pulled back the curtain and saw me there with a towel. I handed it to him and watched him dry off; me standing there naked with a hard on and my arms crossed. I was trying to look as much the Alpha as I could. Once dry, he handed the towel back to me, which I just threw on the floor.

"Okay you need to go to bed now. How did this afternoon's nap work with the ocean waves?"

"I don't know if I was just so tired or if it really helped, but it was the best sleep I had had in a long time."

"Good we will do it again. I think you need to sleep naked tonight boy."

"I usually do Sir."

"Good. You look tired, so head to bed boy."

"Good night Sir."

Jon turned and went to his bedroom. He left the door open this time so I could see him crawl into bed. I turned on the sound and told him good night. This program I was using seemed amazing. This time I set it for 6 hours, which will put around 6, in the morning, when it would stop. The program I used for this session, besides saying the stuff it said before, would add a hypnotic suggestion of stripping when the master would say the word `hot'. I was dying to try it. The suggestion was that If we were in the house and master said the word, the faggot would strip without thinking about. If out and about and master said the word, the faggot would display his ass either naked or clothed depending on the circumstances. The earlier session seemed to have some effect on him, so I figured, this session could be very interesting to see how much the faggot will pick up. I only had the speakers on his room, so I closed the door slightly, so I would not hear. I turned off the rest of the lights and went to bed. I was sure I was going to be dreaming about my newfound faggot.

Next: Chapter 2

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