1999: Dance and the Goth Boy

By Rebel Holiday

Published on Jan 19, 2020



1999: Dance and the Goth Boy Written by: Rebel Holiday


Audio Version Available on My Patreon: patreon.com/rebelholiday

I met Harmony in a chatroom on AOL called White Guys for Asian. He was the white guy. I was the Asian. He had no pic. The only descriptor I had of him was that he was a goth guy with spiky purple hair. He was from out of town and he wanted to meet up.

After one of my ballet rehearsals, my friend Franklin drove me to the nearby mall to meet Harmony. Harmony and I had decided to meet at the mall's toy store. I told him I'd be wearing a white tank top and sweats. I also warned him that I'd probably be very sweaty from rehearsals.

Franklin was nearby just in case Harmony wasn't who he said he would be. I was eventually greeted by a most beautiful boy with sad eyes and pale skin. The only thing off about him was that his hair wasn't purple. It was now a dark red.

"Are you Ed?" He asked.

And there was Harmony. His dark red hair seemed to give his pale skin a radiant glow. He wore a black tight shirt that hung off of his thin body. He had these very nice fitting bondage pants on and boots that made him a little taller than I. We were both 5'3. two pocket gays. His boots made him 5'5.

"I am Ed." I answered. "And I am in love." I smiled at him and he smiled back. I was bolder back then. I took him in my arms, my tanned muscles and his pale thin arms meeting. I kissed his cheek, right there in the children's Toy Store. I couldn't help myself.

We hung out with Franklin that afternoon. I think we didn't leave his side because neither of us had really felt this way about another boy, not in public at least, and Franklin seemed to make it safe for us to hold hands and be romantic. Franklin was a teddy bear, but looked like a big mean guy.

We drove around for a bit, joining Franklin on his errands before he had to drop us both off to our homes. He stopped by a grocery store.

"I have to pick up some stuff for my mom" he said. "Do you guys mind waiting here for a bit?"

"We don't mind." I said to Franklin.

I got to be alone with Harmony for awhile in the backseat.

"I really like you." I said. Holding him in my arms again. Spooning him.

"Guys like you don't typically like guys like me." He said. "You're very handsome. You have all these muscles, but you're not some dumb jock. You're very sweet."

"I think you're sweet." I held him tighter, sliding my hand up his shirt to rub his chest.

"That feels nice." He said, as he rested his head on my pecs.

I lifted him up a bit so our faces could be next to each other. I kissed his cheek. He slowly lifted up his body to turn around. He was now facing me. I slowly grabbed his face and pulled it towards mine and we had our first kiss. It was the first kiss I gave that I really meant. The first kiss I gave, that felt natural. Like how a kiss was supposed to feel. Like how love was supposed to feel.

I could feel his prick on mine, and they were both getting hard. He lifted up my shirt. His mouth was teasing my left nipple, with his tongue piercing. His fingers were teasing my right nipple. I let out a soft moan, which seemed to encourage him more. I held onto the leather of the back seats, not knowing what to do with myself. Thankfully, Franklin parked a bit away from the general public.

Harmony was now kissing my abs and heading towards my waist. His hand began to recognize my hard on. I was like a rock. He pulled my sweats down and started nuzzling his nose on the front of my sweat drenched dance belt that covered my erection.

Sadly we didn't get that far. Franklin made his way back and we had to sit up and re-adjust. Franklin and I were good friends, but I don't think he would've appreciated the cum stained mess that Harmony and I were about to create in his back seat if we were given the chance.

Franklin drove Harmony home, and we said our goodbyes. He was leaving tomorrow with his dad. They were moving to a place that was 5 hours away.

"Are you going to be okay" Franklin asked me as he drove me home.

I answered, "No."

The next day at Ballet Rehearsals, I had no choice but to just go through the motions like a zombie. Harmony was all that was on my mind. He was beautiful. He thought I was beautiful. He was unique. He was amazing. He was also gone.

That's why I was surprised when he came up to me during my lunch break, at the lawn in the front of the College's theater.

"Hi Ed," He meekly greeted me.

"Harmony?" I dropped my food, and held him. My classmates were around wondering what was happening.

"That's his guy." Franklin whispered to them.

"What are you doing here." I said.

"I told my dad I needed to see my friend before I left, so he dropped me off here. He's going to pick me up when everything's ready for the drive."

"How much time do you have here? With me?" I asked.

"Maybe two hours."

I picked up my dance bag, I grabbed Harmony's hand, and we were out of there. I didn't even bother changing out of my ballet tights and shoes.

"Where is he going" I heard my teacher call out.

I ran across the campus with Harmony, ballet shoes and all, and into the nearby forest that stood behind the Science buildings. It was peaceful and private. No one was around.

I spread a blanket down that we laid on. I had removed my ballet shoes and now I was in my bare feet and tights. I was sweating from ballet rehearsal and the excitement of seeing Harmony. I had removed my shirt, and was letting the summer air cool me off. Harmony looked away from me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's too unreal."

"What is?"

"You. This. Everything feels like a fairy tale."

"I've been called a fairy before." I said. We both laughed. I looked deep into his eyes. They were brown. They still looked sad. I brought my face to his and kissed his forehead. Then his nose. Then his mouth. Then his neck.

"Wow that feels good." He whispered.

I slid my hand up his tight shirt and finally got to feel his chest. I could feel that one of his nipples was pierced. I started lightly playing with the stud on his nip. He moaned and started to shake.

"Oh I love that." I said as I lifted his shirt over his head and got a good look at his body. He had scars all over his chest and belly.

"Don't look, please." He said. It almost seemed like begging.

I kissed his chest, and then his belly. "But you're so beautiful"

I didn't know where his scars came from, but they were part of his history, and I wanted to cherish every part of him.

I laid down with my face next to his crotch and his face next to mine. I also had placed a bottle of silicone lube nearby that I had gotten from my bag.

I unzipped his pants and pulled his beautiful cock out. He had a beautiful pink penis. I started to massage it lightly with my soft fingers. Harmony kicked his pants off. He was now completely naked. My finger met with one of the veins on his shaft.

"Oh yes" he moaned.

I started tonguing the area that made him react. He started moaning and squirming. I placed my hand under his bottom so I could have more control over him. I started to play with his hole with a lubed up finger, as I took his entire shaft into my mouth.

"Oh yes. Finger me." He said, his cock reaching the back of my throat.

It drove him crazy.

I took off my ballet tights, and my dance belt. Now I was naked. I turned him around, and had him lay on his belly.

I loved the sight of his back and his sexy smooth bubble butt.

"What are you going to do" He asked.

"Have you ever had a rim job"

"No." He answered. "What is that?"

Oh this was going to be hot. I started by kissing the back of his neck. He arched his back and I made my way down to his ass. I slowly starting licking his pink hole with the tip of tongue.

"Oh yes." He quivered.

Now he was really squirming.

After licking his hole for a good while, I had him turn around. I wanted to see his face for this part.

I lubed up my fingers again, and inserted one of my digits slowly into his butt.

His face was giving me that look that was telling me to go further. His eyes squinted, his mouth was open. He held his legs up and I inserted another finger into him. He started to whimper and moan, I was super hard.

He reached for my cock and started stroking it.

"Oh fuck" I wasn't ready for that. I had to take my fingers out of his hole because I nearly fell over. I held onto the ground, my hands on both side of Harmony's head. He was slowly stroking my cock. I was dripping with precum. His hole was ready for me.

He brought my dick into him. I slowly thrust myself inside. He held onto my chest, his nails scratching at my pecs.

His tight hole hugged my cock like it wasn't going to let go.

I started in real slow. Taking in every part of how I was making him feel.

"I love you." I moaned as he started to kiss my neck.

He held onto my body and pulled me in closer. I began grinding into him harder. His moaning getting harder. I didn't want this ever to end.

He sat me up and straddled himself on my lap. He started kissing me as he lowered himself onto my cock. He was riding it, driving me crazy. I couldn't help but lay down and just let him own my dick.

As he rode me, I grabbed onto his tiny waist and arched my back, thrusting my cock into him. I started grinding into him this way. Thrusting my hips in midair into him. Harmony riding me.

My dick couldn't take it anymore, I needed to come, but I wanted him to come first. I turned him around, and began to spoon him. Like how we did in Franklin's car.

With my dick still in his ass, I started stroking his cock. My strokes in his ass met with my strokes on his cock at the same time. Harmony reach behind, grabbed my face and started kissing me as I took full control over his body.

"Oh God I'm going to..." he shot out what seemed to be an endless stream of white. His asshole clenched and I came what felt like gallons into my boy. I was surprised it all fit into him. We collapsed and laid out for awhile. Holding each other. The warm summer sun kissing our naked bodies.

That was the last time I saw Harmony. In person at least. Years later, he became the subject of photos in an art gallery I happen to be visiting. I was going to ask the photographer more about the model. About Harmony. But I couldn't really. I wanted to keep him how I remembered him. As that adorable creature that I fell in love with. As that boy that entered my life just as fast as he exited it. As the first person to make me feel love, so many years ago.

Audio Version Available on My Patreon: patreon.com/rebelholiday

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