1000 Feet Away

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 30, 2023


Hey guys. Duff back. I'm sitting at my laptop, and every now and then I look up and smile, because I've got robbie boy sitting about ten feet away from me. In case you weren't sure, he's tied up. He's tied up REAL good. I need to tell you he's wearing an open long-sleeve oxford shirt and running shorts, for reasons that will become clear as you read this tale. He's also gagged with a ball gag. I used the ball gag because he drools with it, and among the things robbie hates, is slobbering on himself. Yeah, he's being punished. That's why I'm also using his least favorite toy -- in fact, probably his TWO least favorite toys. I've got my favorite hitachi taped to his chest and pointing down, with the vibrator head just touching his balls. Before I tied him to the chair, I laced his balls together to make that big, circular shape that you see in porn movies (and you guys who know how to make that tie well, I salute you. DAMN I nearly gave up). In any event, his balls are nice and secure and the hitachi is nice and low.

I told you TWO least favorite toys. Nipple clamps are number two. Yeah, I didn't need them but, like I say, this is punishment before, shall we say, either a reward or a reminder of his place in our social order. See, robbie boy has now gotten used to taking my whole cock all at once. That's the other story line here, gang, coming up. So, when I finish this up, I'm gonna take my sweet helpless bottom and remind him of who's in charge.

LOL. Like he doesn't know! He got himself in this position by jerking off without permission. I caught him last weekend, after his Sunday afternoon run. I had told him I had planned to edge him later that day, and when he came back from running, while I was out buying groceries, he jerked off. Tried to hide it. Well, you know how you "smell sex?" For me, that smell is the aroma of newly spent jizz. I smelled it all over the bedroom and bathroom when I came back. I asked him "robbie, did you disobey my orders?" I knew he had when he colored up, and said "No, I think you're just smelling your own funk." It WAS a hot day, and I was sweating a whole lot, which resulted in me learning about something robbie DOES like, but I know the difference between MY smell and another man's. At the risk of WTMI, comparing mine and robbie's, it's fair to say that I've got a funkier, stronger smell than he does (you probably guessed that). Also, and this is something you could probably expect too, robbie sucks at cleaning up. He's gonna have to learn at some point, but then, just as now, he doesn't do a good job. I found the cum all over the bathroom.

"robbie, get in here and tell me what this is." I called to him. He was standing there in his shorts and nothing else. When he came in, I pointed to the jizz and grabbed him by the back of his neck. I squeezed just hard enough for him to know he was in trouble.

"You jerked off, didn't you?" I heard a gulp, and then he answered. Now, the way robbie answered is, to me, one of the hottest parts about him (those of you who want TRULY subservient guys probably wouldn't like it. For me, I like seeing the look of defeat on his face every time I call out this "power sub" and break him a little more).

"Yeah, I did. I got tired of waiting. So? Now you can edge me for longer." I squeezed his neck a little harder.

"You know, you really are a smart ass, aren't you?"

"Well, I don't know about smart, but you seem to think it's hot" was his answer. I was trying to decide what to do when it came to me. I knew he was a bit of a priss about smells, spit, all that stuff, and here I was, in a tank top, stinking like an ox. I pulled him back and then I put his head under my arm in a headlock.

"You didn't follow orders. That means punishment."

"You gonna rip off my head? If you do, goodbye blowjobs," he teased.

"Heh, heh. Blow jobs are a good way to put that tongue of yours to work. But I'm putting it to work another way. " I pulled him closer to my underarm.

"GET THAT TONGUE OUT AND CLEAN THAT PIT, SMART MOUTH." He began to squirm. He clearly didn't want to, and I tightened my choke hold.

"SMELL IT FIRST, ROBBIE. GET YOUR FACE IN IT GOOD. THEN GET SLURPING." I don't know how long it took, but there's no doubt that what happened surprised us both. After a few seconds, he stopped squirming, and he began to moan. "Oh, shit," slipped out of his mouth and then, I felt his warm tongue getting to work. The moaning got louder. He was into it, so I released the choke hold.

"GET IN THERE, BOY. DO A GOOD JOB. MAYBE I'LL LET YOU DO THE OTHER ONE." He was making noises that I associate with Molly when she's getting a really good belly rub. He wanted this. And his noises, his slurps, his moans, were all getting me...aroused.

"Other pit. Go over there and get to work. And save some of your spit, boy, cause you're gonna need it to take care of the hard-on you're giving me." Robbie didn't so much move as skittle over to the second pit, and he did as good a job there. Now I was moaning. It was time. I grabbed a handful of his sweaty hair and pulled his head up so our eyes met.

"SUCK ME. SWALLOW EVERY DROP." My boy was really in some kind of state because -- yeah, swallowing my jizz is not on his list of favorite things to do -- but there was no protest. This was one of those cases where he knew that he was truly defeated and had to take my orders. He dropped to his knees and then looked up. "Should I put my hands behind me right away, Sir, or should I open your zipper first?" I was wearing jeans, and he didn't know if HE should take care of getting my cock out, or if I'd do it.

"Hands behind you. Let me see how much you want it." That was our shorthand: he knew I wanted to see his "puppy face" with the desperate eyes, the tongue over his lips, and he gave it to me. And I gave him my cock, which he slurped down. I thought about spear fishing as I pounded his throat. I was thinking of what the rest of his punishment was going to be and while that was going on, I thought back to how I had tortured him the FIRST time I saw him in running shorts...

But all of that came later. Let me jump back to our first days, and our first weekend together.

The first time he spent at my place, robbie had needed to travel the 1000 or so yards to his apartment, change into running gear, do his run, and then get some clean clothes for the rest of the weekend. When he came back, most of his sweat had tried off, but there was a little bit of it on him: just enough to give a sheen to his body. I was doing some of the chores I'll eventually pass off to him, when he walked in.

Every man has his favorite body part. For many guys, it's a hot ass. I don't blame them. Or a hot chest, hairy or smooth. Or soft looking lips. You've all got your favorites. I'm a leg man, and nothing gets me hotter than the legs on a middle distance or long-distance runner: developed calves, solid thighs, long, hopefully hairy, leading up to a muscular but not overbuild torso, and those "just right" biceps. Well, robbie boy had all of those. I was checking him out. He knew it. He smiled.

"Like what you see?" he teased. I answered with "get your ass on that bed right now, or I'll put it there." He quipped "That's not encouraging me to do what you said." By then, robbie knew when I had gone into what I call "animal mode," and he saw it. "Oh shit, the fangs are out," he laughed nervously as I charged him. I'm stronger. And bigger. And he was pinned underneath me really quickly. I didn't say anything, but just began kissing him. I didn't have to order him to open his mouth, because he wanted my tongue as much as I wanted to give it to him. I moved on to his neck and his ears. Then I went back to his neck, and he began to panic.

"NO! NO HICKEYS!" I just laughed.

"If I wanna give you a hickey robbie boy, I'll give you a hickey. But I'm not planning on that today." I wasn't. I had watched a video, over and over again, where I saw a top give what he called a "neck massage" to a boy. He had worked on the bottom's neck for about fifteen minutes, and never left a mark. The boy moaned through the whole thing. That's what I was planning to do to robbie. Better said, it was the FIRST thing I planned to do to robbie. I had enjoyed a few really erotic dreams the night before and I was gonna make some of them come true.

While he was moaning from my work on his neck, I pushed robbie's wrists up to the corners of the bed. I pulled out the big leather cuffs, which stretched his arms away from his body more than the other set of restraints. I sat up and gave him a smile.

"I realized, robbie boy. Very few people see your pits, so there's no reason why they can't be shaved. Just like a chick would do for her man." His face looked like he had tasted sour milk, and he squirmed, and started breathing hard.

"YOU SAID. YOU SAID YOU'D STOP WITH MY PUBES." I shrugged my shoulders. "Top's prerogative robbie boy. I want it, I'll have it." As I went to get the razor, he yelled. "Hey! Can you stop calling me robbie boy? I hate boy more than I hate robbie." When I smiled, he realized what he had done.

"Oh, you shouldn't have told me that, robbie boy. I COULD stop calling you that, but why would I, if I know that it reminds you: you're my boy."

"I'm NOT your boy!" he protested. I just said "be quiet, boy. Or I'll get a jock and gag you." He knew I wasn't kidding, and he shut up. I got to work and guess what? Robbie began to show a "swelling" in his shorts. To say I was swelling is an understatement.

"Time to initiate you fully, robbie boy," I said in a low voice, and he nodded. "You want it?" I asked, and it was a serious question. My face is easy to read, and robbie could see, I think, that I was stepping out of role to see if he was ready.

"So badly. So badly, Sir." I saw he had a bit of a tear in his eyes.

"Then plead with me. Beg me for what you want."

He gulped, and then I heard him say, firmly, "Fuck me, Sir. Fuck me with everything. Split me open. Make me know you're in me."

DAMN! I didn't expect all of that and I could feel my cum beginning to drip. I got out of my shorts as fast as I could and when he saw how hard I was, he looked scared. I laughed.

"Second thoughts, robbie?"

"No, Sir. I want it. Big time." I pushed up his ankles and I gave it to him, big time. He was clearly inexperienced, but my boy was eager to please. I got in as far as I had the night before very easily. Then I took a breath, and I told him to breathe too.

"Close your eyes, robbie boy. Think about something relaxing." I ran a finger over his balls to help. He opened up a little, and I pushed in.

"You hurting, stud?" I asked.

"Not hurting, just, well, new. A new feeling." I shoved in and he screamed "OH FUCK OH MY GOD." I couldn't control myself. I knew I was risking hurting him, but the look on his face, the heat of his hot sexy body made me lose control. I plowed him. And he tried. He tried so hard to relax and, after about ten minutes, I'd say he was totally receptive.

I laughed when I wrote that, because he was SO receptive, he started tightening and loosening his glutes, and smiling. "I bet you like that," he said. He was right. I've enjoyed robbie boy many times since that one, but I have to say, it still stands out to me as the best one we've had so far. When I was done and had shot my load into him, I grinned.

"Not finished with you yet, handsome." I got up and I grabbed his ankles. I stretched them out and cuffed them too. That's when I brought over the hitachi. He thought it was a dildo.


"Never seen one of these, bud? Well, this guy is one of my best friends." I lay down next to him and turned it on. I could tell by robbie's face that he thought he knew what I'd be doing. He was only half right. I set it for very low, and then I moved it close to his balls, but not touching them.

"Let's see how long you can take it, stud. Best way of edging a boy, in my opinion." The hitachi was a new sensation for him. He liked it, at first, but when I pulled it away as his hips bulked, he began to hate it. And me.

"YOU BASTARD! I need to cum!" I chuckled. "You need to do what your boss man tells you if you're going to be a sub, pretty boy. And right now, your DOM is telling you: you'll have to wait. "

Robbie's arrogance turned to pleading in about fifteen minutes. He begged, he pleaded, he promised me anything I wanted. I could've gotten his submission right then and there. I wanted to have more fun, though, so I just said "You're gonna model something for me when this is all done. Then I'll decide where we're going tonight." He muttered "nothing where my pits show," and I laughed, and got him to scream when I brought the hitachi down too fast and too hard.

I began to get a little bored after about 25 minutes, and I stopped teasing. I shut the thing off and gave robbie a hand job. His finish was a combination of relief, joy and hatred: just what I wanted. When he gave his last shot, he began breathing hard.

"Please uncuff me, Sir. Please." I thought something was wrong because he began to cry. "What do you need, robbie?" I asked. He was weeping a little.

"For you to hug me. Please? Tight?" I had enough experience to know what had happened: he had had a breakthrough. Robbie was beginning to accept what he liked, and he could begin to become what he was: a man's sub. He wasn't there yet. Now that his "needs" were met, he stopped calling me "Sir." He asked me to not call him "boy" again. And he began getting lippy, telling me what I could have done to make things more pleasurable for him.

This was going to take work, and I was ready for it.

So, later that day (it was Saturday), I smacked robbie on the thigh. "So, why don't you show me what you plan to wear tonight? Give me an idea of where we go." He smiled. "I hope you like what you see when I come back." I waited. Then I heard his footsteps.

"Sailor, you have some time for me?" I looked up, and I knew my mouth dropped. Robbie was standing up against the wall, in a classic "hooker" pose, with his fingers hooked in his belt. He had on white pants that fit him like a glove, and a dark blue shirt that was made of -- well, I don't know what it was made of. It looked like what I call "disco cloth." You know what I mean: remember back to the high point of disco, where every guy was in some tight fitting, dark colored shirt that seemed to not have any buttons on it? Well, that's what this reminded me of. DAMN, did he look good. Of course, because he's a smart mouth, he had to add something.

"You know, Duff, you're my date but I gotta keep my nose to the ground in case, well." He started to laugh. I got up and pushed him up against the wall. "If YOU think for one second that anyone else is taking you home, or you're sleeping in anyone else's bed tonight, be they female or male, you are mistaken." I leaned in and whispered in his ear "And if I have to tie you into a chair and keep you home tonight, I will." I began rubbing scruff against him. Before he began moaning, he got out "that's the best offer I've had since...this morning."

Well, I DID have an idea to just keep this sexy bottom sub in training home that night, but I can be mischievous too. "It'll be a little crowded, but there's a club/bar a few blocks from here. Very popular. You may meet some rich, horny guy looking for a CEO bottom." He gave me a smile but didn't say anything. Off we went, and I noticed that when we left the building, without my saying anything, robbie put his hands behind his back. I felt a stiffy starting.

So we got to the place, and when we walked in, I could tell right away: it was a meat market that night, and contrary to most nights, the place was crowded with tops, looking for a boy to take home. I was pretty known in that community, so many of the guys knew that if I walked in with someone as cute as robbie, he was a bottom. The place was noisy, and I leaned over and said "SEE? You're already getting eyeballed. Like those shark shows on TV. You feel like bait, boy?" Robbie looked more than a bit intimidated, but in his typical fashion, he answered "I DO see the guys checking me out. They've got good taste." OK, time for my mischief to start.

"OK, I'm gonna go check out the crowd. I'll circle back in an hour or so. Have fun." As I began walking away, I could hear robbie's "HEY. WAIT," but I didn't. I headed off to the bar, and I didn't look. I could hear his breath though as he pushed through the crowd, probably getting felt up a time or two, and then I felt his arm on my shoulder.

"Duff, don't leave me here. Please. I'm with you."

"You sure about that, robbie?" I asked, and he looked like he was going to cry for the second time that day.

"OF COURSE, I'M SURE! I don't want to go home with anyone else. I wanna hang out and go home with you." He looked very, VERY sincere. I gave him a stare. "OK, then we're here together. But you ARE new meat, so you're gonna have to get used to being checked out. Don't worry. I know how to make sure my man is protected. You trust me?" He looked relieved as he said "Yes, Sir." I smiled. "Let me get behind you." When I did, I put my arm around robbie's middle. He giggled.

"You planning to tickle me in public? Or just fuck me?" He felt my hard-on.

"Maybe both. GRRRRRRRRRRRR" I went for his neck. "You want a second round tonight?"

"You sure you can handle it?" was his answer. I just dug my scruff into his neck. "Are you, boy?" I could see some of my friends checking us out and giving me thumbs up or smiling.

"I guess I'm not, Sir."

"Well, you don't really have any choice about it." I whispered into his ear "We stay for an hour and then, I'm taking you home, and I'm gonna FUCK you even harder than I did this morning."

Robbie enjoyed that hour. He behaved more than appropriately. I assumed that he learned to act like a bottom and a sub from some of the dominatrices he had been with. When people came over, he didn't speak until I said something and indicated he could. He didn't make any smart remarks to anyone, and when I whispered, "put your hands behind you and feel my crotch," he did exactly what I told him to do and answered, "Do we have to stay the whole hour, Sir?" We didn't. I don't know if I fucked him harder than I did that morning, but that night, much to his future regret, I found his "G spot." I played that for about an hour before we went to sleep. The next morning robbie asked me "Please, Sir, can we not do anal today. I'm really sore." Truth was, I didn't know if I could get another load together after the two I had dropped in him, but since he asked, I said "I guess so. But you'll have to make it up during the week."

It was during that week that I learned how much seeing robbie in an oxford and running shorts turned me on. He came over after work one day. I was surprised he was out by 6, but he told me that there had been a very early morning meeting, and his day had started at 7. He hadn't gotten a chance to run, so he was going to run that night. He had some gym clothes at my place, and he was getting changed. He doffed his tie, and his work slacks, and then he pulled up the shorts. I walked by and I froze. You know how you can't explain why you like certain foods? Well, don't ask me to explain this one. Years ago, I had seen a movie where a preppy type of guy goes out for a run and comes back to the apartment he shares with a lover. The lover surprises him and drags him to bed. We see squirming bodies, hear kissing, and then a pair of running shorts falls on the floor. Only difference in my apartment that night was that robbie never got out of the door to run. "You'll take a night off. You'll get plenty of exercise. And you'll learn what doggie style means."

"You want me to give up my run?" I looked at him and simply said "bedroom." He yielded "Yes Sir", and I introduced robbie to taking it doggie style. It's his favorite way to get fucked.

And so now we come back to robbie sitting in front of me like he is. We've been a couple for a few months, and I've let robbie know what my rules are. I also told him that if I caught him jerking off without me there, I'd lock him up. I showed him the cock cage, and I also showed him videos of guys in them. Much to my surprise, he seemed to get into them. He cuddled into me while we were watching them, and gently pulled my fingers down to get to his nipple. (His nipples aren't the most sensitive area on his body, but they're a good adjunct to other games). When I caught him jerking off earlier in the week, it wasn't the first time. My normal approach to a disobedient sub in training would have been to lock him up, but since I saw that robbie boy thought it might be fun, his punishment had to take another form. That's how we got here: robbie with tit clamps, a hitachi and a ball gag. And very pissed. I just looked at him.

"We understand who makes the rules now, boy?" He still looked pissed off, but he shook his head yes.

"Is it me?" He hesitated but shook his head yes again.

"No more secret jerking off. Let me be clear, robbie boy. Cages come in different sizes, and there's little less comfortable than a cage that's too small, left on for too long. "

"MMMMMMMPH" came the answer. It's my favorite word. ("FUCK ME SIR" is three words).

"You lube me with your mouth. Then, we'll get down to business." He shook his head.

And now, gentle readers, we're heading off for a little re-education of my sub in training. More to come.

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