1000 Feet Away

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 25, 2023


Hey friends. It's Duff back again. Took me longer this time. You'll learn why as you read through this. Let me just say before I start: the fuck I threw into robbie was AWESOME. I didn't know I was that horned. And then the fun after. I love it when he realizes just how much under control he is. He's my sub in everything but name. And that'll change soon: I'm planning the evening when I make him submit. You'll "be there" too.

I should apologize for jumping back and forth in the story, because I'm telling you what's happening in the very recent past (like yesterday), and then our "courtship" or, as robbie puts it (and I love it): his "conquest." So, let me start with what happened after we left.

I told you about my little Bluetooth pulsing vibrator. I LOVE that toy. My work room is close enough to the bedroom that I can take the controls with me and work them from my desk. So, when I was writing the last story, every 4-5 minutes (Ok, sometimes every 3 minutes), I'd hit the pulse button and a charge would go through the plug in robbie's butt. I knew it was happening because I'd hear robbie moan, and I'd feel my cock get stiffer for a few minutes. He's got a really sexy moan, and it's even sexier when he's gagged -- and he was.

Those of you who know about these toys and how to use them know that after a certain point, the reaction your boy gives you is less strong as they get used to it, and then finally there's no response at all. That's when you kick it up a notch as they sometimes say. And I did just that. Experience has taught me when I've kicked it up as far as robbie can take it. He'll have to take more once he's given up, but for now, when I hear the moans starting to shift into what sounds like pain, I stop. When it happened, I turned off the machine and went into the bedroom.

An executive with hair that's slightly too long and unkempt, with his shirt sweated through and stains from pre-cum on his jock, is awfully sexy. Add the way robbie's eyes flash when he's pissed off, and... DAMN, I may cum right now. Let me get my breath. I looked at him and I know I had a big smile on his face. "You think you're ready robbie?" I asked.

"MMMMPH" is what I got back. I can't give you sound in a written piece, but you know the undertone of anger. If you have a cat, you'll know what I mean. Of course, when I reached for his dick and began stroking it, that anger left, and his moan got, well, "creamier."

"You REALLY want it stud? You think you're ready for this dick?" Now, the "mmmmph" was pleading, and he shook his head yes. His eyes looked like a puppy's eyes: I've had to steel myself to be as immune from that as I can be. I'm getting better, but if I have a weakness, it's those eyes. I should consider blindfolding him.

"Well, I don't think you are," I teased him, and his eyes began to flash again. "I mean, sure, I can fuck you, get my jollies, but I could get that so many ways. Why should I pleasure you?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" was a combination of a moan and "please." I was in control. We both knew it. So, I told him my demands.

I think I told you robbie is very hairy. You could've figured that out anyway, but he is. His chest is COVERED with fur, he has gorilla armpits, as one trick once described his, and he's got a very thick bush -- when I let him keep the bush. See, I know a lot of tops and DOMS prefer their boys/subs/slaves/whatever shaved smooth. Duff is not a fan of that. My thinking: I want to fuck a MAN, not a boy. So I've always let them keep the hair that's visible. That's VISIBLE. As a sign of their domination, they need to have smooth pubes. And I decided that, well,

"Yeah, I'll give you my dick, but first, you gotta shave that crotch of yours." I saw the look on his face. I had always done the shaving. He didn't like it when I did, but he knew he had no choice. I figured it was time to hear his bitching and moaning: something that always gets me hotter than hell.


"I insist. Of course, I could just leave you tied on the bed like that, maybe get some of the fish oil pills Molly likes so much." Even though he hadn't moved the bondage an inch in the hour plus he was tied up, he tried.

"YOU'RE THE MEANEST SON OF A BITCH THERE IS." I didn't answer. I just dropped my pants, showed him my cock, and smiled.

"Ok, ok. You win. But it better be good."

"When has my topping ever been less that superb, robbie?" He didn't have an answer to that question, so he did what these white-collar types do: he tried to deflect. "You know I hate it when you call me that."

"Yeah, I do, robbie. Deal with it, bottom." He gulped. "Where's the clippers?" Now I grinned REALLY fiendishly.

"Oh, no. You're using the razor. And crème." "FUCK" he answered. "That's dangerous."

"Then be careful" I told him. "It takes a long time." "Then be efficient. No girlie pubes, no dick." He sighed, and he muttered as he went to the bathroom. I followed him. I wanted to watch. And as he worked so carefully, I massaged his shoulders. I whispered "You have no idea how much I love topping you, handsome. No idea." I wanted to kiss his neck, but I knew that would distract him and honestly, I did NOT want him to cut himself. Part of the reason I came in was to step in and finish if he couldn't. That day, though, he had his big boy pants on (or down at his ankles, to be honest), and he looked good and clean when he asked, "Am I done?" I smiled. "Sure are. And it makes your cock look bigger, not that that matters. Let's get to work." He got on the bed, on his back because HE likes it better when he's on his back. Actually, I do too, but I had a reward for him. "Roll over, bitch. I want you from behind. And get on your knees, boy." He began to protest, but he saw that I was holding the paddle I use to spank him. He gulped and did what he was told. I could tell that he was preparing himself for dick. So, when I began rimming him, it was a big surprise.

"HOLY SHIT. OH GOD. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!" He was so surprised, I almost laughed. "Push your butt back, sweetcakes. I wanna taste the good parts. I want you so wet we don't need lube." He moaned. I'm good with my tongue and I dug in really deeply. "You moan like a ten-dollar whore," I told him. He had an answer. "You rim like a million-dollar man."

"Roll on your back, robbie," I ordered, and I could see a small smile over his face. "Let's get you in position." I pulled off his shoes, his pants, his jock. He saw me staring at his naked bush. I moved slowly, deliberately, almost like ritual theater. "I want your cock, Sir. Please," he whimpered. He knew that calling me "Sir" got me harder, and it did. He was pretty hard himself. I have to say this: before me, robbie had never had a man's cock in his ass, but his dominatrices (that's the correct plural: look it up), had trained him with enough toys that he was absolutely ready to take me. He had enough experience with rigid things in his butt, and I had lubed him well enough that even though he took a deep breath and winced (he still does), I got in pretty easily. I had only discovered his prostate position a few fucks before, so we were still exploring. When I hit it, I think he was ready to explode. He reached down and went for his cock, and I pushed his hand away.

"NO. Not until I say you can." He steamed but moved his arm back. If I were taking him from behind, I would have done something that really got him going: robbie liked being choked gently. It's not for me, but I do it every now and then. Instead I just hummed as I rolled my cock head back and forth over that spot. He didn't say anything and neither did I. I just held things as long as I could -- or that I THOUGHT I could. I should've guessed what was coming when I saw his smile. He tightened his glutes and got my load. Or should I say LOAD. I was pumped and I'm sure he could tell. My balls must have been pretty full for that fuck because I lost count of the pulses. "Go ahead" I whispered, which he knew meant he could jerk. It didn't take long, and he was covered with his seed. When he finished, we were both smiling.

"I'm tired, handsome," I remember I said to him, and he answered, "So am I." We napped for a bit. I pulled him close to me and I whispered, "who's your DOM?" but he didn't answer. Molly's a pretty loud snorer but robbie's got her beat, and he was sawing wood. When we got up, we changed and took the lady out for her walk. I remember that walk because at some point I reached over and took his hand. He didn't pull back. We were in the neighborhood, and my closet case was getting used to being himself.

Alright, so if the present day got you hot and bothered, now I'm gonna move you back to when it started. We were going to have our third date, and I decided that this was going to be the one where robbie got his first cock: oral and anal. I was still trying to decide about bondage when the intercom rang.

"Mr. Duffy, Steve is here to see you," I laughed as I told the doorman to send him up. "Steve." Like the doorman didn't know what was going on.

You know how you say someone dresses to kill, or to do something? Well, robbie had tried. He did a damn good job of it too (I later found out that his assistant was helping him). He had on a short-sleeved button down in a dusky rose color, and khaki shorts. They both fit him tight. His chest hair was sticking up out of his shirt, and of course, the muscles in his arms and legs were very visible.

"Hey," he said, which was about all the greeting I was getting at that time.

"You didn't bring an overnight bag," I said. It was Friday. I thought we were spending the weekend. I have to be honest: he had a good response.

"Well, I didn't know if you'd still want me around, and since I'm so close, I thought..." He stopped and continued "I didn't know what kind of outfit would please you so, I'll get whatever you tell me to tomorrow morning after I do my run."

His run! That's right! I had forgotten that Saturdays and Sundays were his days for long runs: Saturday for a big one, Sunday for a smaller one, but they were both 10 plus miles.

"You look quite fine tonight, boy," I told him, and he smiled. "Now, how about you give your TOP a kiss?" I didn't give him a chance to think: I moved in, pulled him close to me, and pushed his mouth open (it wasn't hard. He was "hungry."). As I got to work, I opened my eyes. I had spent enough time looking at robbie's face to know: he was tired. He was smiling, but he was clearly tired.

"Long night?" I asked him after I broke the kiss.

"Yeah. Two in a row. Big project to get out. I got home at 2 one night, 3 the next."

I laughed. "Well, you'll be in bed a lot this weekend, but you won't get much sleep if I'm on my game." He growled. "If that kiss is an example, then you're on it, Duff."

"Duff." THAT was going to have to change, but one thing at a time. "I think it's time you learned about being hogtied, boy. On the bed. On your belly." I saw a look of eagerness go over his face. He wanted this. I could tell from the way he was breathing as I roped up his wrists (I'm not a big fan of cuffs), and then his ankles, and cinched them together.

"Now look at that. Hot shot businessman, all tied up, and helpless. For my taking. He had an idea, and I could see his face begin to contort in the shape of a yell. My meaty hand took care of that. "No you don't stud. No, you don't. Open big." When he resisted, I did the classic move of pinching his nose. When he tried to breathe through his mouth, I shoved in a balled-up sock and then I got some tape to seal it in. He was NOT pleased. I knew I was pushing his limits with the hogtie already, and the gag... (To this day, robbie hates being gagged and hates that I love gagging him).

"Now, where do we begin? Where oh where oh where? How about... HERE." I ran a finger over the soft flesh behind one knee, and then a second finger behind the other one. He began to kick at the stimulation and to half moan, half laugh.

"Oh, my boy is ticklish, isn't he? Good to know." I curved the fingers of my two hands and got to work on that tender spot before I reached up and did the same thing under his arms. That was when I learned how easily robbie sweated. I thought about telling him that the sweat would make it easier for me to take his ass but thought better of it. When I finished with his pits, I got my hands under his untucked shirt and got to work on his belly. It wasn't as responsive as his pits, and NO part of his body is as responsive as his feet, but he was quivering.

I stopped, and I slid down on top of him. I'm a big guy, and he grunted, so I moved to the side. "Don't wanna crack your ribs, boy. They're too tempting for my fingers.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" he whined. I began figuring out his moaning vocabulary that night. I ran my facial hair over his ear, as I rubbed the other one with my hand. His moans were getting louder, and he was starting to hump the bed.

"No, ya don't, no ya don't. You're not boss-man here, and I haven't said you can do that." I flipped him onto his side. He looked at me. There was hunger, fear, and curiosity in his face, all at once.

"You want the gag off, robbie boy?" I looked at him. He shook his head yes. "I'll take it out, but then you're gonna have to show me your blow job technique because otherwise, we don't need your mouth yet. Understand?" He was stiff for a minute but then he shook his head yes. He was scared.

Now, I know we've all seen incredible gymnastic displays of porn stars giving BJ's in ridiculous positions. This was robbie's first one, so I untied everything but his hands, put him on his knees on the floor, and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Most important thing tonight, robbie. Watch your teeth. If you scrape my cock, I'm not gonna be pleased and we'll have to get some kind of dental gag to keep your mouth opened while I probe' with my instrument'.

"I understand," he said. "Please be lenient. I want to but..."

"Your first time. Lots of firsts tonight, robbie. No fists, just firsts." I mentioned fists to scare him. I'm not into that, but he didn't know it.

"Eventually, you'll open my zipper with your teeth, but tonight...you'll have my help." I opened my jeans, and I stepped out of them. Robbie had seen my hard cock already, but not in the context of sucking it.

"All at once?" he asked, looking up at me. "Eventually. But for tonight, let's explore your gag reflex. Go down on me, boy. Now."

"Okay," he sighed, in an almost defeated way. I later learned that this was a good piece of his "I'm not gay" armor falling off, but that night, it made me want to grab him by the hair and shove his face down. I'm glad I didn't because I think I would have lost my dick, and him. He licked, he dawdled, and finally I yelled "THAT'S NOT A BLOW JOB THAT'S SUCKING A LOLLIPOP. BE A MAN, YOU WIMP." The word "wimp" was a bit of a trigger, and he took more of my cock than he really could. I felt his throat muscles contracting.

"Easy boy, easy," I said, pulling him back a bit. "Challenges are good. Challenges we know we can't win, not so much." He had my cock in his mouth, so he shook his head. "Let me take over now, stud muffin," I said, and then I begin sliding in, little by little. For the first time, he took about 6 inches, which I thought was a good effort. He wanted to go further, but I didn't want to stress him and, besides that...

I wanted his cherry. I pulled out. "Best first-time blow job I've ever had." He snickered "Probably the ONLY first-time blow job" you've ever had." Now, that was wrong, and eventually I'd tell him the stories, but for that night I just said "you know I used to teach practical techniques at Faggot University. "My rookie took this in. He believed it. "There's a school to learn to be a better gay guy?" He was really serious with his question, so I rolled with it.

"Yeah, good old FU. You can get a bachelor's, a Masters, a Submissives, or a Doctorate in dickology." When I saw his face, I started to laugh. "Boy, you are GULLIBLE. Best you found me instead of someone who's less generous.

"Hardy har har," he answered, "I guess you don't want my ass anymore." I just gave him a look. "Try to leave." Remember, robbie's a competitive bitch and he turned and went for the door. Good ole' Duff grabbed him around the middle, pulled him into the bedroom again, and tossed him on the bed.

"LET ME GO YOU BEAST," he was writhing as I pinned him down. "LET ME THE FUCK GO. YOU DON'T OWN ME. YOU DON'T..." I pressed lips to his and that was the end of that. This boy had not been kissed a lot, and he liked it when someone DID kiss him. He began calming down. "You know," I said to him "you're really quite sweet under that armor. Try taking it off for a little while." I must have hit a nerve because he began to squirm. "PLEASE. Let me go. I don't want to leave I just...I just want to hug you, Duff. PLEASE."

You can probably guess that I'm not really all that into hugging, and this was a new relationship, but this seemed urgent. So we hugged. (And over the relationship, we've done more of that). But eventually I said "Rookie, time for the big leagues." I was impressed with his answer: "Get the biggest bad you have."

Those of you who have initiated guys into the art of anal sex who take it seriously, know that you need to proceed carefully. So, robbie was not getting the biggest bat I had. He WOULD get it eventually, but that night, I guess you could say I was "semi-hard." I probed him with one, then two fingers first, and he moaned "oh God, it's been too long that something was in there." Now it was my turn. "This isn't the last time, robbie. Let me do what I do best."

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. It feels good. It feels REALLY good!" He moaned as I slid in. Like I said, those toys had done a good job in preparing him, but there was no question that he was new to this: tight, but not too tight, resistant, but not totally resistant, and very, VERY receptive.

I got him to open up more when I worked on his nipples and when I said to him "you have a great ass. I'm enjoying myself. Are you?" He moaned "Oh yes, oh yes I am." I asked, "can you take more." Smart-ass responded with "I thought you were completely in me." BELIEVE me, I thought about ramming it all the way in, but again, I just made a note for later. Instead, I pushed about an inch of my cock into him and when I saw him grit his teeth, I asked "You know how big the biggest toy was?" He answered, "I think it was 6 inches." Well, I'm bigger than that by a few inches, so I gave him just about a half inch more. His moans were really, really shrill, and desperate, so I stopped there.

"I've got a hot, hairy runner underneath me, and I'm taking his cherry. Now, does it get any better than that?" I asked, and he just whimpered. I pulled out.

"Something wrong?" he looked perplexed. "Nah, I'm just wanting you to see what you did to me." I showed him how hard I was. "You didn't put ALL of that in me, did you?" I smiled. "No, just about, oh, half of it." He pouted. "I guess I didn't do very well."

"You did just fine. You took all you could, and you have me right at the edge." I began stroking myself. "Right. At. The. Edge." Now it was MY turn to growl as I shot a load across him. I smiled. "You're gonna make a fine, fine bottom. And an even better sub." He looked at me. "There's a difference?" OK, there was a lot of "tuition" to be given here, and I was ready for it. For now, I was going to teach him some manners of Top/bottom DOM/sub life. "You wanna cum don't you boy?"

"Yeah, I do. You did so, my turn." I laughed. "With permission, and you have it. In the bathroom. I don't want to see it." He looked at me, hurt. "It's my way or the highway, sweetie. Scurry off. Shoot your load." He was too tempted. Off he went. He tried to keep quiet, but I heard him.

We both slept well that night.

Next: Chapter 4

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