1000 Feet Away

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 10, 2023


Hey. Duff here, back again. Took me longer than I expected because, well, I'll explain. You've sort of met Robbie/Steve, and you've met me.

There's someone else you need to meet: Molly. Molly's my "all American" dog. I rescued her about six, maybe 7 years ago. I hadn't had a dog for about fifteen years: when my Rottie named Beau died, I almost did too. Then, Rita (you'll meet her at some point in the future: great friend of mine), convinced me to go visit a rescue center: her friend Jocelyn worked there, and Jocelyn had met me once, thought there was a match to be made and so, grudgingly, I went over. Love at first sight? Not for people. Between dogs and yours truly? Absolutely. Twenty minutes later, this exuberant, golden lab/springer spaniel and who knows what else mix was walking out the door with me. I'm not much for this whole thing about communication between animals and people but I heard this voice going on in my head "what the hell were you waiting for?" Molly knew precisely what had happened and let's just say she was "exuberant." That hasn't stopped. She's cordial to other people, but I'm her world. I can't tell you how many of those lint brushes I need to get her hair off my clothes. And she ignored me for a full week after Robbie had spent the night the third time. She warmed to him though, and that's where things get funny, at least to me. Robbie is NOT a "pet person," or a "plant person," or a "living thing" person. Molly sensed that and got to work when she saw he was gonna be around for a while. Except, well, she did something that didn't endear her to Robbie but, well... (I should say that now things are better between the two of them. When he and I walk her, Molly isn't happy unless she's walking in the middle: NOT at the side of one of us. And she loves it when the leash changes hands). While I was writing that first part, Molly was in there doing something she enjoys doing. Molly LOVES to lick robbie's feet. He hates it because (DUH) it tickles, and he hates being tickled. Of course, I take advantage of that. Robbie's tied down because on weekends, before I have my way with him, I spread him out and then subject him to three forms of torture. I never tell him what they're going to be. Well, he expected something different today and, when I pulled off his running shoes and his athletic socks, and yelled for Molly, he knew what was happening and started cursing a blue streak. That's why I picked the gag I did: I had planned to stuff one of his socks in his mouth and then tie the other one around his face, but when Robbie gets pissed off, it just gets me SO FUCKING HOT and the sounds he makes with a bit gag always turn me on. So, one thing led to another. Molly is very methodical when she works on robbie's feet. She play bites each of his toes, sometimes two at a time, and then, when she's done, she licks his soles, up and down. Must be something in the taste of his sweat, who knows? And when he squirms, which of course he does, she just takes it as him playing with her, and she gets right back to it. Ah, the sound of her tail going, Robbie screaming through the gag, and the squirming are just exhilarating. So, I went in with one of Molly's squeak toys and tossed it. Before that, I had filled her food dishes. That got her off robbie's feet. You think he tried to thank me? Nah! He just gave me a look that said, "if I COULD, I'd KILL YOU." I love that look on him: reminds me of every smug straight guy and his arrogance. I stroked his belly a little. "What's the matter, Robbie boy? You don't like playing with Molly?" He gave me another look of hatred because while he loves being controlled, he also can't handle it real well. Not unless there's dick involved. There is, to be sure, but my boy doesn't like to wait. He'll learn. I love teasing him. I brushed some sweaty hair away from his forehead and asked "So, Robbie, what should we do next? "I opened his fly and his cock shot out. He probably thought I planned to edge him. HAH! The element of surprise. Instead, I took one of the smaller vibrators, put it on low so it would last a while, and shoved it between the bed and his sack. "That's good for thirty minutes or so, Robbie, so I'll see you again in half an hour." OH, what IS it about subs that makes them scream like that when they KNOW they can't do anything? I stayed in the room until he finished screaming and started whimpering. "One more round, Robbie, then you get your reward." I grabbed my crotch and squeezed it, so he could see that my bulge was growing. His eyes got big: they always do before he gets fucked. I think he's still amazed that he took the step and now is on his way to becoming my full-time sub. Now, I'm gonna jump back to that first time we met. I could tell he was nervous but, as I found out later, Robbie was experienced in giving presentations to crowds, and could handle his nerves well. "Should we go for a drink, Steve?" He seemed to smile a little when I used his alias. "Yeah, where should we go?" he asked me. I threw it right back to him "You pick." It was that time of day when a drink would be right, so would coffee, so we could've done anything. "I don't wanna go into anyplace too gay," he announced. "How about the sports bar on Seventh?" How I kept from bursting into laughter, I don't know. My buddy Jeff owns that bar, called simply "Sports Bar," and it's about as gay as they come. It's one of those things: why do straight guys think they own the franchise on sports bars? Oh, well. "Fine with me," is all I said. "Shouldn't be too crowded this time of day. No local teams are playing." Robbie gave me a look. "How did you know that?" I just smiled and lied "I like looking at the asses of the players when they bend (I do, but that's not how I knew it. I'm a big fan of all the professional teams). So, off we went. Robbie looked at ease when we went in, and we were able to get a booth. Jeff was working and came over. "HEY DUFF. How's it going?" He offered me his big hand and we shook. He looked at Robbie. "How you doing? I'm Jeff." "Steve. Nice to meet you." Steve tried the thing straight guys do with shaking hands. Jeff just smiled. I watched Jeff take down twelve wrist wrestlers in a row once. Steve didn't stand a chance, and he smiled. "Careful, Steve. I'm better, but Duff is a close second." "Let's have two cold ones, Jeff." "Coming up" was his answer. Robbie began looking around the place. There weren't too many people in it at that hour, but there, over in the corner, were two lumberjack bears, making out like it was Valentine's Day. When Robbie could pull his eyes from them, he looked around and saw the posters of all the professionals who had posed, shirtless, in briefs, even naked. He saw the rainbow flag over the bar. I saw him go pale, then get red. "Duff, this is a GAY bar. FUCK. I told you I didn't want to go to one." I shrugged my shoulders. "You picked. Don't worry. If you're gonna be a sub you won't get the choice." "FUCK THAT. I'm not staying here." He started to stand up. "SIT THE FUCK DOWN, ROBBIE!" I gave him his first order. I guess I scared him because I saw him sort of crumple up and sit down. "Drink your freakin' beer. And maybe we'll stay for a second one." Now, something happened when I gave him that order. There wasn't anything preventing Robbie from leaving, and if he HAD gotten up to go, I wouldn't have interfered. But he sat. Then, in an almost whisper he said, "I'm sorry I made a fuss like that." I sat back and smiled. "You know, a scene like that could get you punished by a DOM." Then I added "Robbie." "Punished? How?" He leaned forward. I think if I had put my foot on his crotch at that moment, I would've felt something like an iron rod. "Oh, it depends. Different DOMS have different approaches." "What would yours be, if you punished me for that?" His eyes were big, and he leaned forward more. "Well, I think that I'd keep it for in private, but a gag would certainly be in order. Maybe a little flogging, maybe some paddling on your balls, and definitely, definitely, edging.

"What's edging?" he asked. "HOKAY," I thought, and "The Education of the older, feral closet case" began. "That sounds hot," he said when I finished my explanation. I shrugged. "Depends. A good DOM can do it really well, a bad one can make it awful. " "I bet you do it well," he smiled. I felt him touch my foot with his, and I retracted mine. I shrugged my shoulders again. "I've had no complaints." We had finished our beers. "Wanna go?" I asked him. He gave me a smart-ass answer: "Do I have a choice?" I was ready for that. "Robbie," and he winced. I knew he would. "You may be on your way to being a sub, but you're not there, and you're certainly not MY sub. At this point, you have every choice in the world. He made a face. "Then why did you order me to sit down?" "To see if you would. To see if you're worth me spending my time with you." "Am I?" He cocked his head to the side. "I'm still trying to figure that out" I answered. "Maybe another round will help. Maybe some fries? I haven't eaten all day and they look good." I laughed. "Hey, you're the one who runs. If you can handle them, go for it. "He went for my foot a second time, and at one point his hand "accidentally" landed on mine. After our third round, I looked at my watch. "Listen up, Steve, this has been fun, but I got to get back home. I got a dog. She needs a walk so..." "I enjoyed this... Master Duff." I looked at him. "Yeah, you can use that. That's what I have subs call me." I sighed. "When I had one, he had to call me Sir or just Master, so Master Duff is fine." "Do you mind if I walk with you?" he asked. "At your pleasure. It's on the way to your place so it won't take you out of your way." I saw his face fall. He was expecting an invitation to come up. That wasn't happening. Not after a first date, and me under the influence of three pints. "Best stop at the men's before we head out," I smiled, left money on the table, and started to get up. "Wait. I can't let you pay for this," he said. I smiled. "You can get the next one." "You mean there'll be a next one?" I shrug my shoulders a lot and I shrugged them again. "You never know." So, we headed off to the john, and if it were possible to be more obvious, I don't know how he could've done it. The place was empty, and there were five urinals. He took the one right next to me and wasn't subtle about looking. When I kept my eyes down and said "between 7.5 and 8. Cut. Medium thickness," he reddened again. I live in a good building but it's not as fancy as Robbie's. He looked at it with, well, I don't know what his look was. It wasn't disappointment but it was more like an assessment. "Ok, curious str8 guy. Hope you're still curious." I held out my hand to give his a shake. He looked disappointed: did he expect a goodnight kiss? (Later, I found out he did. He thought he'd settle for that if I didn't invite him upstairs). "Could we meet again, Master Duff?" He asked. Honestly, this hot mess of a CONFUSED curious str8 guy who probably wasn't at all straight was intriguing (that's not the word I want to use, but you know what I'm talking about). "Yeah, we could. Maybe for dinner or something." "I'd like that. I'd also really like to kiss you goodnight," he finally said. I shook my head. "I don't kiss on the first date. And I don't go any further than a handshake. So, count your blessings and we'll be in touch during the week." I smiled and went up to Molly. "Hey girl. Would you like it if Daddy started having company again?" I asked her. She had jumped up on me and I had her front paws in that kind of dance we all do with big dogs. She needed dinner. She needed to pee. She needed attention. She got all of that. And I got my rocks off, thinking about what I'd be doing to Robbie eventually.

So, I could hear the vibrator running out of power, and I took another break to go in and check on my newbie sub in training. Robbie is even sexier when he's sweaty and while this wasn't sweat from one of his long runs, he was a bit wet all over. He squirms and struggles even though he knows by now, I tie a REAL good knot. The vibrator had done exactly what I wanted it to do: Robbie was even harder now than he was before, and his dick didn't have anything to rub against to help him get off. And, because I can be that way, I had roped him just above and just below his hips, so he couldn't arch his back.

"You have something to say, Robbie?" I asked and got a squeak for an answer. "OK, let's hear it." I took the bit gag out. He was almost whining. "Please Sir, please. I need you in me SO bad." I chuckled just before I opened a few buttons on his shirt. "Well, soon, Robbie, because I need to finish writing about how we met. I'm trying to let people know our story." I kissed him on his forehead and that just made him blow up -- exactly as I expected. "YOU CAN WRITE THE GODDAMN HISTORY OF MY SUBMISSION WHENEVER YOU WANT, BUT I NEED DICK NOW!" I folded my arms and shook my head. "That's REALLY not the way a good sub talks Robbie. Are we gonna have to make your training more intensive? " "IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA FUCK ME THEN LET ME UP!" "Oh, I'm planning to fuck you Robbie, but you're REALLY not ready yet, and your attitude: not nearly submissive enough, so..." He saw me pull out the butt plug -- the one I could send a jolt through from a distance. "NO! PLEASE. NOT THAT THING!" I had used it on him about a week before when we went to a club. Every now and then, I'd "stimulate" him and, since the club was a straight club, he was mortified. "And now, let's get your favorite gag." I was being sarcastic. Robbie hates duct tape because of the way I pull it away from his face when I'm done. I sealed his lips. "Just another half hour, babe. Then the dog walk. Then I promise, I'll give you the best fucking I've given you." I saw robbie's face. He wanted it. He wanted it SO badly. I went back to writing, even though I wanted it too. But I knew I was going to have it. Robbie didn't.

Now, to jump back to our beginnings, we made plans to have dinner in the middle of the week. When he texted me, Robbie wrote "Can we PLEASE have dinner at a straight restaurant?" I didn't bother to tell him that there really is no such thing, I just told him to pick a place. I reminded him that if or when he became a sub, he'd not get that kind of opportunity so he should exercise it now. About ten minutes later, he sent another text: "Master Duff, can we go back to your place after dinner?" I got hard thinking about that, but I wrote: "let's see how things go after we eat. Probably, but you never know. "He answered and I have to be honest, the answer is what convinced me that yeah, he was coming back: "I need to begin training, Master Duff. Could you teach me a few basics?" My answer? "I SAID we'll see." "OK" came back. (At the beginning, Robbie had to have the last word in everything. I've taken care of that). At some point I started calling Robbie "my closet peacock," because he dressed so well. He was already at the restaurant when I got there: he had on a beautiful light blue jacket, a very pale pink gingham shirt with two opened buttons, and a pair of cream-colored trousers. In this gay world, you learn to judge a smile as fake, genuine, forced, etc. Then you decide whether or not to go forward. His was genuine. We were on his turf, so a steady handshake was as far as we went. He learned that night that what Jeff had told him was true. My grip was strong. I smiled as I whispered, "Maybe I won't let your hand go unless you promise to follow my orders tonight." He looked directly into my eyes: "You don't have to squeeze my hand for me to do that." I let his hand go. "Baby steps. That comes later. Did you run today? How did it go?" I wanted to give him the opportunity to talk about himself. This time, when he moved his foot out and rested it on mine, I didn't move it back. I had to tell him a few times to slow down. Robbie was eating very, VERY fast, as if he were eager to get somewhere else (I wonder where). "If you have an upset stomach, Robbie, you're not gonna have a good time. By the way, how do you feel about me calling you Robbie?" "I Hate it. I freakin hate it. The school bullies called me that." "GOOD. I like tapping into that. So, what's your most sensitive body part?" He grinned. "I think I should let you discover that." I gave out a big sigh. "We could do it that way, but trust me, Robbie, I think tonight would be much more intense than you thought it would be if we do. You really should tell me because I'll find out." He paused. "Honestly, Master Duff, I don't know, but I think it's my lips." "Well, we have a place to start. Lips are good." "I'm sure we'll discover more you don't know about." I saw the look of anticipation and fear on his face. "Can we skip dessert Master Duff?" "I never eat dessert. My subs are usually sweet enough." He blushed. "Don't let that go to your head. I'm still thinking that there's more vinegar than sugar in you. We'll fix that." As we left, I put my hand on the back of his neck and he flinched. "RELAX. Or I'll slide it down to your ass." I SWEAR I heard a moan sneak out of him. "Ok. I'll try to relax, Master Duff." "I'll take the hand off the back of your neck, if you put your hands behind your back, as if you were tied up." "OH YES. YES. That sounds hot. Being taken back to your place as a prisoner. YEAH, I can get into that." (There was a lot of work to be done. There still is). "When we walk together, unless we're with Molly, you keep your hands there." "Molly?" he asked. "MY DOG, dope." He giggled. "I'm sorry. I forgot. When I'm nervous, facts go out of my head." "You're NERVOUS?" I asked, and he laughed "Well, yeah. I don't know what's gonna happen tonight." "Not as much as you might think, robbie. You're Robbie the newbie, and we have to take this slowly. Now, you should also point your chest out: get your nips against your shirt." "OOOOH. That sounds sexy, Master Duff." I had to admit walking home with this humpy businessman type, displayed so that the gay guys who walked by smiled, was very erotic. At one point, someone "WOOFED" us. "What does that mean, Master Duff?" I rolled my eyes, but I don't think he saw. "It means that the guy who walked past us is gay, and he thought you, me, or we, were hot." "Probably me. He looked more DOM than sub," I smacked robbie's ass. "I'm adding that to the list of things for which you need punishment." So, we got to my place, and I motioned for Robbie to take off his jacket and to go and find something to drink in the kitchen. I needed to tend to my girl: I'm usually not gone that long, and she was losing her mind over me finally being there, and someone else in the apartment. "Molly, this is Robbie. He may be around a lot, lady. "I winked. "And we may be borrowing your leash from time to time." I grinned at Robbie. "You'd put a leash on me?" "And a collar. But that's toward the future. For now, "I moved to the sofa, sitting in a corner. "Get on your knees in front of me. Put your hands behind your back." "Yes, Master Duff," he answered, getting up so quickly and so eagerly he almost tripped on his own feet. "Tits out." "Yes Master Duff." "Eyes down. Subs aren't their DOM's equals. They show submission." "I understand, Sir. I MEAN MASTER DUFF." I laughed. "I guess we're in session now, so you should call me SIR. "I licked my thumb and ran it over his lips. "How's that feel, sub boy?" "MMMMM. It feels good, Sir. " "Open your mouth. Let me see your tongue." He did what I told him. "Ok, close up again. I kept toying with his lips. I whispered "I bet you're dying to get kissed. "YES SIR. I AM. OH...." I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. He was struggling to keep his balance, and I was pleased with that. "Open your mouth. You know what Frenching is, don't you?" "Yes Sir. I've just never. MMMMPH" I shoved my tongue in and moved it around for a while. When was the last time I kissed a novice? I couldn't remember. It felt good. "You've never been the passive one?" "No, Sir." "Ha ha. Get used to it. I'll get back to that but for now, let's investigate another spot." I didn't unbutton his shirt, but I did squeeze his nips through the fabric. "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK SIR. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUCK." "New sensitive spot, huh?" "OH GOD YES SIR. You're making me drip." I looked at his pants. He was dripping a lot. "Know what I want you to do, Robbie? I want you to cum for me. I want to see you jerk off." He gulped. "Sir, I don't think I..." "I SAID JERK OFF." "YES SIR," he answered, and dropped his pants. He was so hard I knew he was close. "Catch the jizz with your hand. " "Yes Sir. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SIR. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" He almost missed he shot out so far, and he was sweating. "Now, open your shirt and rub that cum all over your chest." It looked like he had done that before, and when he was done, I said "Ok. You don't have an overnight bag, so that's gonna be it for session 1. Pull yourself together and Molly and I will walk to your building. "But Sir, you didn't cum?" I smiled. "You'll get to see me cum, in due course. Now fix yourself up." "YES SIR." He answered. I got Molly's leash, and we headed out. I surprised him by reaching out to take his hand. He pulled away, but I wouldn't let go. "You play with my foot, you expect this, boy." "Yes Sir. Sorry." I kissed him again in front of his building, and he didn't even resist. "Can I spend the weekend, Sir?" He asked. Again, I gave a "We'll see," before I headed home, knowing that he wasn't gonna leave my sight that weekend.

Well, my boy is ripe for the taking now. I can hear the moans. Got to take care of us. To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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