Gay stories

1,133 Gay Relationships stories

Stories about Continuing Adult Relationships

Dec 24, 2021

When You Get Your Hot Neighbors Mail

By Kieran McMullan

6.2K words

Oct 31, 2021

573 words

Oct 14, 2021


2.8K words

Oct 10, 2021

1.3K words

Sep 14, 2021

2 chapters

9.7K words

700+ views

Aug 29, 2021

20 chapters

75K words

Aug 3, 2021

3 chapters

10K words

Jul 26, 2021

10 chapters

12K words

Jul 24, 2021

1.4K words

Jul 23, 2021

1.2K words

May 23, 2021

2.5K words

Apr 17, 2021

1.6K words

Feb 28, 2021

1.5K words

Feb 16, 2021

10 chapters

12K words

Feb 13, 2021

1.1K words

Jan 11, 2021

9 chapters

28K words

Jan 3, 2021

1.9K words

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