Gay stories

4,130 Gay Adult Friends stories

Stories about Adult Friendships that become Relationships

Feb 18, 2005


Two Straight Guys, Beer, and a Cabin

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

3 chapters

7.2K words

Feb 16, 2005

1.5K words

Feb 16, 2005

5 chapters

12K words

Feb 12, 2005

2 chapters

4.4K words

Feb 5, 2005

3.3K words

Feb 3, 2005

3 chapters

19K words

Feb 3, 2005

1.5K words

Feb 2, 2005

2 chapters

12K words

Jan 30, 2005

11 chapters

31K words

Jan 30, 2005

12K words

100+ views

Jan 28, 2005

4.6K words

Jan 20, 2005

2.3K words

Jan 19, 2005

2.6K words

Jan 19, 2005

25 chapters

163K words

Jan 18, 2005

3 chapters

11K words

Jan 12, 2005

6 chapters

31K words

Jan 11, 2005

2 chapters

1.7K words

Jan 10, 2005

4 chapters

7.8K words

Jan 8, 2005

16 chapters

46K words

Jan 6, 2005

3.3K words

Jan 5, 2005

951 words

Jan 4, 2005

5.2K words

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